An idea........ please read staff

May 15, 2003
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How about you add another forum......because at present there is no Coding forum.....and since this will play a big part in HL2 editing, is there any chance of such a forum being brought into exsistence?? If so I would gladly moderate ;) thanks
what??? Are you insinuating that I am just trying to be a moderator :P..... !!! No seriously I would like to see a Coding forum....
well considering we will be getting our greedy coder mitts on the SDK in a few weeks.....
Originally posted by mrBadger
well considering we will be getting our greedy coder mitts on the SDK in a few weeks.....

The .Dev site will most likly be up then :)
Originally posted by mrBadger
great :), what exactly will it's contents be??

Everything about moding for the HL2 site. Not only coding, everything. Each member will get his/her own profile that you can upload work and write about yourself and what you been doing. Just like a portfolio.

The site will be like a wiki. Members can submit tutorials/articles, so it will be a large database with info.

Mods will have its own profiles and we will also be able to host modteams.

It will be a site made by developers for developers, not for kids yelling "I need a coder for my mod!!!1" Its a site that you can help people out.
That sounds very good, what moddb should have been, and probably was, until the spammers moved in.... count me (and Operation Everlasting Shadow) in :)
Originally posted by mrBadger
That sounds very good, what moddb should have been, and probably was, until the spammers moved in.... count me (and Operation Everlasting Shadow) in :)

ahhh...moddb :) should have been that way, more for developers then for the players if you know what i mean.
Yeah... I do :)

I saw your stand at moddb.... I hope that made teh crew seriously re-evaluate their priorities....well done :)
Originally posted by mrBadger
Yeah... I do :)

I saw your stand at moddb.... I hope that made teh crew seriously re-evaluate their priorities....well done :)

Well....i got pissed :)

And i cant belive i still use the short URL for my mod....i need to change that...
Well, it's understandable..... I'm gonna leave my moddb profile up there, but I'm not gonna update it anymore.... I doubt I'll be sorely missed....