Recent content by SupremePain

  1. SupremePain

    Chav translator?

    From: Smithsp5 That made me burst out laughing. I could just imagine some skinny kid with a skull cap and a gold chain, shaking his fist and saying that.
  2. SupremePain

    kfc(notorious booth babe groper) goes to NVIDIA/EA Mega LAN *Pics*

    He's a fan. = WTF?! To the creator of that: Go kill yourself. = ROFL @ the nVidia dudes expression.
  3. SupremePain

    wanna learn japanese?

    Japanese? That's the people that run around with The Real OMFG l33tSamurai Tom Cruise, right? I thought they were just made up! They have a language too? :O I kid, I kid.
  4. SupremePain

    Happy Slapper gets slapped!

    uh, ive heard about this on the news, funny thing was that they broadcasted a shit load of the videos.... one of those times you wish you had yakety sax playing. But yup, happy slapping is sick and that guy got frickin' owned.
  5. SupremePain

    The Mandatory "What are you listening to now?" thread

    Queens of the Stoneage - Monsters In The Parasol
  6. SupremePain

    Greatest Rock Band Ever

    Behold the magic . Would be kinda sad if I knew the album had been on top of the UK charts for so long, and I knew the name of the album, but dident know the name of the band. Ofcourse it was Pink Floyd! :D
  7. SupremePain

    What is Meg and Jack White's relationship?

    Yes. Though i'd hit it.
  8. SupremePain

    Greatest Rock Band Ever

    I don't agree that Led Zeppelin never spiced it up. They had a great mix of Blues and Heavy Rock. The Wall was on top of the charts in the UK for 20 years or something. The Jimi Hendrix Experience Pearl Jam good ol' 90's action, but can hardly be compared to classic rock bands, neither can...
  9. SupremePain

    Greatest Rock Band Ever

    Pink Floyd or Led Zeppelin.
  10. SupremePain

    brand new garry mod!!!

    Hey, I am only telling you this, because I think it's a load of bollocks too, so don't have a go at me! Nudity is fun though.
  11. SupremePain

    Notice how many threads seem to go off topic?

    Kinda hawt though. Kinda. Well it's hot if you're turned on by tr0n.
  12. SupremePain

    If you could be anyone for one day who would you be?

    Myself. Yes, I am really that good. :naughty:
  13. SupremePain

    Warriors of The Apocalypse Interview

    Yeah, looks sweet..... though I don't think there should be energy weapons.
  14. SupremePain

    While My Guitar Gently Weeps On A Ukulele

    While My Ukulele Gently Weeps. I AM A RIOT. Very cool though, he has some skills.
  15. SupremePain

    You got owned!!

    Yes. :O