Alyx: A Sign of Cliche to Come?


Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
Don't get me wrong, Half Life 2 will probably be the best game ever in my opinion, but the addition of Alyx is possibly a cliche idea. The main character meets up with a beautiful girl by "coincidence," they fall in love...

It concerns me a bit. Part of the first Half Life's charm was it wasn't a cliche idea at all. A scientist escaping from a collapsing research complex. But is this new Fem Fatale a sign of Half Life 2 having many cliche elements? I hope that Half Life 2 won't be a "man and woman get together, save the world, fall in love, live happily ever after" type story. I doubt it'll be like that, as Valve sure as hell knows what they're doing, but it's a possibility.

What do you all think?
oooh valve wont make it a sappy love story

although im pretty damn sure alyx will die
I totally trust Valve on this thing. I believe they know very well what they're doing, and I think Alyx is just an attempt to make the game alot more interresting.
Personally, I'm not quite as worried about that. Yeah, it may be a bit of a cliche if it goes down that road - but if the storyline is good enough (which it will be), I think its really going get you involved, and I don't think this area has been used enough to become a true cliche in the world of gaming yet. Plus, as far as I can see Valve haven't dressed Alyx up in leather or any other cheap marketing strategy used in so many other games, I think they are focussing on the characters - they really do want you to care. I can see your point, but it will also make for some very good gameplay. (From my point of view, anyway).
i'm pretty surprised at this "love interest" idea. First of all, a love story is very hard to tell when only one of the characters is visible and able to speak. The payoff of any love story is some sort of physical contact, and that is virtually impossible in HL2.

I think the more likely option is a relationship like the one in ICO, where there is an attachment between the characters, but it is a subtle one. Valve is trying to make characters who you can relate to and care for, and the best way to alienate a bunch of gamers is to expect them to fall in love with an NPC. I don't think they'd be that dumb.
Interaction virtually impossibly? Nah, imagine the foreplay possibly with the manipulator gun. ;-)

On a serious note, I'm really counting on Valve NOT to make it a sappy love story. And yeah, I'm pretty sure Alyx will die.
Don´t forget that there will be hl3 so atleast me know they wont live happily ever after not until the 3rd one
Part of the first Half Life's charm was it wasn't a cliche idea at all. A scientist escaping from a collapsing research complex

Hunh? Please... can you say DOOM? Resident Evil?

Its totally cliche. Bad, bad men monkey with stuff... go boom, boom... mayhem unleashed.

Every horror movie is based upon the idea that everyone the main character meets is merely corpses in waiting. While a trusty sidekick might live(barney) or sacrifice himself, what is even more common is the chick with a nice body who ends up shedding clothes to escape the scary creatures.

It is typical stuff. The "story" was meager. HL improved the mechanics of the game setting atmosphere. I imagine HL1 lacked a female lead because round breasts, hips and ass would use too many polygons.
Alyx, to my opinion is used as bait to get some people to buy the game. She's hot and guyz also know that alot modding can be done with the game. People will be more creative than ever.

Which is good.....
hey even in metal gear solid the female died (i think in the bad ending though), i picture that happening in this game too
Originally posted by yeggz
And yeah, I'm pretty sure Alyx will die.

I know she will when I play, atleast!

And I don't think she's beautiful.
Originally posted by -Biohazard
hey even in metal gear solid the female died (i think in the bad ending though), i picture that happening in this game too

She (Meryl, MGS1) didnt have to die, depending on the path you took.

I wouldnt mind if the story in HL2 had a love interest so long as the story was GOOD and made me feel some emotion. if the story is crafted so that i feel something then they can go all out i say!
I bet Alyx is actually an advanced combine soldier, trying to get close to you in order to kill you. Then there will be a giant boos fight between you and Alyx and Dog. Oops I shouldnt have revealed so many details:)
If I make a map I will definitly have a secret room that if found would turn out to be a 70's disco funk pad with the g-man doggy styling alyx on a rotating bed. Music included.

Oh yeah they know shell have potential. Cant wait to tweak with her expressions. >:)
Half-Life wasn't cliched?

'Oh no, the underground base is filled with evil aliens, and it's up to you to stop them! THE WORLD RELIES ON YOU!'.

