Another GMan theory.



Okay, here goes nothing, feel free to criticize:

GMan's employer is none other than Valve's interpretation of God. Thus making the GMan God's Man. Possibly an "angel" according to Valve. This makes sense to me because it fits in the biblical God's way of not interfering directly in world events. Plus, it would explain two things:

-How the GMan is so supernatural
-Who can possibly employ someone who controls time and space such as the GMan.

Please comment!
Oh yeah.And the God's Man is the man who arranged the resonance cascade which was the cause of death of ...millions.Very kind decision.Especially for an angel.
Oh yeah.And the God's Man is the man who arranged the resonance cascade which was the cause of death of ...millions.Very kind decision.Especially for an angel.

You have a point. However, in the beginning of the game, you can see the GMan arguing with a scientist against the experiment.
Where does it say in the bible that God doesn't mess with events?
Oh yeah.And the God's Man is the man who arranged the resonance cascade which was the cause of death of ...millions.Very kind decision.Especially for an angel.

Floods in Noah's Story?
Plagues that was beset in Egypt in Moses Story?

How lovely God was.
Floods in Noah's Story?
Plagues that was beset in Egypt in Moses Story?

How lovely God was.

The Great Flood was caused because God was disappointed in what humans were. Then he told Noah to build the Ark so he could save his family and the animals. The other humans were then wasted, it was the punishment for them.

God was all "hey looks like you've got a great life, a great family, I'm gonna destroy it all because I feel like it" and Job was all D:
Jesus has eyeballs. G-Man has eyeballs. The G-man must be Jesus!

These little Bible theories are interesting, but pure overreach.
But yeah, God's a major d-bag.
Just to clear this up: Gman is a model name. Valve made it. It usually means Government Man. Valve didn't know what they wanted to do with him, so just called him "Gman". He hasn't ever been declared as the Gman in game.

No theories can be based upon his name -- he probably has one of his own.
Disregarding the name matching kerfuffle, this is a decently plausible theory, and if not that at least and good concept for a plotline.
I was going to express my feelings on your theory but that would take far too much time and effort and in all honesty it isn't worth my time. So in place of that: All hail the mighty and powerful Xenu!
I think the Gman is just an illusion to Gordon, in reality it has always been tears in space and time that have been keeping him in stasis and have allowed him to travel to different locations. He just uses the gman to fill the unexplained gaps. For it to make more sense. ....Wait a second the gman makes less sense than tears in space..... F***
I think the Gman is just an illusion to Gordon, in reality it has always been tears in space and time that have been keeping him in stasis and have allowed him to travel to different locations. He just uses the gman to fill the unexplained gaps. For it to make more sense. ....Wait a second the gman makes less sense than tears in space..... F***
Thats what i,ve been thinking myself that the Gman is just an illusion
So if the Gman's an illusion, then surely Eli would also be an illusion, as he confirms the existence of our mysterious employer. Surely that would also make Alyx, Kleiner, Breen, Mossman and Magnusson figments of our imagination, therefore leading on to conclude that Barney is, too. Hell, most of the game could be considered to be figmential.

I think the ideas that things are an illusion, or we're dreaming is simply a cop-out, and not something Valve would resort to.
So if the Gman's an illusion, then surely Eli would also be an illusion, as he confirms the existence of our mysterious employer. Surely that would also make Alyx, Kleiner, Breen, Mossman and Magnusson figments of our imagination, therefore leading on to conclude that Barney is, too. Hell, most of the game could be considered to be figmential.

I think the ideas that things are an illusion, or we're dreaming is simply a cop-out, and not something Valve would resort to.

Eli could be referring to anyone, if you find a piece of evidence saying otherwise like a quote from valve that would be greatly appreciated.
So if the Gman's an illusion, then surely Eli would also be an illusion, as he confirms the existence of our mysterious employer. Surely that would also make Alyx, Kleiner, Breen, Mossman and Magnusson figments of our imagination, therefore leading on to conclude that Barney is, too. Hell, most of the game could be considered to be figmential.

I think the ideas that things are an illusion, or we're dreaming is simply a cop-out, and not something Valve would resort to.

Eli could be referring to anyone, if you find a piece of evidence saying otherwise like a quote from valve that would be greatly appreciated. Also wouldn't you think of some explanation to why all these things are happening to you.

Edit: Wtf double post?
Eli could be referring to anyone, if you find a piece of evidence saying otherwise like a quote from valve that would be greatly appreciated.

Or we could accept the obvious and reach the inoffensive conclusion that G-man in all likeliness actually exists. Not only because it's the most rational and probable choice, but also because it's the one the Half-Life fanbase would likely find least odious. Few things would tick me off more than the revelation that one of the coolest characters in gaming history is nothing more than some stupid mind ghost or whatever.

Besides, how would you explain his manipulation of Alyx? Remember "unforeseen consequences"? Or Shephard witnessing the man re-arming the nuke in Black Mesa? The theory devalues so many incidents, like his standoff with the vortigaunts in Ep1. Was that all just made up? If so, then we've just killed off a lot of the intrigue that Valve's built up regarding their powers in connection to the vortessence. Or in Half-Life 1 where he sent you to your death if you didn't accept his offer. Was that choice irrelevant? I'd like to think not. I'd very much like to believe that he is a very real presence in the Half-Life universe. Not to mention he's the only link between a lot of the games. Who deployed you at the start of HL2, with what reasoning and how? What triggered Gordon's stasis when the Citadel core was destroyed? If G-Man doesn't exist, there's no explanation for these things. It really just devolves into dumb space-time randomness.

Sorry for overloading the rhetorical questions. There are lots of possible surprising turns the series could take. But these kinds of plot twists haven't really been original for a while, and they've almost always been irritating.
to be fair to god. He never used aliens to whipe out humanity before. I don't think it's in the spirit of god.. He likes to use things humans knows as I see it.
G-Man an illusion?

Thats gotta be one of the worse ones yet, and I have witnessed the Gordon is G-Man theory.
you know what i am sick of these theories lets just say gman is charlie sheen combined with chuck norris and leave it at that till the canonical answer is made
When I saw that there was a GMan theory I got so exited. Then I realized its from 2008, which made me sad. Then I read it and that made me sadder.
I got exited myself, but when I realized this theory was old, I excited the thread.
It is Gordon Freemans ex-militant gone sketchy corporate type father... Clearly this is explained through the buzzcut and brief case combination. Also, SIMILAR LIPS? I guess everyone in the first parts of the series looked extremely alike, but cmon... He probably got pissy his son was more interested in physics than he was in a drill sargent.