56k + Steam?

Aug 18, 2003
Reaction score
I don't mean any disrespect, but if you don't like steam because it is basically saying, "We are valve and we don't care about you." Tough!! Steam will end up being an excellent cheat deterent in the near future, and awesome for game updates. From what I have witnessed with Steam it is turning out very nicely. 56k will have to put up with it! =D
Hmmm.. I'm on 56k. I don't quite remember, but I think that somewhere in some interview that STEAM would work quite well with 56k(ie: multiplayer games like cs and tfc). Just don't expect to be downloading massive amounts of information from steam though. The most important thing for me is that STEAM works relativly decent when I want to play half life 2 online. Otherwise, I like STEAM.
Obviously you can't download games with a 56k. But you can buy them in the store so it doesn't matter. Steam will work just as well as well as Won when playing online.
"Obviously you can't download games with a 56k." I am on DSL since June and I have downloaded alot of games before, with my 56k, including ISOs. You just need to be patient, I was downloading the night and playing during the day :) Of course I had unlimited hours but... it worked fine with steam too... So I think it will be possible to use Steam 1.0 with a 56k.
Yeah, but it'll still just be a whole lot easier to get them in the store. :)
Com'on people!!! Use your head.. Steam does work with 56k, but it's 56k!! Hello?!!!

YOu're talking about d/l'ing entire games, and hundred's of mb in patches, it's going to take a long time to download that on 56k!! DUH!!! You're stupid for expecting it to be light speed!
I didn't mean it doesn't work, but obviously it will be alot worse for people with 56k. Get with the times 56kers =D j/p
Gman do you get off on stating the obvious facts? or is it some sort of game?
of course it'll take long with 56k. I once had to download Quake 3 and Bid for Power with 56k, and I survived. But that's life I guess :hmph:
Well some people here seem to think because they're on 56k and it's going slow that steam/valve is a PoS... I just stated the obvious, as you have noticed. Which I thank you for pointing it out. :D
I'm on 56K, I just CANNOT justify 80$ a month for cable...
$80 per month is a bit steep...

I get road runner cable at home for $35 a month (after $10 USF student discount).
My download speed peaks at around 300KB/s and upload speed is around 48KB/s... and there is no monthly cap on total bandwidth usage.

That was actually a drop in price compared to what were were being charged for a dialup ISP and a second phone line that would only get up to 26.4Kb/s.