Recent content by VortigauntLover

  1. V

    Aperture workers

    We really didn't go through that many areas of Aperture Science. There was probably no one in the areas...
  2. V

    Elderly or Young looking Vortigaunts?

    I honestly preferred the old one.
  3. V

    Will we be better off?

    Meh, the total destruction of the eco system and the destruction of most of Earth's infrastructure and cities is worse in the long run.
  4. V

    Pandemic II

    The one time I infected every country, they developed a successful vaccine! Only 3 billion dead :( (mostly in Africa, South America and Asia) Another time, I got every country in the Eastern Hemisphere but not one in the Western! And then there was that time that Japan was the only country that...
  5. V

    Will we be better off?

    That bigger threat was the Combine. There's not too much that can be worse then the Combine and not be unbeatable. The Combine have: Destroyed the forces of Earth in seven hours Killed about...4 billion humans (I'll assume 2.6 billion or so were killed in the Portal Storms) Turned...
  6. V

    Arena gamemode - the verdict?

    First, I must note that I have only played Alpine, and not the reworked versions of old maps. That said... It's pretty meh. The no respawning sucks (I could never get into Counter Strike) and the game is obviously not balanced for it. A team with three medics, heavy, two soldiers, and two pyros...
  7. V

    Will we be better off?

    It's not the deaths of 6.6 billion people that is the issue (The best number of humans on Earth, for the species and the planet, is about 1-2 billion, preferably gathered in certain areas so some areas could be left entirely to wildlife, like South America), it's the total destruction of all...
  8. V

    Will they try and end Portal 2 with a song?

    That would be awesome. :D
  9. V

    Will they try and end Portal 2 with a song?

    If they do, I could see it being an epic fail...but it could be as amazing as Still Alive.
  10. V

    New game mode: Superclass

    I think this would be cool. The Objective: Kill the Superclass, 5 times! The Superclass is played by only one player, and is always on Team Blue. It's exactly how it sounds. But the bonuses for the Superclass depend on the class. For example, Superclass Heavy gets six times as much...
  11. V

    Best rush class?

    I'd say Demoman, the Demo rush is terrifying.
  12. V


  13. V

    So is the medic supposed to be a Nazi?

    It's not like he is a random German character... He is a doctor. A psycho doctor. Which the Nazi Germans had many of. TF2 is in 1968. The Medic is German. The Medic looks 40ish to 50ish. He had many lines such as "I am the ubermench" that would imply him being a Nazi. It's not that big of an...
  14. V

    Engineer unlockables?

    Engineer will get the achievements second last or last, mark my words.
  15. V

    So do you like that they went the episodic way?

    Would you have preferred the episodes like they are, or Half-Life 3 (or Half-Life 2: Aftermath), with all 3 episodes combined, being released in 2009? Think about it. Personally, it makes me like the episodic idea A LOT more. No new Half-Life for 5 years? :flame: