Advertising in Counter-Strike Servers?


Content Director
Aug 27, 2004
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I found an interesting article over at today. In it, Gamecloud claims that they received a confirmation from an Engage Rep. That they are running some advertising campaigns in a few Counter-Strike servers as well as other games.
This press release announces the launch of a new in-game ad provide called Engage that has already worked a deal with Subway restaurants to put in in-game ads for specific cities like San Francisco, Las Vegas and Sacramento. While the press release only states that the ads appeared in "the most popular online action game played among men 18 to 34", Gamecloud confirmed with an Engage spokesperson over the phone that the ads appeared in Counter-Strike game sessions.
Now, I’m not really sure if this is Valve’s doing or not, or if it is the companies themselves modifying files in the game to display these ads - This may very well be what is happening. A marketing ploy from outside companies. After I brought this article to Valve’s attention, they would like to get more information from the community on this. They’re asking for IP’s and/or hostnames of servers where you find these advertising campaigns running in. [br]We’ll be watching.[br]Update: MATT & Jigokunoinu have found links from Engage (1 2 3 4) that show these advertisments in action. If you are like me, you just see a white box at those links. So here's a compilation of images taken inside Counter-Strike: Source.
By the way, to specifically mention who from VALVe wants this information, Erik Johnson was the one who responded to this information.

If someone can point me toward an IP address or a hostname of a server running this, that would be helpful.

You can email him at [email protected] with the information he asked for; IP's/Hostnames of said servers.

Thank ya
I'd be interested to know where they stand legally - seeing as Valve have asked for IPs of servers I doubt they were asked for permission.

I don't mind in-game advertising when it's appropriate, like product placement (having billboard ads for Axe deodorant in Splinter Cell 3 for example was fine) but I can't see much room for non-intrusive Counter-Strike ads. Worse, as you're always online with it it'd be harder to stop any behaviour tracking (e.g. seeing how long you looked at each ad) which I'd wager would be unpopular. Uncool.
ZoFreX said:
I'd be interested to know where they stand legally - seeing as Valve have asked for IPs of servers I doubt they were asked for permission.

My thoughts as well.
Ads while you're gaming are just like Telle Marketing ringing up while you're having dinner.

It's rude annoying and a sign of ignorance from the companies that are advertising. {More so if they're someone like Subway, not related to Gaming at all}
evilsloth said:
{More so if they're someone like Subway, not related to Gaming at all}

But the demographic gamer is... A Jarred. :)
"While you're viciously slaughtering your opponents in a life-or-death struggle against World Terrorism, don't forget to stop and grab a sub! Subway, Eat Fresh!"
I can't help but think of that one scene from Happy Gilmore...
-smash- said:
But the demographic gamer is... A Jarred. :)

I'm not that tubby!

But back on topic.

Do many other games have side advertising, like non-in game?
Now I don't only have to worry about getting headshot, but now I have to repress hunger... stupid ads!
personally, I'm of the opnion that in-game ads are only appropriate when they don't distract from the general ambiance of the game. I think that the screencap of Splinter Cell was close to crossing the line, but the Half-Life cs_office screencap was *well* across the line. Crap like that needs to go away -- and fast.

The only time I've really found in-game advertising acceptable (and even applauded it a little) was in NFS:Underground. I found it neat to drive by the Burger King, etc because everything was designed to flow well together. This company seems to be trying to insert ads where they don't belong and were never intended in the first place.

Also, about Valve's response -- I really don't think that they approve if they're asking for IP's. If they approved and were on-board, they'd already know where and how to find these server, IMHO.
I've seen these before as well, it's annoying. They're nicely included as a texture in the actual game files. I even saw a Burger King one yesterday. I didn't think much of it, but now I've seen this and I'm starting to wonder.
Dark Nation said:
I've seen these before as well, it's annoying. They're nicely included as a texture in the actual game files. I even saw a Burger King one yesterday. I didn't think much of it, but now I've seen this and I'm starting to wonder.

Do you think you can locate the specific file? If it is even a physical file that is downloaded onto our harddrives?
This is the most depressing news I have heard in a while. I am hoping Valve will be the last company to bring advertising into games. And by last I mean never.
I'm sure every player on the server swarms to these spots and covers the ads with their own porno animations and Sniper Kitty sprays.
I'm a big fan of no ads in games no matter how well they fit in the game, once you start you won't see it stop.

However this is essentially playing on a public server that you aren't paying for, They just want to put some ads in to keep hosting games I suppose. It's not like you are forced to watch it since you can go on another server. However are they allowed to modify the code and or maps to allow these ads on there, I'd think no.
This was always inevitable. Marketers will soon be raping your mind in a new front of manipulation, games. We've had ads in the Fifa games and various others but to be able to update the adds with new deals and cheaper prices just takes you into a complete whore/sellout territory.

**** you capitalism die in a hole.
I rather have advertisments on the side of my car than on a TV.
I think it adds to the realism. I can't wait to blast some idiot staring at a samwich.
_Z_Ryuken said:
I think it adds to the realism. I can't wait to blast some idiot staring at a samwich.

Sounds like something i would do.... :(

I like Subway Subs, they are delicious, Plus if they change the price its even better.
Couldnt the server just apply it as a permanent spray/tag at the specified location?

If so the file will just be a .vtf/.vmf or whatever in the folder where sprays are cached.
i don't like this at all :|
as if we didn't have enough shit advertised in our faces we gotta put up with it in games? WOW.
i really hope this wasn't Valve's idea and hope they really come down hard on the people responsible for this.
Mani mod has those adverts too on servers using his mod i think but this is way out of line. muppets :devil:

I wholehearted you guys to follow suit. Arm yourselves with spray paint and let's do something about it, this shit is ridiculious. Later, I'm going to start a petition on or somewhere to make it illegal to advertise like that in games... SIGN IT!
losermeetsworld said:
Later, I'm going to start a petition on or somewhere to make it illegal to advertise like that in games... SIGN IT!

What a ridiculous thing to say.

You want a law passed that stops developers from having the option to add content, advertisements or not, to their own games? It'll take more than a petition...

If this is added without Valve's approval then it's probably already illegal though
If you profit from the usage of Valve games, then you need a commercial exploitation license, and a percentage of your revenue goes to Valve.

So these people are either going to have to stop replacing the textures with ads, or pony up to Valve :)
I'd aprove of in game advertising it if I got the game for free.
This has been going on for years. I remember seeing ads in CS 1.5 maps. They are more or less sprays set by the server instead of a player, and there's not a lot anyone can do about it without blocking the whole spray system (cl_downloadfilter none).
Isn't it completely up to the server admins? Could be a nice way to pay for the costs of running a server. Spray painting subways stores won't do a damn thing. Online petitions won't do a damn thing.

I really don't get what all the fuss is about... If you don't like it.. switch server. Or, get a large spray, and spray over it.

If the ads are done well, I have no problem with it. Would rather have a Coke vending machine in a game than a "Happy Time Cola" or something. As long as the character the doesn't go "man, I really need to cool my thirst with a refreshing Coke-Cola Classic. Emmmmmm That sure did hit the spot"... Everyone want games to be more real. What about having REAL products in a game. As long as they then don't go out of there way to push the product onto you.

It can work out well, if done right.

And whoever that was who did the spray painting... You're a moron.
It isn't Valve, since this is on a per-server basis. This is server owners looking to turn a profit. Just boycott their servers, they'll get the message. -or go in and cover the add with a spray of goatse or something...