ACTA 2 has begun


Space Core
Jun 5, 2007
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Here we go again.
One of the worst parts of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) was its ridiculous secrecy, under which it was easy for negotiators and industry reps to see draft text, but impossible for the public to do so except through leaks. Thankfully, those leaks showed just how bad ACTA was going to be for the Internet, and public pressure helped remove the worst provisions.
Yeah, we literally have not learned since the last time.
Flynn helped to organize a "public interest briefing" that would take place at the hotel and be open to any TPP negotiators interested in hearing a different perspective. It was not to be:

The public interest briefing was booked last week and advertised to all delegations, including the host USTR [US Trade Representative]. An hour after the invitation was sent, we received a cancellation of our venue by the hotel. The cancelation by by Sophie Jones, Event Sales Manager, Sofitel Los Angeles stated:

“I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news but unfortunately we will not be able to move forward with your luncheon for Tuesday January 31st. It was brought to my attention that we have a confidential group in house and we will not be allowing any other groups in the meeting space that day. Again, my apologies for the late notice. Hopefully we can work together in the near future.”

After receiving the cancellation, members of an advocacy organization called the hotel and were able to book a room for a claimed private event not related to the TPP. Apparently only TPP-related events were banned from the hotel at the request of an unidentified party. USTR is serving as the host of this meeting.

The meeting did take place... at a restaurant across the street from the hotel. A later, two-hour conference was held at the USC Law School and is available for streaming. The whole episode sounds both petty and farcical on USTR's part, but the issues are deadly serious.

Once again, we'll have another SOPA thrown at us from under the table with no real process or oversight whatsoever. Do what you can to stop it, limited as you may be should you choose to do so.
Frog-boiling is all this ACTA, SOPA, PIPA, DMCA, and other alphabet soup laws are, all they ever have been, and all they ever will be. They exist to crimp our freedoms one bit at a time until we're so far gone that the only way out is to dismantle and destroy the system in which they operate.
This is the thing I was talking about. They can just try and try and try again until they succeed.
Do we really need to go out with forks,torches and axes like an angry mob chasing the witch,for them to realize they are WRONG???
I'll be the guy with the axe :D
Democracy really doesn't exist anywhere..
Frog-boiling is all this ACTA, SOPA, PIPA, DMCA, and other alphabet soup laws are, all they ever have been, and all they ever will be. They exist to crimp our freedoms one bit at a time until we're so far gone that the only way out is to dismantle and destroy the system in which they operate.

So is it time for Occupy or what?
We can shut down the site in protest.