Personally I think Alyx is probably a clone of Kyle Katarn's partner, Jan Ors. ;)
I recently finished HL 1, trying to save any NPC I could, I saved most of them and got kick of it, didn’t risk their life and didn’t kill just to get bullets. Was fun play.
Now, in my opinion FPS players try to look tough or just lack any emotions. If NPC is good written and is not annoying, why not get attached? Plus now characters can express different range of emotions on their face, making them more real life. I got attached to some character while playing Planescape: Torment, FF7, BG2 and it is a good thing, in my opinion. More immersion in the game itself and adds so much to the gameplay.
I agree with you Mr. Reak :) I got attached to FF7 and FF8 among others
In any game that has a well written story and character development it pays off to get attached to a character. It makes the game more fun and personal, much more interesting. Of course you don't want to get too attached, I can just picture people starting to cry when a Barney dies in HL.
Getting that attached to a Barney from HL one seems much.
"Oh Barney...NOOOO"
*player rounds corner*
"Barney!!! :) Your BACK"
*kill Barney and repeat*
what worries me, is that the whole atmosphere half-life 1 created might be gone. the whole idea of one person surviving alone. yes, he had NPCs to help him, but you still felt while playing that you yourself defeated all odds.
Originally posted by Evgeny
what worries me, is that the whole atmosphere half-life 1 created might be gone. the whole idea of one person surviving alone. yes, he had NPCs to help him, but you still felt while playing that you yourself defeated all odds.
So shoot them yourself? :)

Anyway, I dont think they would be stupid enough to make an affair with alyx... Personally, I think Gordon will have an affair with the old professor!
Originally posted by dawdler
So shoot them yourself? :)

Anyway, I dont think they would be stupid enough to make an affair with alyx... Personally, I think Gordon will have an affair with the old professor!

Here come “funny” comments again. Where do you guys get that kind of sense of humor?

Evgeny, but look at that this way, HL2 is a new game and we are not in Black Mesa anymore, so atmosphere will be different all together. Looking at these videos, it feels like there is no hope for Earth. Plus we don’t know yet, if Alyx will be running around with us or not.
Originally posted by yeggz
Interaction virtually impossibly? Nah, imagine the foreplay possibly with the manipulator gun. ;-)

you know, i don't know what kind of relationship you're in, but for me, foreplay does not involve suspending my girlfriend in the air, and then launching her at phenomenal speeds.
well you could always get your girlfriend to spread her legs close her eyes and prepare herself for a high speed surprise LOL

well even so it cant be that bad... there are no movies and your in first person at all times what can possible happen that your not in controll of?
Originally posted by Kleptomaniac
Half-Life wasn't cliched?

'Oh no, the underground base is filled with evil aliens, and it's up to you to stop them! THE WORLD RELIES ON YOU!'.


Except that that was NOT the story. The story was "science experiment gone wrong - you have to escape somehow". There was nothing about saving the world, and indeed we don't know anything ABOUT what was happening in the rest of the world. Who's to say that only Black Mesa was affected? Judging by what we're seeing in HL2, I'd say that Black Mesa was just the beginning.
Originally posted by Spiffae
you know, i don't know what kind of relationship you're in, but for me, foreplay does not involve suspending my girlfriend in the air, and then launching her at phenomenal speeds.

Me either.

....but if given the option....
I don't know about you guys but I believe that in the end of HL2 you find out that Alyx is actually a villan and is responsible to many of the havoc on City 17 and in general.

on HL3's you will get a chance of finally meeting Alyx and settling this but will back out of it, leaving yourself to die by her.
Of course Alyx dies in Half-Life 2 eventualy....

Its the first thing we will all try when we actualy meet her! LOL

"Hi Gordon! Im Alyx!"
"I've heard..."
*crowbar smack * X_x
Cool look at the ragdoll physics!!! :D
"I've heard much about you."
at least alyx isnt a blonde haired blue eyed white girl bimbo slut
I think Alyx will be the last boss. Think about it, she follows you around and "acts" like she's on your side and then at the end you go to dry hump her and she turns into a HUGE alien and you have to fight/kill her/it.
Originally posted by Peks
at least alyx isnt a blonde haired blue eyed white girl bimbo slut

You, sir, are an idiot and should probably hang yourself.
Mr.Reak: The real question is actually: why does it seem as this forum is full of PMS people who lack all senses of humor?

Cheer up. sheesh...
Yeah, seriously guys. Don't turn this into a flamign thread. Keep friendly, keep discussing :-)
It would have been better if Alyx spoke in Patois.. daughter of a rasta bumbaclot who is also a scientist. :)

Then she can get some of her ghetto friends to do a drive by on the aliens... that would be original.


EDIT: Best to leave any stereotypes out.. something which most games fail to do.....