ANOTHER oil rig explodes

lol same, also evil men are everywhere. everyone should know this by now
Halliburton knew Gulf oil spill in advance too. Quote, "

Dear, kathaksung your car has been towed away because it was parked obnoxiously, and it was obnoxious. To get it back you will have to fill out a couple forms and have blood samples taken just for shits and giggles. As proof that it is your car please see attached image.
It is through these CEO, Feds rule this country. That's why these CEO can always harvest fat bonus and pension, despite it's good year or bad one. Even the company is bankrupted, they left with a full pocket. When they were ousted from a company, they just get another CEO job in a different firm. Because they work for the interest of the ruling class, not for the interest of small share holders or company employers. And those CEO agents now are pushed to take the seats to run the government. The typical representatives we see: Bloomburg, Meg Whitman, Fiorina.....

BP chief Tony Hayward sold shares weeks before oil spill

The chief executive of BP sold ¡ê1.4 million of his shares in the fuel giant weeks before the Gulf of Mexico oil spill caused its value to collapse.
By Jon Swaine and Robert Winnett
Published: 12:10AM BST 05 Jun 2010

Tony Hayward cashed in about a third of his holding in the company one month before a well on the Deepwater Horizon rig burst, causing an environmental disaster.
Mr Hayward, whose pay package is ¡ê4?million a year, then paid off the mortgage on his family¡¯s mansion in Kent, which is estimated to be valued at more than ¡ê1.2?million.

There is no suggestion that he acted improperly or had prior knowledge that the company was to face the biggest setback in its history.
You know who also sells lots of shares for no apparent reason? Other people.

Wait out Democrats and the upper class tax cuts will be brought back.

You know who didn't sell their shares? Other people. But those people don't fit your puzzle, so why mention it?

I don't know why I bother treating the symptoms, you're crazy.

Ptch. 1.4 million in shares? Steve Balmer sold 1.3 billion. I guess that means Microsoft is going to blow up into the ocean and he knew it.