A rather interesting quotes you will find, shall we say 'interesting'

May 15, 2003
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Origianlly found in PCGamer "Team Fotress 2, which is presumably still in hiding, despite us being shown a nearly finished version some 18 months ago."

OK, nothing strange there you think, just magazine commenting on TF2's abscence....well that's until you hear Valve's reasons for not showing TF2 at E3:

Origianlly found in PCGamer "We chose not to show TF2 at E3 since we did not want people to confuse it with HL2's plot"

(I may have misquoted slightly, but not majorly)

OK, methinks there is something slightly fishy about this......
Editing starting post's are annoying >:[
sorry, but there was more to add, and i think it explains my conspiracy theory better! soz :(
whats so conspiring about it??
it just confirms that TF2 will be a standalone game.... and now im speculating that it is a game about some sort of militart service.... maybe for a character from HL..... possibly..... that would be cool....... aswell as just one AMAZING online experience. hopefully there will be a singleplayer aspect.

what i cant wait for with HL2, mods and TF2 is the supposedly HUGELY improved netcode....... HL currently has some of the best netcode ive played on/experienced so this should be brilliant :)

It was a joke......it just seems to put to rest some of the wild theories that have been circulating around these here forums. Yes I hope it does have a Single Player aspect....but I think it is linked to the plot of HL2 in some way, not quite sure how...ah well
I can't really see Valve combining TF2 with the Half Life 2 story. I think what they meant was that they did not want people to think that TF2 had a plot that went with HL2. Although that does seem like a lame excuse to not show TF2. I agree, something is fishy
The games really don't fit together thematically: it would be like putting two completely different games in the same box for an initial retail release. It would confuse consumers and limit Valve's range.
Originally posted by mrBadger
It was a joke......it just seems to put to rest some of the wild theories that have been circulating around these here forums. Yes I hope it does have a Single Player aspect....but I think it is linked to the plot of HL2 in some way, not quite sure how...ah well

Single player for TF2? I don't see that happening. I mean they could have a training/practice mission or something, but nothing more than that.

95% of what made TFC a great game was the human interaction. If they add single player missions, nobody is going to play them, IMO.
Originally posted by The Mullinator
I can't really see Valve combining TF2 with the Half Life 2 story. I think what they meant was that they did not want people to think that TF2 had a plot that went with HL2. Although that does seem like a lame excuse to not show TF2. I agree, something is fishy
my point exactly...
"We chose not to show TF2 at E3 since we did not want people to confuse it with HL2's plot"

I think one of two things were meant here. Either Valve didn't want people thinking that TF2 had some relation to the Half-Life storyline (exactly what has happened in this forum), or Valve didn't want the press getting distracted by two releases. I seem to remember other quotes from Gabe that gave the latter as the reason why they were delaying the TF2 announcement until later in the summer.

This is just a straightforward rule of PR. The press needs to be fed a "story" and each story has a certain shelflife (or half-life). :E Announcing both HL2 and TF2 at the same time would have meant splitting the press coverage between two Valve products. Announcing TF2 once the intial HL2 buzz has died down means that Valve get another story and another round of press coverage, with no distractions.
I dont like you :borg: Thats right you.

Actually i don't really know you. You seem funny but not the kind of person i would want around my children, or my cat or in-fact anything related to me in anyway.
Originally posted by djkanuk
I think one of two things were meant here. Either Valve didn't want people thinking that TF2 had some relation to the Half-Life storyline (exactly what has happened in this forum), or Valve didn't want the press getting distracted by two releases. I seem to remember other quotes from Gabe that gave the latter as the reason why they were delaying the TF2 announcement until later in the summer.

This is just a straightforward rule of PR. The press needs to be fed a "story" and each story has a certain shelflife (or half-life). :E Announcing both HL2 and TF2 at the same time would have meant splitting the press coverage between two Valve products. Announcing TF2 once the intial HL2 buzz has died down means that Valve get another story and another round of press coverage, with no distractions.

Yes, that's exactly correct. The press had enough trouble digesting HL2 by itself. For example, one newspaper said city 17 had old buildings as well as modern skyscrapers (under the citadel screenshot) .. LOL
can't wait to find out how golden ended up in city 17. And the scientists aren't dead after 15 years have passed. :eek:
Dear fellow friendly dudes,
People like Valved Ray only spout off because they're in desperate need of attention. Instead of responding, or sinking to their level, just ignore them. They'll lose interest, and there will be more useful posts, instead of stupid flamewars, on our friendly forums.

