14 Year Old Conservative.

One look at his face and I can say, that's one of the reasons retroactive abortion should be legalized.
Why are so many youtube videos randomly appearing as not available.
I want to rip off his head and **** his haemorrhaging oesophagus.

He sounds like a pretty cool kid.
I remember seeing a video of a kid talking about a fight at his high-school. Lol.
God, what a pompous little kid. And why is he wearing lipstick?
That Republican 'pundit' is such an obnoxious little twat.
What can you expect from 14 year olds. Nothing but a crapload of nothing. Have of the friggin words they say are friggin imitation cusswords. Oh wait. crap.
He's only obnoxious to you guys because he's not a liberal. His voice isn't even that annoying - HE'S FRAGGING 14 you expect him to be Morgan Freeman? My voice was hella annoying at that age. I have hardly a doubt in my mind that if he was up there on CNN as a democrat nobody here would be talking crap about him being obnoxious, pompous, or annoying.

Frankly I think that's a gift to be that engaged at 14, authoring books, being able to speak about his conservatism in a pretty eloquent, professional fashion, regardless of his conservative background.
It's a gift being squandered in the most tragic, disturbing, and vile way possible, if it's a gift.

I was one intelligent little 14 year old, to the extent where I could probably have successfully argued with that kid (although I certainly lack his level of application/dedication to being a ****head), but that doesn't change the fact that I was a complete moron at that age anyway.
Even if you give him the credit of only being 14 nothing he said was groundbreaking, insightful or intelligent.

Although his public speaking is far better than mine when I was 14.
He's only obnoxious to you guys because he's not a liberal.
Did you miss people's reactions to this:
My god, he's annoying. Could be worse, though.

Next claim of right-wing victimisation please!

And yeah, he's an impressively confident public speaker for his age (read: obnoxious little ****), but he said NOTHING other than 'conservatism=lovely virtuous small government, librurls=abuse of power'.
This kid strikes me as annoying, and I'm only fifteen...
Did you miss people's reactions to this:Next claim of right-wing victimisation please! And yeah, he's an impressively confident public speaker for his age (read: obnoxious little ****), but he said NOTHING other than 'conservatism=lovely virtuous small government, librurls=abuse of power'.

Come on, there's no comparison between the two kids' level of political efficacy. The reasons the Obama kid isn't writing books or appearing on CNN are apparent.

I'm also not giving the conservative kid praise because of the vast amount of substance in what he said. I'm just going to hypothesize that there's a little more substance in his book than the minutes he had while being interviewed on CNN. I'm primarily thoroughly impressed with the level of professionalism the republican kid had, the fact that people have taken him seriously enough to the point that he'd write a book - this is just speculation, here - and that he had a speaker slot at CPAC. The fact that a national conference would put itself in jeopardy by putting some 14 year old up in front of a microphone for the nation to see says a lot.

All I'm saying is that if that kid in particular, not some Obama fanboy making a show on youtube, was liberal there would be far less insubstantial insults on this thread (i.e. obnoxious, he should have been aborted).
He's only obnoxious to you guys because he's not a liberal.

Oh, hello, it looks like you've made a very presumptuous claim! Good work, chap.

If the kid was 'liberal', I'd still find his attitude, voice, and lips incredibly annoying.
Sure, I admit I exuded a level of presumptuousness. That doesn't mean I have to believe that the otherwise is true for many people here.

As far as what you deem obnoxious about him, I say he has a great attitude. My sense after watching him talk was that I felt that he genuinely cares: cares about his beliefs, cares about the political process, and cares that people ought to care at a young age.

If you don't like his lips, that's a personal problem.
Hes a pompous sounding d-bag, no matter what hes saying.

*EDIT* wtf, image tags aren't working?
Image tags haven't work in Politics during the last three years, Pitz.
So will every one else, because of the laughing gas we are poisoning ourselves with.