brand new garry mod!!!



Rumour Just Out The New Garry Mod Will Allow You To Strip People Of Their Clothes!!!
Personaly I Think That Thats Just Sick!!!
What Are Your Views?
I heard the next Garry's Mod would balance my checkbook and help me schedule appointments... is this true?
vegeta897 said:
Turn off the caps lock :rolleyes:
Technically, he has to do that everytime after he types the first letter of the word.

And no, it's not going to happen.
just check out and it tells you a few of the extras when you press garry's hl2 mod. there are some useless things, but it still helps to read it.
Off course it's not true, if you knew anything about models you'd know that the clothes are part of the model and you can't remove part of the model. Plus Valve didn't make naked skins. Unless Garry painstakenly modeled naked characters, I wouldn't put it past him but he'd have to take time off his favourite hobby (banning people)
hey i only tellin u this i fink it is a loada bolloks 2 so dont have a go at me!!!
D-MAN said:
hey i only tellin u this i fink it is a loada bolloks 2 so dont have a go at me!!!
Hey, I am only telling you this, because I think it's a load of bollocks too, so don't have a go at me!

Nudity is fun though.