at half life radio there where offiziall employes from valve

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i heard they talk about the release date they say that the game is still finished they now only need to press 5 million copys for the distributors. at this time all people in Irc screams and write yeaahhh 30th sep.

i only read it i'm not shure if this is a fact or again only a rumor message!

where can i find this half life radio? is there an website?

this news is from german website
Originally posted by jplove
i heard they talk about the release date they say that the game is still finished they now only need to press 5 million copys for the distributors. at this time all people in Irc screams and write yeaahhh 30th sep.

i only read it i'm not shure if this is a fact or again only a rumor message!

where can i find this half life radio? is there an website?

this news is from german website

Go here
ok thanks dude

is this real that there where from valve and talks about the release?
Originally posted by jplove
ok thanks dude

is this real that there where from valve and talks about the release?

I just asked the irc channel...still waiting for a response
God i'd love this to be true so much but... uhm...

Anyway does it not say that it's live? and that it hasn't been on yet? so how could this be the case. I'm probably not understanding this fully though.
actually they just said they were going to give the time for the next broadcast by 4pm EST...not that the broadcast will be AT 4EST
jplove makes it sound like the radio show happened already and he's talking about what was said....
yes i read that they allready have talks on the radio not that they will talk today!!!

this is the original forum threat from its in german:

jo elvis ich habe gestern nacht bzw heute morgen von 3 bis 4uhr half-life radio ( start war gesetern nacht gehoert und da waren ein paar officelle von valve und die sagten das es am 30 rauskommt . sie redeten wann hl2 gold is und der eine meinte:ja das spiel is fertig , nur jezt muessen erstmal mindestens 5 millionen cds gepresst werden und dann zu den ganzen heandlern geschickt werden. der 30 september keonnte also klappen fals nicht sagte er das es speatestens in einigen wochen jeder kaufen kann , aber er geht schon davon aus das am 30 hl2 rauskommt .

ps: es koennte sein das ich was falsch verstanden habe , weil mein englisch nicht so perfekt is einige zusammenheange habe ich vielleicht falsch aufgefasst aber das meiste denke ich mal habe ich verstanden ausserdem sind die leute im irc channel nachdem der eine meinte ja es kommt wohl am 30 alle ausgerastet und schreiten yeah it comes on 30 sep holiday:=
" The folks at Half-Life Source will be announcing the launch date on their website at:" does NOT mean "the folks at Valve will be announcing the release date of HL2" The "release" is for the channel itself, not the game.
i listend to it, it was just some webmasters and server admins, its not official, its just people like us talking about rumors and info, thats it.
Originally posted by jplove
i heard they talk about the release date they say that the game is still finished they now only need to press 5 million copys for the distributors.
that would mean that HL2 has gone gold.
since we havent had the announcment that we were promised, i call BS.

(although i really want to believe you)
i may be mistake but if i remember spitcod got gabe to say they would announce it was gold before it shipped as in before for it was at retail stores.

This would mean he could announce it the day before I.E. the 29th if i he wanted to. He doesn't have to announce it as soon as it goes gold but just sometime before the release.

this makes me think that it has been gold for several days and gabe just hasn't announced it yet being the marketing genius he is hehe.

but thats just my 2 c
or announce to the stores and shippers but not the fan-base :D

That would be coolest. We'd all think it was delayed, then BAM
its out.

Low expectations bring a greater reward
No, from a marketing point of view its absolut nonsesne to make a "BAM its out".
good point, no time to advertise in compusa and bestbuy catalouges. But it would be neat, like getting a present you didn't think you would on christmas day.
Did I just hear Michael Jackson on that radio station?! :D
This is a sike 4 sure.. It just is. Oh well Im still positive itll go as planned but I wont go crazy about rumors with out more proof than this.

EDIT: Wee this is the post that made me Zombie :bounce: :cheers: YaY :)
worst music ive ever heard is being played on this station...
ill wait till 7pm :\ 40 mins away
Originally posted by x84D80Yx
worst music ive ever heard is being played on this station...
ill wait till 7pm :\ 40 mins away

LMAO yea :bounce:
What the hell is the crap that is on this radio.. I guess they don't believe in downloading MP3s........
I have to give them credit for trying, but this is pretty bad. :upstare: The guys that are talking a lot should at least be in the same place so there isn't a delay... and they have a kid who sounds like he's 10 talking.
yeah I agree with you nostgard. It's sounds pretty amateur. Now if they did have Valve employees on, that would be awesome. But they are talking about stuff we all already know. That's not their fault really since their has been no new info.
Yeah, that's what they're talking about. Is anyone else hearing that voice saying "Welcome" or is it something on my computer?
I'm listening to it now... and man, these guys dont know shit.
Originally posted by nostgard
Yeah, that's what they're talking about. Is anyone else hearing that voice saying "Welcome" or is it something on my computer?

Yeah, its like stephen hawking is rapping in the background.

they are nerd fanboys who own hl2 sites, they speakin on what they think, not the facts. notiice he has "my" system requirements. i say somebody dosattack their shoutcast ;)

no, seriously ;)
I'm sorry, what the hell is this? I couldn't understand the thread-starters incoherent post. Are they supposed to reveal some new info or something?
OMFG, who is this small child talking in the background.

This radio sux lol.
What the hell is that Welcome-sound in the background