ATI HD 5770: Low Graphics Quality Bug


Retired Lead Content Creator
Staff member
May 29, 2007
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Mornin' all.

Recently my graphics card has been acting up slightly. A few days ago it started rendering certain areas of games such as TF2 and Empire: Total War in really poor quality, and I have no idea why. For both games I have them on Max settings, on which previously they've ran really well, high FPS with the right quality. But like I said, a few days back this bug has started making most areas in-game look like total shit. Here are some examples from TF2.





I've tried updating my graphics drivers to see if that would fix it, it hasn't. I've checked the graphics card itself to ensure it wasn't stuff with dust making it overheat all the time, but it wasn't that either.

It started just after I bought the Humble Bundle 3, and played Crayon Physics Deluxe, whether or not this has anything to do with any of those DX updates games get on first time set up or not is a mystery to me.

Anybody got any ideas or fixes? My next bet is to downgrade graphics drivers and wait with those until a new version comes out.
Open Catalyst control center>gaming>3D application settings, and make sure:
- everything that has the option is set to 'Use application settings'
- 'Enable surface format optimization' is turned off
- Mipmap detail level is set to high

For TF2, type "mat_picmip -4" without quotes in console and see if it helps(it's texture quality).
I had a look at the Catalyst Control Center last night and couldn't find anything out of the ordinary. And it isn't just TF2, it's almost every game.

Just re-checked the options you said, the only one that was different was Mipmap, which was set to High Performance (by default) so I raised it to High Quality. I'll see how it goes.

EDIT: Changing it to High Quality worked, thanks a lot! I have no idea why it might have changed or why it would have, I certainly haven't touched those options for a long time. Oh well, thanks for the help!