Abrams Tank



Guys this started as a sketch and I want your opinion. I feel its missing something and I want someone to tell me what they think it is missing. I did everything by hand in PS including all of the shadows the only thing that I really used PS to generate was the rocks. Thanks guys
The contrast of the detailed rock and plain everything else doesn't really work for me. What's the background all about?
Do the tank at an angle instead of side on.

Keep to one style, mixed doesn't really work in most situations.

Throw in some kind of perspective (eg above suggestion with the tank at an angle to the viewer)



Dunno what the background is.
Thx guys I am going to add extra detail I was planning on it but thx for the suggestions. I sketched the tank side on on paper but i did the backround on PS but I know its not that good but it like a turn I guess and I kinda wanted to make it look like the tank was goin to go turn the corner but it didnt work well, anyway should I just keep one color for the backround? the solid blue? How do you guys think the color is? I tried to make the color of the shadow by hand instead of the burn and dodge tool but how do you think I did the shadow in general even though the backround sux? Oh and how is the tank in general? like in detail and stuff...thx guys
SearanoX said:
More detail is a must, and the rock really doesn't look nice. Also, decrease the size of the image. It's awkward when you have to scroll the page to see the whole thing. ;)
Agreed, i've blocked it now cause it screws up the whole page and its either that or ignore the thread completely.
sorry guys Ill take down the picture i know it sux and its really big but thx for all your feedback.

EDIT: It wont let me edit my first post...just ignore the thread
Not really my thing. But damn dude i cant even see it. The res is like 1600+
If you want to do drafted drawings I woud suggest you invest in some sort of CADD program. AutoDesk makes a number of different products ranging in price from believably-expensive to indentured-service-required.

It's really and investment if you want to do your own design though.

Those drafted drawings are excellent Ductorious, I'm going to use those whenever i draw guns ;)
Rofl, I had to scroll to the right jsut to post this quick reply.

I would say more detail, and I like the background, it looks like a car showroom.

It's really and investment if you want to do your own design though.


I remember that rifle! It was in the art thread ages ago! And someone accidentally reserected the thread quite recently too...:LOL: