If you could be anyone for one day who would you be?


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
1. george bush ...just so I can jump off the nearest bridge

2. Pampita ...I'd never leave the house

3. One of these guys ...just to experince what it means to be hopelessly stupid (I kid)
shit wrong forum ...how did that happen? I be dum today
1. Paris Hilton (I think I would eat all day to make her fat :D)

2. God (you said anyone :p)

3. yeah, somebody really hot, just like Pampita
this one is good :)

thank you omnipotent mods!

Nah really there are a lot of people I look up to but no one I really would like to be.
HunterSeeker said:

Nah really there are a lot of people I look up to but no one I really would like to be.

it's not serious ...be creative
Oooh crap, so many people.

1. Some fit girl. Monica Bellucci perhaps (Google it ;)).

2. Some amazing guitarist just to see what its like. Mick Thomson (I'll get flamed to hell for saying that...) or Slash.

3. Someone incredibly rich or intelligent. Or both. Stephen Hawking (that would be a good lesson in empathy) or Bill Gates.
Axyon said:
No problem, foolish mortal.

/me bows head out of respect and mumbles something about not being worthy

I can kill for you oh lord ...please ask me to kill for you

k back on topic

I'd like to be the guy that gets to apply body makeup on the swimsuit models :naughty:

"oh look I've missed a spot ...I'll have to start again"
Bill Gates would arrise the next day to find out he donated £100million to a cheeky little English lad named Simon (me).

Cpt Stern will awake the next day to find out he is the new chief spokesman for the Republican party and has been pictured in a major Canadian newspaper with him holding a "I support George W Bush and his Iraq War" placard.

Ritz will wake up the next day to find out she has joined a convent.

The most wonderful lady in the world will awake to find out she had a beautiful moonlit meal with me :eek: (If i am someone else and having dinner with me, who will me be?)
Shodan, I would like to be her, looking through every camera etc (oooh how voyueristic!)

The Hulk, I feel like throwing some cars around

Hattori Sensei, I wish I knew what he knows.

Arnie, I would walk up to everyone and say "See you at the party Richter, HA HA HA!"

Razor said:
Bill Gates would arrise the next day to find out he donated £100million to a cheeky little English lad named Simon (me).

No I am Simon, I would have the money.

Then I would be you, having dinner with you, which is weird and sort of homoerotic.
Just another thing to add to my list, a dead person, so I can see if there's an after-life.
Bill Gates, so I could make out a few checks to my alter-ego. :O

After that, maybe an alien, so then I could get specific proof of my own life and become famous (but not for long enough to get autopsied :D).
Razor said:
Cpt Stern will awake the next day to find out he is the new chief spokesman for the Republican party and has been pictured in a major Canadian newspaper with him holding a "I support George W Bush and his Iraq War" placard.


*sound of firearm being discharged followed by a Thud*
i'd like to be tom arnold for a day and see what it felt like to lead mchale's navy
i'd like to be my long lost and rich identical twin.

not only will i then be fabulously wealthy, but i'll still be me. :D
1) Some really hot girl :rolling:

2) George Bush and actually make the world a better place :p

3) Jesus, walking on water must be cool :E
Definitely Hugh Hefner. I'd find out how many girls he'd have in one evening before finally having that heart attack you would have expected from an eleventy-billion-year-old man.

Arnold Schwarzeneager. I'd run up to people, grab and shake them by the shoulders, and say "Geeit to ze choppah!"

How about coming back to life as Richard Nixon, then haunting GW, telling him God is a tree-hugging Democrat, and he'd better convert before it's too late!
Zarqawi and wreak havok amongst my own terrorist ranks, get as much info and names sent off to coalition forces as possible, before shooting myself in the head in public.
I'd like to be the first human who lived.

And maybe a really hot girl. :D
anyone? hmm, probably not a lot of people, except those who i share strong feelings with or feelings i'd like to experience... that's for sure
Hmm, this is a good question. I would probably be Sir Robert Burton or Theodore Roosevelt Jr.

Kenny Reed (he's a professional skater that travels around the world- he leads an awesome life)

Ron Jeremy- because 8 inches isn't cutting it any more

Keanu Reeves- so I could make millions off of holding the same exact facial expression for three hours at a time
Bill Gates.

Quick wire transfer, then when I quantum transport and occupy my own body once again. I'm the NEW Bill Gates.
Roh Mu Hyun.

So i can attack America with ROK troops. :p


George Bush

So i can attack China with US troops. It would be fun.
I'd be Expressionless Girl!

or maybe a hot lesbian with a hotter girlfriend. I've always wondered what a female orgasm feels like.
PickledGecko said:
I'd be Expressionless Girl!

or maybe a hot lesbian with a hotter girlfriend. I've always wondered what a female orgasm feels like.
It's just a myth.