Battlefield 3


The Freeman
Dec 31, 2003
Reaction score
Those ****ers. I've been waiting patiently for a year and a half to get my PC version of BF1943 and only now do they have the decency to admit they never really bothered with it anyway.

There comes a time when we as a studio have to choose where to best put our efforts. At DICE we’re dedicated to taking care of our products after launch, and also hell bent on building new, innovative and high quality games.

In my day to day work, I look at our release schedule and the studio’s capacity, weighing them against our wild ambitions to create awesomeness. I often need to make hard calls regarding where we put the studio’s focus. Part of the challenge is to balance work on the new against the already shipped, prioritizing the amount of energy spent on the known franchises and the time spent on developing something entirely new.

This is one of those cross roads where I need to make a hard decision. While we’ll continue supporting Battlefield: Bad Company 2 and previous games, it’s time to look ahead to the next giant leap for DICE – the release of Battlefield 3, powered by the mighty Frostbite 2 engine. Our goal is crystal clear: we’re going to build the best Battlefield game ever, and we’ll do whatever it takes to make this the biggest launch in DICE’s history.

We know some of you eagerly have been awaiting Battlefield 1943 and Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Onslaught on PC. I’m sad to say that these two titles are now officially cancelled. Instead, our talented teams will focus on delivering the greatest possible gaming experience in our next behemoth release. We’re confident this will lead to an even better experience in Battlefield 3, not only on PC, but on all platforms.

For an idea of what that means, watch this space for some exciting news I think you’ll like.

Source (DICE Battlefield dev blog)

I don't buy that crap personally. If they spent 1/100th of the time trying to appease the PC community a little (like by releasing BF1943 like they promised to years and years ago) that they do trying to make the Battlefield series friendly to consoles and fit to be a COD competitor, I would feel differently.

BF3 better be goddamn epic, is all I'm saying, and they better have some kind of special cookie for the PC crowd.
Can't say I'm saddened by this.

BF1943 was an abortion.
I'm sure it wouldnt have been to hard to port bf1943 over to PC but cant say I was that intrested. Same with this onslaught, never even heard of it!

The quicker we get bf3 the better imho
It's nice to hear they're focusing on BF3. I wasn't too interested in the two cancelled titles, so this is actually good news!
Eh, 1943 became mostly pointless after BC2 came out.
I would have liked 1943, and I doubt it'd take them long to port it over at all. But oh well, it's gone forever now.

I have high hopes for BF3. I hope DICE don't disappoint. At least 64 players per server, nice big maps, jets back in please and less of the gimmicky stuff and I'll be happy. :)
People still thought 1943 would surface for PC? No news after over a year and I said **** it and bought it for 360. Damn Swedes!

I really hope Battlefield 3 is more custom tailored for PC audiences than BC2... with higher player counts, mod/map tools, etc.
They should do a real sequel to BF1942. Ever since Battlefield 2 been out, I've been wanting them to do another BF1942 game with improved graphics. Instead they just seem to focus more on modern combat themed games nowadays.
remember when they announced Bad Company and it was a console exclusive? haha how pc gamers lamented that DICE were abondoning pc in favour of the consoles? ya well it looks like that's pretty much true even if they are throwing pc gamers a bone in the form of bf3
With any sort of decent budget console games make more money, reach more people and cost a lot less to develop for these days. It's not exactly a mystery why this is happening to formerly PC focused franchises. Doesn't make it any less damned depressing though. =/
They should do a real sequel to BF1942. Ever since Battlefield 2 been out, I've been wanting them to do another BF1942 game with improved graphics. Instead they just seem to focus more on modern combat themed games nowadays.
Yeah, because WWII games aren't overplayed enough the way it is either...
Honestly WWII seems refreshing after the explosion of MODERN COMBATZ gaemzs
Yeah, it's a pity, but I'm not sure why people were so keen on 1943. Grabbed it on Xbox and it wasn't really anything to write home about. The fifteen minutes of Wake Island nostalgia are nice, but after that it just felt like a far emptier version of '42.

Yeah, because WWII games aren't overplayed enough the way it is either...

Name the last big WWII shooter to come out.
I'm not saddened at all by this news, provided two things:

1) BF3 is ****ing awesome
2) BF3 has mod tools
Honestly WWII seems refreshing after the explosion of MODERN COMBATZ gaemzs

I've been thinking this myself lately. I've always loved the WWII genre (Company of Heroes is one of the best RTSes ever made, Close Combat series is some of my most treasured strategy memories and the old Day of Defeat is my favorite shooter ever) and it's been surprisingly lackluster lately. Seems about 5 years ago everyone decided to drop the genre and go for modern combat instead. That's right: modern combat is the new world war II!

This is part of the reason I can't wait for Red Orchestra: Heroes of Stalingrad which is basically a wet dream of a game for me. I also hope and pray that someday DICE does a proper sequel to BF1942.
I feel the same way. I'd LOVE to see D-day redone with DX11 quality graphics with multi/single player versions. I think one of the most amazing moments in gaming I ever had was Medal of Honor: Allied Assault's cinematic approach to the Omaha landing. I was utterly enraptured and enthralled with the sound and production values. It changed things up in FPS and the quality of scripting in games altogether.

Oh how I miss the old 3.x versions of DoD as well. I'd love to see the genre of WWII shooters further perfected. "WWII played out loelz" is getting a bit... played out.
I never expected to see 1943 on pc anyways. Loved it on xbox and it'll be on PS3 whenever I get one.

Also, this.

I am excited. I am going to break things if the player limit is 32 though. I'm expecting 64. 128 would be awesome but since it's crossplatform I sincerely doubt that is a possibility.
bf1943 was, from the start, obviously just a placeholder title to keep interest from bad company 1 till 2 came out. i can't believe people expected it to be amazing or for it to actually still be in development. the game is long null and void now bc2 is out.

i don't trust a word dice say about bf3. abandoning everything they've built up on the console to make a more pc audience friendly battlefield is a step in the wrong direction if you ask me. if they are going to be true to their word and the title is going to be more in vein of bf2, what are people getting excited about? game ****ing blew chunks. love live project reality, that's probably the one thing i do look forward to about this new title - so that pr can fix it and make it so much better.
Teaser trailer tomorrow?


that isn't to say i'm not a little bit excited, mind, but then i always am come new info releases about titles i'm familiar with.
I am excited. I am going to break things if the player limit is 32 though. I'm expecting 64. 128 would be awesome but since it's crossplatform I sincerely doubt that is a possibility.

I'll add to the breaking of things if they don't include mod tools. But I am excited as well!

"Armed with a new engine, Dice sets its sights on Call of Duty"

That worked out oh-so well with Medal of Honor. I don't like the sound of this at all.
If this is set in russia/middle east I'm not touching it.
Get ready to not touch it.

Where else would it be set, honestly?
Wow! It totally has men with guns and also tanks!

Day one purchase.
I hope it has the option to play in MP vs bots like BF2 did!

And no, I'm not trolling.

It was ****ing awesome playing matches with 127 bots in BF2.