Batman Begins Teaser Trailer & Poster

poo poo head

Jun 5, 2003
Reaction score
For those who wanna see the next Batman movie (Batman Begins) the teaser was released. The connection kinda sucks, but it is still pretty good, they also have the teaser poster.



Thanks to CM from GSF.
"Here I Come To Save The Daaaaayyyyyy!!!"

If you're having connection problems (like me), here's a link where you can download it. Why is it such a crappy image quality though?

Batman Begins Trailer Download

I like the dark direction that they're taking this. Batman is a dark complicated character, and he should stay that way.
Another movie a want to go see.
I haven't liked the Batman movies since Michael Keaton hung up the cape and cowl.

...but perhaps this'll rekindle my interest.
Looks like Obi Wan's former master is at it again with another pupil.
Whoa...I just checked out the official site...

Could they pack any more great actors into this movie? I mean really, you've got Liam Neeson, Michael Cain, Morgan Freeman, Gary Oldman, Tom's crazy! I've change my mind...this movie looks great!
goddamn, i cannot wait to see this movie, and christian bale is the best pick since michael keaton, if anyone can pull it off, it's him
Yeah, they're really looking to restart the Batman series with this one. It looks to be the most promising in the last decade.
this will either restart the series and bring life back to batman movies, or it will be a crap, but money-making blockbuster.

i quite like the way they have simplified the bat symbol- looks very streamlined now, portraying youth and beginning.
Joel Schumacher ruined the Batman movies...
hope it will be as dark and as the first batman movie.
the sequels were all too mild imo...

also seeing Rutger Hauer in such a big title is a very nice surprise.
great actor, too bad he doesn't play more often
I'm hyped for it. There's not really that much info in the trailers but the villians are Ra's Al Ghul and the Scarecrow. Also this movie suffered a similar predicament as halflife 2, the script was leaked onto the internet
BRODIEMAN2k4 said:
I'm hyped for it. There's not really that much info in the trailers but the villians are Ra's Al Ghul and the Scarecrow. Also this movie suffered a similar predicament as halflife 2, the script was leaked onto the internet
Are you SERIOUS? The Lazarus Pit guy? Score! I've always wanted to see him in the movies! And the SCARECROW? They're gonna have to work really hard to screw this one up.