Serious Sam 3 Design Analysis


Party Escort Bot
Aug 9, 2013
Reaction score

I want to show you something, but it is kinda embarassing for me, because I just started to talk in my videos xD
I really like talking about game design, so I want to make videos where I appreciate some niche games who do some things really well and explore why they are so good at it. Since my youtube channel is very unknown I thought I could also share it on these forums.

I appreciate every type of feedback, you don't have to be nice, if you think it's shit, just tell me. Especially give me feedback on my english and speaking skills please! :D

Why start with Serious Sam 3? It is one of the purest, most fleshed out, polished and well designed FPS in history IN MY OPINION. It is definitly not perfect though. But there is no other FPS with so many weapons and enemies where everything fits perfectly and goes hand in hand.

If you like the video or are interested about Serious Sam 3 in general, I also recommend watching the making of of Serious Sam 3 which you can watch for free on Youtube.
Nice analysis; agreed with everything. Perhaps a quick mention of level design would have been neat aswell, but as it stands, it's still a well done video.

EDIT: Actually, now that I'm thinking about it, would love to see more games analysed. What you've done is quick and comprehensive, and now I've started pondering about other games.
wow thank you! And I agree, I "forgot" level design for some reason, but in Serious Sam it's not a big deal anyway, BUT still worth mentioning, because Serious Sam 3 had a new approach to level design than previous SS.

For next time I thought about Dark Souls or Banner Saga. Obviously Valve games are great candidates, but about those I want to think later, when I know that I like doing these and they reach a certain quality.

Again thanks for the feedback, I wasn't sure if it's worth it doing these videos, because in the past I did them just for fun, but the amount of work I have to do increases with every video, so I thought about "quitting", but you gave me motivation :D