20 Minute Video Demonstration Of Elderscrolls 4: Oblivion!

I'd love the ability to use Striders, and actually SEE yourself travel, as an option, you know what I mean?
I loved the tram ride in the beginning of HL1.:)
actually now that I think about it the game seems a bit more dumbed down. With the fast travel system it takes a LOT out of the game IMO. No more hours of wandering and exploring the virtual world. And how quickly he was able to kill those monsters looks kinda weird as well.
Gargantou said:
I'd love the ability to use Striders, and actually SEE yourself travel, as an option, you know what I mean?
I loved the tram ride in the beginning of HL1.:)

exactly what I was thinking, but It would probobly lag and stutter from loading... but I reckon it could be done
Zeus said:
actually now that I think about it the game seems a bit more dumbed down. With the fast travel system it takes a LOT out of the game IMO. No more hours of wandering and exploring the virtual world.
The fast travel is just an option. You can still wander around as much as you like, but if you are in a bit of a hurry, the fast travel option is nice to have.

Personally, I can't wait to wander from city to country to dungeon to city, etc. That sort of vast explorable world really helps in immersing the player in a believable world. This game is going to be great :E.
Zeus said:
actually now that I think about it the game seems a bit more dumbed down. With the fast travel system it takes a LOT out of the game IMO. No more hours of wandering and exploring the virtual world.

From what I understood, you don't have to use fast travel if you don't want to. Personally, if I'm ever lucky enough to own this game I reckon I'll be walking every inch of the way, unless there's something I need to complete in half an hour because I don't have much time to play, or whatever. That seems to be the best way to use this feature, although casual gamers after a quick blast, who don't care that they're not getting the most out of the game will benefit too, i guess.

edit- VoS beat mez to it...
Alright, here's a two part question. First of all, why did/does Morrowind run like crap on every computer? My PC ran HL2 almost perfectly on high settings, but Morrowind still stutters slightly if I max out the settings. Was it just badly coded or what?
My second question is this. Does anybody know if Bethesda has learned any lessons from that and made Oblivion smoother? If Morrowind is still challenging our modern systems on the highest settings and Oblivion follows in its footsteps, that means that PC owners won't be playing Oblivion on its highest settings for about 5 or 6 years. Any insight on this?
Well the only way I can see Fast travel coming in handy is because the time line (like big battles like in the video) might kind of... change if you didn't get there.

Like the daedra could take over the stronghold if you didn't fast travel or run really fast.

That would be cool :D
Alright, here's a two part question. First of all, why did/does Morrowind run like crap on every computer? My PC ran HL2 almost perfectly on high settings, but Morrowind still stutters slightly if I max out the settings. Was it just badly coded or what?
It's how Morrowinded rendered things. It rendered things that you never saw, taht you couldn't see and it was a huge performance hit.

My second question is this. Does anybody know if Bethesda has learned any lessons from that and made Oblivion smoother? If Morrowind is still challenging our modern systems on the highest settings and Oblivion follows in its footsteps, that means that PC owners won't be playing Oblivion on its highest settings for about 5 or 6 years. Any insight on this?
Bethesda is now up on times, much better on times infact. No need to worry, there will also be tons of things to turn down and tweak(they said so).
dekstar said:
Well the only way I can see Fast travel coming in handy is because the time line (like big battles like in the video) might kind of... change if you didn't get there.

Like the daedra could take over the stronghold if you didn't fast travel or run really fast.

That would be cool :D

Hmm, the way I understood it was that it still takes a fair bit of game time to get there even if you use Fast Travel, you just don't see any of it. Could be wrong though, after all I've not even played a TES game.
Meh... Bethesda is still lacking in the Character Animation department... character movment has always looked choppy/unnatural in the Elder Scrolls games.
WhiteZero said:
Meh... Bethesda is still lacking in the Character Animation department... character movment has always looked choppy/unnatural in the Elder Scrolls games.
i take it as a tradeoff for having a huge, incredibly detailed world
The character movement may has been fixed, don't overlook what Axyon posted.
"It may have been mentioned in the thread already, but this is actually a build from E3. They've had months of improvements to make, and a newer build should be revealed at Microsoft's X05 event in a couple of days - it'll show the X360 version, but the two are practically the same anyway."
My hopes for this game were through the roof before this video, and now that I watched it I think I will literally explode, implode, spontaneously combust, and then turn into a raging monkey with bananna guns if they dont hit their christmas release.
What a shame that would be because you would never get to play it, thus wasting your death in the first place.

I really hope that this won't have bugs similar to those that plague Morrowind because that's the main reason that I didn't buy it.

Edit: Is the 1.2GB video worth the download?
There were bugs in morrowind? they must've been on holiday when I spent a year playing through it. And i'm especially picky when it comes to buggy games.
There were bugs in morrowind? they must've been on holiday when I spent a year playing through it. And i'm especially picky when it comes to buggy games.
Heh, first release for the Xbox version....heh...had to re-release it as you couldn't complete it. I think Vivec was missing lol.