I think that what Valve meant by saying that they didn't want people to mix up the stories was, that they didn't want people to mix up the press release stories of HL2 and TF2, to avoid that people should think that they were related(other than same devopers) or that TF2 would ship with HL2...quite obviously it didn't work that way :P
wow make a big deal about nothing, and you think im seeking attention...
Originally posted by ValVed RaY
wow make a big deal about nothing, and you think im seeking attention...

Yes I do, you have a tendency to make random and pointless remarks, the worst in this thread being "interesting"

The thing I found most interesting is the fact the game (TF2) was supposedly nearly finished 18month ago, why the delay? Have I missed something?
oooooo you just got told valved ray....burn!!!
Originally posted by King_Jay
The thing I found most interesting is the fact the game (TF2) was supposedly nearly finished 18month ago, why the delay? Have I missed something?

Well considering the Source engine was finished in 2002....it's not suprising.....heres another rumour that might catch your eye (this time, I'm not sure if it is hyperbole, but still worth a look)

Originally found in an online newsletter
"Apparently Vavle's Half-Life 2 propriety engine was capable of Unreal Warfare-grade graphics two years ago, and on a much wider range of machines"

TF2 will be released with HL2. That's what I've heard.
Oh really? Ive heard that JFK was really killed by tiny PINK men from Venus.......i hear alot..................
for what wo't be the last time.....TF2 is not going to be shipped with HL2. I refer you to the email Gabe Newall sent to Tokin.....
Originally posted by Tull91
Oh really? Ive heard that JFK was really killed by tiny PINK men from Venus.......i hear alot..................

Dont be stupid.
Only women come from Venus.
Men come from Mars.
At least thats what the book says on its cover.
Yes, thats what bugged me...how could pink men from Venus kill him when men come from Mars?
Yes, thats what bugged me...how could pink men from Venus kill him when men come from Mars?
If your a man and have a sex change, then you go to Venus (duh!). I thought everyone knew that. :rolling:
Originally posted by A.A
TF2 will be released with HL2. That's what I've heard.
from whom i would like to know first
second thing i would do is give them the death stare for being gay fake informers
after that i'd like to know why you believe this fag, because there isn't any official staments or quotes that tf2 will be a part of hl2.
as it stands tf2 will be a standalone game, just in case you don't know what that means, IT DOESN'T COME WITH HALF LIFE 2 AND ITS NOT FREE FAG.
Originally posted by ValVed RaY
from whom i would like to know first
second thing i would do is give them the death stare for being gay fake informers
after that i'd like to know why you believe this fag, because there isn't any official staments or quotes that tf2 will be a part of hl2.
as it stands tf2 will be a standalone game, just in case you don't know what that means, IT DOESN'T COME WITH HALF LIFE 2 AND ITS NOT FREE FAG.

Wooow..someone is a little kinky today.
PCGamer if my memory doesn't fail me.
Fake informers? Did I say that i was shure it would come out with HL2? I said it was what I've have heard, but never that I was sure about it.
And this is such a silly thing to fight about.
Do you have any official statements that it DOESN'T come out with HL2 then? If you are so right, then please show me something to prove that you are instead of acting like a baby.

I checked again in the PCG, and it seems that my own statement was wrong. It says that Valve are going to ship it as a game of it's own.
But then, it would be buying a MOD, just look at the "expansions" for The Sims (HATE IT!). But maybe it's worth it.
it's not an expansion you morron
it's a standalone game, yes your wrong again.
btw the sims are gay and so are you
Oh my god nietzsche, thank you so much! No more of Ray for me! Weeeee
Originally posted by ValVed RaY
it's not an expansion you morron
it's a standalone game, yes your wrong again.
btw the sims are gay and so are you

I never said it was, did I? Please look again.
I came to that conclusion yes, but that could change, couldn't it?
That's why I wrote "(HATE IT!)". Did you go through elementary school? Or are you still in it?

(sorry for any bad spelling, my english isn't perfect)
At any rate, if it will be sold at stores, are you guys gonna buy it or not?
Originally posted by nietzsche
If people are insulted on this forum, they should do themselves a favour and go to <Edit Options> -> <Edit Ignore List> and put the name of the kiddie troll on the list there.

I just did it myself and i'm so glad that vBulletin has a feature like this.

I'd rather face the problem then run from it. And it's always some fun with all the nonsence and childish insults he's writing.
Originally posted by Mr.Reak
At any rate, if it will be sold at stores, are you guys gonna buy it or not?

I don't have broadband so, no. But maybe next year.
Originally posted by nietzsche
I have to prioritize what i spend my time on, there is enough to face in my life.

Trolls like him just aren't worth it.

You do that.

There are much worse things then trolls...like..hobbits! :devil:
The way you carry on ValVed RaY you won't be hearing from anyone again.

Edit - Looks like I'm psychic