ATi Coupon "Upgraded"


Sep 13, 2003
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If you point your attention in this direction you'll find that ATi have updated their XT bundle offer in conjunction with Valve. You'll now be able to activate a Steam account before HL2 hits arrives in stores! On activation you'll recieve Valve's Premier Pack Steam subscription completely free, giving you unlimited access to Half-Life, Counter Strike, Team Fortress Classic, Deathmatch Classic, Half-Life: Opposing Force and Ricochet. This offer will however expire when Half-Life 2 hits retailers.
cool now instead of getting all that free from steam neway i can buy a new graphics card that costs more than all of them put together even for retail and play them for free [/sarcasm]
So let me get this straight...

If you dont have the original HL and you get the XT then you can DL HL for free?:bounce:
How exactly do I download that stuff off Steam? I have looked at every part of Steam and didn't find any way to download anything at all.
I think it's funny that ATI had to add this to their promotion. I saw this morning in my Best Buy add the new Radeon and the coupon. I really feel that this change in the offer means that ATI knows that HL2 will not be arriving to stores anytime soon, crap.
Originally posted by Omega Blue
wow late as always with news. :dozey:
True, but honestly, who comes to for the news? It's all about the forums, baby. :p
Originally posted by Camon_Draconis
I really feel that this change in the offer means that ATI knows that HL2 will not be arriving to stores anytime soon, crap.
I sort of doubt that. I don't even think Valve truly knows when HL2 will be out. I think Valve is hoping for the best. ATI is planning for the worst.

ATI doesn't want idiots saying: "ATi Suxxors. I bot teh 9800XT cuz of HL2, but 'dat's shit cuz it ain't out". ATI can't do much about the release date for HL2, but they can at least negotiate with valve to give their customers something to tied them over.
Originally posted by crushenator 500
you can download it for free neway using steam
Umm you still need a cd-key to download it so you need it on CD anyway. So practically it ain't free :p
Getting Half-Life for Free

If you do not own Half-Life, you cannot download Half-Life for free. Like someone said, you need a CD-Key to play the game.

Additionally, I don't know if people that own just Counterstrike can play any of the other Half-Life games out there, so this might help them.

However, if someone that buys this card does not have Half-Life already, then they can download it for free. If not, like I said earlier, you cannot download it for free (otherwise, what the heck is the point of still having it on store shelves???)