Army hospital near me screws up; Military family awarded $9.4mil

Damn, i need to get me a baby to put in that hospital. Easy $9mil imo.
poor kid, I wonder if the 9.4 mil is coming from American tax dollars? :|
Wow.. the amry could have like... bought 2 tanks for that! D:
Damnit... I though he was dead, but then it said the money was going to pay for his daycare. It says he's now blind and unable to speak or walk. Brain injuries are just some of the worst, really. I'm not sure if he wouldn't be better off dead.

What's an army hospital anyway? A hospital that only families with members in the army can be treated at?
Hell, I'd sacrifice a family member for 9 million.
It's a tempting proposition. Depends which family member, I guess.

I think it would really depend on if you could brainwash your other family members to forget he/she was ever there. And no one would feel pissed off at you, like someone would do to make themselves seem nice.

It is sad though, I'm guessing army hospitals are hospitals manned by army surgeons..
Albeit, not the best doctors.
They probably are the best doctors. War is the only true school of the surgeon.
That's very depressing :(

I wouldn't care if they gave me 9.4 million for messing up my kid that bad, I'd still be pissed.
9 million is hardly worth the rest of that child's life ..more than likely he'll need 24/7 care for the rest of his life ..who will take care of him after his parents are gone? ..specialized care can run around $7000 a month ..who can afford that?
Someone with 9.4 million can. Before I, uhh... I mean they blow it on cars and booze that is.