ARe the Opteron teh new 64bit amd CPUs?

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yes they have been around for a while, but there aimed at servers...

The Athalon 64 is being released on the 30th (strange that) and thats the one to watch out for.
Only bad thing is you will have to get a new motherboard because it wil only work only on a socket 754.
Im going to build a new computer.. would you recommend me buying a Mobo with socket 754 and a Athlon 64 then??
If already preorderd mine. But all I am going to use it for is applications. Not sure how it will perform in games if that is what you want it for. But I will post some 3dMark scores as soon as I get it.
ive heard it out performs intel processor at most applications/games
This is turning into another AMD vs Intel discution. Both have there strong points and weaknesses. The Athlon 64 may be the best cpu at the momint but by the time the Intel Prescott get's released that would most probably be the best cpu.
not too godo for gameing, but good at handling MANY processes. if you want to play HL2 at max speed, get either a 2500 BARTON adn overclock, or get a special XP 1700 chip, the special ones overclock as much as 1 gig on just nrmal cooling with air! if u got watercooling, expect 1.5-2. my friend has Vapochill PE, he has it up to 4.112 MHz :) beat out my XP 2800 at 3950 :( lol
Well the amd64 is a great processor and would give great fps in HL2 if u have a good grafic card too. But the amd64 (operton) is kinda expensive. I dont tink that many will have that kinda money to buy it when it comes out maybe a 6 months later it will be a respectable price for it. and notice this is stuff i have only heared i dont know everything for sure.
The Opteron is ment for servers and not for normal use. That is why its is so expensiv but the Athlon 64 is aimed at the desktop user. So it will be more or less in the same price range as todays Amd Barton's.
Lol, itll be just a bit more then the bartons:p Expect a price tag of something near what the 3.2 P4 was at release.
The prices have been out for a while.
$399 for a A64 3200+
This will be released tommorow (the 23rd)

There is also, coming in q1 2004, the Athlon64 FX. this is a dual channel version and 939 pin, and also a 940 pin later.

to run at optimal you will need Windows64, and DirectX964, as well as 64bit patches for games.

Right now its not gonna be worth it, unless you got the cash to blow, but by next spring/summer the 64 bit will be cheaper and have more support.
Originally posted by Steven Q Urkle
The prices have been out for a while.
$399 for a A64 3200+
This will be released tommorow (the 23rd)

There is also, coming in q1 2004, the Athlon64 FX. this is a dual channel version and 939 pin, and also a 940 pin later.

to run at optimal you will need Windows64, and DirectX964, as well as 64bit patches for games.

Right now its not gonna be worth it, unless you got the cash to blow, but by next spring/summer the 64 bit will be cheaper and have more support.

no but all the tests done so far shows the lowest clocked one being able to overclock super easy, and kills the highest p4 overclocks out there in performance. so after tommorw when its realeased, it has the top spot for performance. even the P4 EE can't keep up with it.
That is correct, after tomorrow the A64 will be the new CPU king, but not by too much.