Recent content by zul

  1. zul

    Did you like Goldeneye Facility? I liked Goldeneye Facility...

    man these maps look great and are really making me nastalgic *sniff* Keep up the good work guys
  2. zul

    Is it possible to increase ammo capacity?

    Create a .cfg file in your HL2 cfg folder with the commands in it and bind it to a key, because you need to reload the values each map. (e.g. name the file ammo.cfg and ingame type 'bind x "exec ammo.cfg"')
  3. zul

    Sewing terrain

    First of all the edges of the displacment brushes must meet at the same place (that means the SAME length) OR one has to end at the exact midpoint of another (that means one edge has to be exactly half the length of the other edge). So go into the 2D views and make sure the edges line up. If you...
  4. zul

    where are the prefabs???

    The problem with them having to be all models is that none of the stats or whatever (just started mapping sorry) for items like explosive barrels stay. So you have to type in the explosive radius and damage every time (which wouldnt be so bad if we knew what the original stats were).
  5. zul

    SMG with scope?

    the ability to shoot while using the suitzoom must have been taken out since the barricade bink was made.
  6. zul

    Got the Gunship to crash finally!

    its always blown to pieces with me :(
  7. zul

    Long Distance Fighting

    You gys could make your own script pretty easy. Just put alias "zoomin" "fov 50; bind c zoomout" alias "zoomout" "fov 75; bind c zoomin" zoomout into a cfg file like zoom.cfg, then in game type exec zoom.cfg. That should work - all you have to do after that is press c and you will zoom...
  8. zul

    Physics Sandbox Map

    All the ideas sound good, so, someone get building!! lol
  9. zul

    Slow Motion in HL2!

    The fov command makes the field of view bigger or smaller, so what i did was make it go from the default of 75 out to 90 gradually each frame to make it seem like you can see more while slowed down. For the fog i changed my start numbers to -1000 and my end numbers to 6500, and it looks much...
  10. zul

    Fun with turrets *Video*

    Hey that was pretty cool!
  11. zul

    Fog Color

    repost from general: fog_color #R #G #B - color of the fog in RGB, i.e. 'fog_color 255 0 0' for red fog_start # - where the fog starts in relation to the player. fog_end # - where the fog ends in relation to the player (where it becomes solid) The start/end values determin exactly the...
  12. zul

    Fog Color

    fog_color #R #G #B - color of the fog in RGB, i.e. 'fog_color 255 0 0' for red fog_start # - where the fog starts in relation to the player. fog_end # - where the fog ends in relation to the player (where it becomes solid) The start/end values determin exactly the distance the fog exists...
  13. zul

    To all those who hate Odysseus's interminable whining

    You idiot, he wants attention, i.e. people talking about him. Good job creating a thread all about him :rolleyes:
  14. zul

    Stalker in HL2?

    i think you guys are reading way too much into it :p
  15. zul

    Has this happened to anyone else?

    cool, i didnt know it did that! 2 play-throughs and both times it blew up for me :(