Anyone notice the gcf files are unlocked?

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Aug 17, 2004
Reaction score
Wow that is a big mistake on valve's part. People if they were dumb enough would take advantage of it.
wow only like 2 days late... thanks for adding to the refuse to sift through . SEARCH ****ING FUNCTION
Everyone had that Steam message today, calm down already :).
Yoda1979 said:
Have to bump this message up
And wtf is this? You don't bump ONE FCKIN MINUTE after the thread is posted!

WTF is wrong with people?


WTF is wrong with you!?
Solver said:
Leaked because everyone has those gcf files already anyway?

haha :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

I had water coming out my nose on that one :)
Well, anyone can extract them, and could do so immediately on preloading. The thing is that they're encrypted.
This child confuses me beyond reason...

It really despresses me how stupid people can get.
I mean obviously. Look, whoever you are, VALVe isn't stupid enough to totally un-decrypt the GCF files, so that you can play HL2 early. That would just be a waste of everyones time. When you are done extracting and wasting your HD space, you will notice the files contain nothing but gibberish. *surprised Gasp"... :|
Yoda1979 said:
Well whats up with the unlocking of hl2 files then?

What is so hard to understand?

Kage- You stole my joke. :(

And someone else stole my Leak joke. :(

vegeta you need to stfu and get a life seriously
go crawl back in your hole and die
Kohman77 said:
vegeta you need to stfu and get a life seriously
go crawl back in your hole and die
What the hell?

These people are getting dumber by the day, and you expect me to do nothing about it?
Kohman77 said:
vegeta you need to stfu and get a life seriously
go crawl back in your hole and die
Hey! What's with all the negativity, man? Seems like he's doing a pretty good job keepin' the peace.
Yoda1979 said:
Dekstar and you would know why? Did you try hmmm let me think.
Ummm.. You could just extract one file and test it yourself..

And plus, it JUST MAKES SENSE that Valve wouldn't have HL2 RAW CONTENT blatently OPEN TO THE PUBLIC.

C'mon kid, think! Use your head!

Edit: Thankyou Sunlight.
I know vegeta it would be dumb but hey, sorry I brought it up. Didnt mean to stir such flames.
Sokay for now..

But make sure you check your facts before you post them!
OKAY, everyone needs to calm the hell down. Jesus, so he didn't use the search function, and he asked a question. Answer it and move on. Theres truthfully not a whole lot else to talk about until the day it's released. Just everyone, grab a coke and a smile.
Kohman77 said:
vegeta you need to stfu and get a life seriously
go crawl back in your hole and die

Its amazing how somehow can critisize anybody when their life consists of telling others they need to get a life.


Simple answer is that the HL2 files are encrypted and not complete anyway, there wont be a true version of Hl2 untill valve say so.
ok. yes, you can extract the files, and it will make the files. but they are all encrypted. I can extract "fire1.wav" for the crossbow onto my desktop, but if i try and play it, it says "invalid file type" because it is ENCRYPTED.
Dougy said:
Its amazing how somehow can critisize anybody when their life consists of telling others they need to get a life.


Simple answer is that the HL2 files are encrypted and not complete anyway, there wont be a true version of Hl2 untill valve say so.

personally i was about to say the same thing to vegeta. i mean cmon he sounds like a 12 year old from a dbz or aol chatroom. then when someone asks a question he blows his top off, about to do a kamehameha or something. he's the one criticising someone about something first.

plus who wouldnt be excited if they say "UNLOCKING HL2 GAME FILES" and couldnt find any other posts about it on the first page of threads? I'd think it was new news, because something like that should already be in the first page of threads.

the people here arent getting stupider by the minute, the people who have been here longer are getting crankier by the minute.
vegeta897 said:
This child confuses me beyond reason...

It really despresses me how stupid people can get.

Why don't you just answer the guys question? Is it that so fing hard to do? Instead you have to come on here and flame him to hell. That's really mature man.

I personally have no idea how steam works or wtf a gcf file is. Now I'm suddenly depressinig you because of how "stupid" I am? Wake up man.
Death.Trap said:
Why don't you just answer the guys question? Is it that so fing hard to do? Instead you have to come on here and flame him to hell. That's really mature man.

I personally have no idea how steam works or wtf a gcf file is. Now I'm suddenly depressinig you because of how "stupid" I am? Wake up man.
Umm.. It's common sense. HE knows what a gcf is.

AND he didn't check his facts.

AND I am pretty sure I answered his question, OR someone else had already answered it.
EDIT: He didn't even ASK a question! Wtf?

Flaming would be sensless jabber and over use of swearing.

wesisapie said:
personally i was about to say the same thing to vegeta. i mean cmon he sounds like a 12 year old from a dbz or aol chatroom. then when someone asks a question he blows his top off, about to do a kamehameha or something. he's the one criticising someone about something first.
You are the one being freakin rude. You think you can just KNOW what I am like by my name? For your information, I don't like DBZ any more, and I just keep this name because I use it for nearly everything every since I got into the whole Internet thing.

I am not pounding down on people because they are dumber than me. These things are requirements of Human beings. Common sense. Logic.

If you don't like the way I try to handle this, why don't you give it a shot?
What he said (Death Trap)....muppets....if it bugs u so much get lost. It aint just your forum to shout at people...What happend to community spirit and a bit of patience...
Aphex Tw][n said:
What happend to community spirit and a bit of patience...
It got invaded by a band of illogical senseless kids.

(Go ahead. Flame me some more)

(And I want to clarifly that "kids" is used metaphorically)
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