ATTN: Portal Map Pack

These actually look like some legit maps here.


Edit: This is pretty good. The maps look great, the guy incorporates Glados, and the maps are difficult. Best user-created maps so far.
Me and Dave completed it today, and we both agree that this is amazing and that anybody who enjoyed Portal is going to love this.
Finished it about half an hour ago, fantastic job this guy did!
Recommended to ANY Portal fan out there!
I laughed to myself when I encountered the way they solve you getting stuck in a map. The recycled dialogue is so cleverly used.
Played it through yesterday. This was pretty awesome. I'd certainly recommend it to anyone else with Portal and nothing much else to do.

I'm not sure how much he spoke to Valve when he did it, but some of the tie-ins were pretty clever, even if not a bit bold.
I'm still yet to finish it, I got very stuck and very frustrated...

Naturally I'll return soon, get past that bit right away and wonder what all the fuss was about.
I'm still yet to finish it, I got very stuck and very frustrated...

Naturally I'll return soon, get past that bit right away and wonder what all the fuss was about.

There's a red arrow on the floor that points to a crack in the wall you can shoot a portal through.
Lots of props go out to whoever made these!
I played and beat the flash version some time ago, also good fun. Never thought they would make them into full 3-D maps.