After about 2 hours playtime, first crash ...


Sep 18, 2003
Reaction score
Well, the crash goes like this: -

You're happily playing the game, when it freezes - and any sound that is playing at the time loops constantly, whilst hard-drive activity goes crazy. And just to make things even better, you can't quit to windows or anything - System just hangs and forces a restart.

Anyone else suffered one of these?
i had one it was like "oh im crashing now so hard that im even gonna reboot! pwnd"
just once though.
I always get one after like 2 minutes of gameplay. Killed TF2 for me.

If you play in window mode though, you can close the game after it's crashed.
Try dropping all your video settings and see if that fixes it apocalypse. Did for me, I had the same issue. Put em all on low and try it.
Well, the crash goes like this: -

You're happily playing the game, when it freezes - and any sound that is playing at the time loops constantly, whilst hard-drive activity goes crazy. And just to make things even better, you can't quit to windows or anything - System just hangs and forces a restart.

Anyone else suffered one of these?

I had your exact problem.
Try dropping all your video settings and see if that fixes it apocalypse. Did for me, I had the same issue. Put em all on low and try it.

I've already dropped the DirectX level to 8.1, which makes the game play much smoother(while still looking pretty damn good), but doesn't prevent the crash. I'll try lowering all the settings later when I have the time.

I just hope I don't have this same problem with Ep. 2 and Portal...
My guess is there will be a hotfix from our video card companies or something. Or since it is beta, they will fix it by release.
Just to make things clear, what video card do you have? Mine is a Geforce 6200...not exactly top-end, but runs Source games decently until this whole crash problem surfaced.
This game is more like an official release...this is the most near perfect beta release (In My opinion) I have ever been apart of..0 crash 0 lag smooth gameplay...I do play on a superior computer lots of ram big cpu and such..mabey step up your game a little...when you have a 5,6,7 serious video card and just 2 gigs that might have worked a year ago but the games out now and comming out in november require a step up...! If your PC is not up to snuff dont complain...Like trying to bag groceries with no arms...there not gonna patch the game to make it playable for OLD Equipment!!! No offense guys..Just my thoughts!
superior to what? Ive got no lag and smooth gameplay, the game runs fine till it crashes ... its a software fault, suspecting either graphics drivers or a game glitch.

Oh, running an X800 XT Platinum.
This game is more like an official release...this is the most near perfect beta release (In My opinion) I have ever been apart of..0 crash 0 lag smooth gameplay...I do play on a superior computer lots of ram big cpu and such..mabey step up your game a little...when you have a 5,6,7 serious video card and just 2 gigs that might have worked a year ago but the games out now and comming out in november require a step up...! If your PC is not up to snuff dont complain...Like trying to bag groceries with no arms...there not gonna patch the game to make it playable for OLD Equipment!!! No offense guys..Just my thoughts!

How quaint!
Happened to me a few times. I lowered a few GFX settings down and it didn't crash again.
In the past I have had CSS crashes which don't show the desktop on the screen I was playing on. But I have 2 monitors so I was able to see other windows layered "behind" it (end task prompt) and close the crashed game window fine.

But I haven't had a crash yet with TF2. I've seen a number of forum posts about it but not many complaints from those in game. :D
Not sure why it crashes. I'm on a X1900GT with ATI drivers from June.
I have tried everything to stop it crashing disabling sound using DX level 8 lowest graphic settings and i still can't play it for more that 2 mins. Yet it works totally fine on high when i was listing to the commentary. Valve better fix this before episode 2 cause i don't want to go though all the hassle i did with episode1 again.
I put all my settings to Low(except Models and Textures which I kept at Medium so the game doesn't look like TFC) and I managed to play a round smoothly, so it worked, at least for now.

I just hope that I wouldn't have to take such drastic measures with Ep. 2 and Portal.