About the pc version there are a few, not any really big ones. Some bad text in journals and stuff. Various mods fix most of the bugs though(Going down to the last piece of text)

I've never played Elder's scrolls what would i expect in this game.?
Wow thats gotta suck. Anyway,
Morrowind was a massive world. You could follow the main storyline, do side quests, or do whatever the hell you wanted. You can travel wherever, do whatever, whenever, you feel like it. If you want to call desturction to a town, get good enough and do it. Kill everyone! But basically, you can do anything you want, follow a side quest(and you can go off from that side quest at any time). Basically it is the most open ended single player game you will ever play.
Now with Oblivion add Radiant AI, breathtaking world, and bethesda's amazing touch...and we have a game that makes you:
"literally explode, implode, spontaneously combust, and then turn into a raging monkey with bananna guns"
How do I run the the 1.2GB iso file, apart from burning it to dvd? I got the correct file right?
ah i see, CONSOLE version bugs. Shoulda bought a real computer then.
JellyWorld said:
How do I run the the 1.2GB iso file, apart from burning it to dvd? I got the correct file right?

Open it with Daemon Tools or Alcohol. You don't need to burn it, just mount it.
The 1.2 GB clip is just a high def version of the E3 trailer, not the 20 minute demo that just came out, like I had previously thought and hoped ;(.

That said, the HD trailer is well worth the download because it looks fuggin beautiful fullscreen! And its just a zipped .avi file, so you don't have to do anything crazy with it like burn it to a dvd...unless you want to check it out on your HDTV--it looks just fine on the monitor where my actual game will be in a few months :E .
wow....those forests....the trees....the deer...wow

im so pumped :thumbs:
For the person that was worrying about how the PC was able to kill the monsters so easily the developers have stated that over on their forums that their PC had something like 10000hp and had its stats pumped to allow the demo go smoothly, ie so they didn't die.

MF-Boltress said:
Looks amazing. I will buy it once I upgrade. Poor ole putter can't even run FEAR.

I believe its the engine FEAR is running on. From what I believe, a mid range comp will be able to run this because Bethesda has been careful by applying many optimization programming in the background.

As for the video, I knew the game would be pretty, but not that pretty, the age and winkle system seems to be the best next-gen tech available :D
I can run FEAR at the most extreme minimum settings and still only get about 10fps. :|
Blue2 said:
For the person that was worrying about how the PC was able to kill the monsters so easily the developers have stated that over on their forums that their PC had something like 10000hp and had its stats pumped to allow the demo go smoothly, ie so they didn't die.


thanks man I was worried about this but now thats one less concern about buying...its about time to pre-order :D
WhiteZero said:
Just who do you think you are exactly?
I dont appreciate the Thought Police here.
I'm expressing my opinion on what MODing means to me.

Watch ur tounge from now on, little guy.
How about you waddle back to the Music forum, eh?
kuso gaki...

Ok, first off, don't even start acting like you can tell me what I can and can't say on these forums. You said something completely misinformed and wrong, and I thought it was in my best interest to correct you.

Modding isn't something that means different things to different people. Modding refers to modifying original game content in any way, which includes every single mod ever released for Morrowind. This isn't up for dispute, it's straightforward and accepted by everyone with a morsel of brain activity. You may prefer mods that modify more than graphics or items, but to claim they're not mods is ignorant and, to be honest, stupid.

No, I won't watch my tongue. I'll continue to correct you, or anyone for that matter, than spouts uninformed prejudgemental bullshit. From what I've seen so far, this could be a quite regular thing from you.

And where do you get off calling me little guy? Because my post count isn't quadruple-digits? You and your elitist, unwarranted arrogance is whats wrong with these forums.
Nicely said. But on ANY forum, every minute is noob o'clock - not just this one.

deathevader - if es4 is running the FEAR engine then we're talking high end systems only, not mid range. Mine is a 3200+ with 1gb of memory and a gainward 6800 ultra gs, and FEAR moves as fast as a slug nailed to a plank.
CR0M said:
Nicely said. But on ANY forum, every minute is noob o'clock - not just this one.

deathevader - if es4 is running the FEAR engine then we're talking high end systems only, not mid range. Mine is a 3200+ with 1gb of memory and a gainward 6800 ultra gs, and FEAR moves as fast as a slug nailed to a plank.

ES4 and FEAR are running on different engines, I was just comparing the two.

I was making the fact that ES4 have got optimization software running in the background such as speedtree and such to keep the game running at an optimal level without losing the prettiness factor. Unfortunately we all can't say the same about FEAR, but you can run it on a 6800 if you disable volumetric lighting pretty well. It works okay on a 6600GT :D
As far as what kind of computer you'll need to run ES4 the developers put up a poll concerning video cards a little while ago, its down now but they were referring to mid/low end as 9800's and high end as 6800's, but they have been saying nothing about actual computer specs needed. I would suspect that you could "run" the game with a less then optimum PC but it just wouldn't look the same as running it on a high end PC or 360. They have said that if you have a 360 you can run the game at the highest settings. BTW ES4 is playable right now at X05 and it sounds like people are having a fairly positive experience with it so far, well as far as they'll let people play it.
