Any word on other platforms?


May 14, 2003
Reaction score
Any hope for a Mac port? I have a friend who'd love on.

I know HL1 had mac servers, but did they ever get the game? Linux folk either? Has Valve said anything on this yet?
But did HL1 have a playable Mac or Linux port?

My friend wont touch anything Microsoft. He even kinda hates Linux. :)
I have an xbox but id never get hl2 for it, id use a computer! *sigh* feel sorry for those people who do.
What's wrong with the XBOX for FPS? The XBOX controller allows for much more control over your FPS games. The original Halo prooved this and I'm sure every FPS coming out will utilize that control scheme. I think Half-Life 2 will run nice on XBOX--it will lack the minute-precision of the mouse, but overall it will still be very enjoyable.
I dont think it'll look that nice, Halo can slow down to 5 fps or so if i keep bashing an alien body or run into a water fall.
Much more control? Are you kidding? How can a keyboard with like 10 times the buttons give less control? You def phrased that wrong. Analog stick controllers might be good, but will never be superior to mouse + Keyboard.

Registered: May 2003
Posts: 2
What's wrong with the XBOX for FPS? The XBOX controller allows for much more control over your FPS games. The original Halo prooved this and I'm sure every FPS coming out will utilize that control scheme. I think Half-Life 2 will run nice on XBOX--it will lack the minute-precision of the mouse, but overall it will still be very enjoyable

Not been funny here I acctualy have an XBOX and would never buy an FPS for it again no matter what it was (I Cant get away with the controls) much better with a Keyboard and mouse IMO:cheese:
To your Mac friend. I'll find another good one.

Oh, he's much worse than a Mac zealot. Mac is just the only one he'll TOLERATE. He's a Bell-labs junkie: only REAL UNIXes and OSes you've never even heard of, like Plan9, are good enough. :)
For those of you who say that Xbitch has better control on fps's; i've got four letters for you:

W, A, S, D

the best thing that ever came out of a platform was smoke when you put the game in wrong.
the Xbox version wont sell half as many as PC for 2 main reason:

1. PCs are more widely used than Xboxes

2. Mods, which im almosy 10000% sure u wont be able to dld on xbox, msoft wont give their source away.
This is true the Pc is more widley used better G/Fx ..IF and its a bit IF you have the hardware to run the software...This is were IMO they will sell a shit load of Xboxes, Because people cant afford to buy or make an all singing all danceing PC so they will go for the XBOX its cheaper (not better) but its an alternative.
This goes for Doom 3 as well. This is just my opinion i mite be talking aload of shite.:)
PC owns XBOX easily, Halo for the PC will be so much better than the XBOX version it will be stupid.
Your right yea BUT like i said its an alternitive for people who cant afford a stupid fast PC..
yeah, i have an Xbox and it's by far the best console out these, but i'd play anything on a PC over it. except sports games...

BUT all haveing HL2 on Xbox des is widen the audience. which equals more $$$ for valve.
Yeah, more money for Valve is good.

Just a note on the PC Halo vs. the Xbox Halo - yes the PC version will be much better graphically (overall), though the sound may be either par or slightly worse.

The only reason for this (taken from the Gamespy interview with somebody at Gearbox) is that the Xbox has very VERY good dedicated sound hardware, better than just about anything available for the PC (maybe not the audigy, but you have to build to the lowest common denominator and make the overall game size smaller too (2 CDs, not a DVD)- no huge ass wav files that will only be used by two dudes with Audigy 2s!)

But besides the standard sound being better on the Xbox, PCs own in everything else - including, MOUSE AND Keyboard, until someone creates a better controller, this is the key to FPSs!!


oh, and Hi everyone - thanks for the vids!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by pandawan
...The only reason for this (taken from the Gamespy interview with somebody at Gearbox) is that the Xbox has very VERY good dedicated sound hardware, better than just about anything available for the PC (maybe not the audigy, but you have to build to the lowest common denominator and make the overall game size smaller too (2 CDs, not a DVD)- no huge ass wav files that will only be used by two dudes with Audigy 2s!)...

Hopefully it won’t be long before game publishers just bite the bullet and ditch CDs. Surely most people have a DVD drive in their computer nowadays. I cant remember seeing an ad for a new computer that didnt have a DVD drive, and if you haven’t got one you can get one for 30 quid.

It would be an advantage to piracy preventin too - how many people have a DVD writer currently?

Or maybe it should just come out on floppies.
Urgh, I hate X-Boxes, they are too big and clunky, especially the awful controller!

Gamecube forever!

Registered: May 2003
Posts: 9
I think valve has enough money already

What kind of a comment is that .? You think ValVe have invested all that money and the dont want to make more money.?
This game will make them Richer that HL ever did.!
Originally posted by GOoch

Registered: May 2003
Posts: 9
I think valve has enough money already

What kind of a comment is that .? You think ValVe have invested all that money and the dont want to make more money.?
This game will make them Richer that HL ever did.!

Yea ityll make them rich. They said all there money from Half-Life has been going into Half-Life2. Its either they stay rich or they make a Half-Life3 and get even richer.
Originally posted by Apos
Oh, he's much worse than a Mac zealot. Mac is just the only one he'll TOLERATE. He's a Bell-labs junkie: only REAL UNIXes and OSes you've never even heard of, like Plan9, are good enough. :)

Yeah! When is HL2 gonna be ported to plan9? the hurd?

come on!

(just kidding.)
Originally posted by Hojo
I think valve has enough money already.


this poor chap thinks games are made outta nothing and it doesn't cost companies like Valve anything to make wonders such as HL1 and HL2..

oh well..
But valve creating their own engine must have cost quite alot of money.

It just goes to show though, if you make a good game in the first place it can only get better when you make the sequel. More money to invest and more money to make!
Originally posted by Pajama Sam
the Xbox version wont sell half as many as PC for 2 main reason:

1. PCs are more widely used than Xboxes

2. Mods, which im almosy 10000% sure u wont be able to dld on xbox, msoft wont give their source away.

No fan of consoles, but you're wrong on #2, mod authors won't need the source to the OS that runs Xbox any more than they need the source to Windows XP to create HL2 mods for the PC. They'll just need the source that valve releases for making mods, which would be the same for all platforms.

It's my understanding that you can download mods from xbox live, and they could do that with HL2, I imagine they probably will, since they know mods are so important to the half-life community.
Imagine Xbox players competing with PC gamers on HL2 DM, we'll see if your "great controller" can handle serious competition :P
Ya the only games I ever get for consoles are those games that will not be released on the PC.