A few questions



1st i am having alot of difficulty with water... i think i have narrowed it down to the nodraw texture (what i believe is happening is it is also not allowing anything it touches to be drawn... ie the floor and walls)

1st quesiton is: should the nodraw brush be allowed to touch any of the other brushes

2nd question shall pertain to ropes... its a pretty simple question which may seem a bit "pathetic" to some... basically i am making lines going from each light and well the tutorial says to clone the keyframe rope and put it to the next point you want it and the rope shall just continue to it

2nd question: how do you "clone" i have tried copy and paste but that doesnt work

3rd question is about light models... all i want to know is if i can actually make props emit light (ie: i have a prop of a wall light and i wanted to know how to make it actually emit light instead of just making a light entity around it)

if you guys can help my elementary questions i shall thank you with more questions and some gratitude
No draw textured things are still going to divide geometry, which is bad. But other than that I don't see why not.

Cloning you can select something, then hold shift while you drag it away and release the click before releaseing shift. A new copy of what ever was selected will be where you dragged it to.

You need to use lights, models don't emit light.

Anyone feel free to correct me.
my hammer utility tends to fail alot when i try to carve things out, has anyone else been experiencing this?
Carving should be used with the most simple of brush shapes. Usually its just easier to vertex manip something into a shape rather than carving.

Also, never never never never never never never never never never try carving with more than 1 brush selected. This will cause the .bsp to go completely crazy and the only fix I've found is to open it up in a text editor and delete the resulting brushes. One time I did this and it caused a roughly 1 mb map to jump up to like 6 mb and took forever for Hammer to load it and function after it was loaded.