Battlefield 4 unveiled behind curtains (and you're all stupid enough to buy it)

Tollbooth Willie

The Freeman
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
EA is showing off Battlefield 4 behind closed doors to retailers and it seems to be making a positive impression.
Following one such presentation, one retailer couldn’t hide its enthusiasm. Gamestop CEO Paul Raines tweeted, “Got to see Battlefield 4 today and all I can say is WOW! Thanks @EA for the sneak peek. Can’t wait for you all to see it. ^CEO #BF4”
I'm expecting to be extremely underwhelmed by this game, but 'ey.. If it's as fun as BF3, but still new and improved then maybe?
Oh look, another soulless clone of a game from a soulless game factory. No thanks.
BF3 felt like a bastard child of COD + BC series rather than a true successor to BF2. And that god damn blue tint. They can go **** themselves after they pushed all their efforts in stopping modding and strapped on pointless SP game mode to compete with COD.

BF4 will feature even more blue tint, lens flares, supernova sun and BF Premium! That's about as obvious to me.

ALSO: 10:29 - Token black guy moment

OMG just too much stupid. Like... I want to like it. It looks cool. But OMG. "Here let me get this giant piece of cement off your face...." I don't see any f**king HEV suits...
EA ruins another great franchise in a year: Mass Effect, Dead Space, SimCity, CnC, Crysis, Dragon Age and Battlefield.

They truly are worse than Capcom and Craptivision (sorry Krynn). It doesn't matter if they fired Emperor Palpatine as their CEO, as long as suits are in charge in creative decisions in making games, they will continue to destroy everything they touch.
  • Battlefield 4 will stick with 64 players. Maps are larger and more detailed.
  • Three factions: US, Russia, and an unnamed “Eastern/Asian” faction.
  • 4 classes with “additional features and tweaks” compared to BF3
  • Shipping with same amount of maps as BF3, there are plans for lots of DLC.
  • DLC is already in planning stages.
  • Battlefield 4 Premium will be available on day one and include some perks.
  • Most of the guns and vehicles from BF3 will return.
  • More squad features.
  • Commander feature returns, but won’t be the same as in BF2
  • Battlefield 4 is coming out on both current and next gen systems, and PC as well.
  • Game is more of an evolution rather than revolution of the series. Both technically and gameplay wise.
  • Will ship with more game modes than BF3
  • Will ship with more close quarter infantry maps than BF3
  • Frostbite 2 engine is pushed further in BF4. Better effects, higher res textures, more detailed game worlds, etc.
  • BF3 will still be supported after Battlefield 4 launches.
  • There is plan of some sort of integration between BF3 and BF4. Could be Battlelog-only.
  • Battlelog will be updated for Battlefield 4 with more social features and more detailed stats.
  • Single-player and co-op will return, new writers involved this time.
Impressive stuff.

Looking forward to this. Will have to get an upgrade before hand for sure.
What do you mean where?

Did you expect more the a generic shooter?!

This is the first real bit of next gen software I have seen and I am impressed. The graphics, lighting, detail and all round atmosphere is incredible.
Next gen? I don't see anything in that video that looks next-gen to me. Even if the graphics are supposedly better, I couldn't care less. Graphics are supposed to be better in a new game. That is not "impressive" to me.

Nothing in that list is impressive either, for the same reasons. Bigger maps with more detail? Expected. And it barely matters anyway because it's going to ship with the same amount of maps and yet more maps are going to be close quarters infantry... which means less big roaming maps, which are what made BF special.

Sorry but I don't see how not expecting much from a generic shooter means I should be impressed with it being generic. BF didn't used to be a generic shooter, so the only thing that would impress me is if they returned to their roots. But it won't happen because it doesn't make as much money, and they'll do whatever they can do milk customers of their cash by copying what's been successful (commercially) in the FPS genre.

I'll try to keep myself out of this thread though since it's obvious the game has nothing for me. I had to ask you what you thought was impressive though, because I was truly baffled.
With this being an industry I work in I look at things a bit different I guess. I really enjoy sitting watching videos like this and seeing all the nice new tech - i was sitting watching it with a graphics programmer + art director so lots of discussion about how stuff was done etc. Its always interesting seeing how a top end engine like this can do.

But I really enjoyed BF3 and I am a little sad that this is just a BF 3.5 but its pretty much what I expected.

imho i think bf3 is a better game then bf2. I enjoy it more and I think the weapons + ranking system works a lot better. The guns feel a lot nicer to shoot and even hit shit your aiming at. The big difference between then and now is the amount of competition. Back then the stuff they did in bf2 was revolutionary - massive worlds, tons of vehicles to drive around in. No one was doing it then but seen then there has been a MASSIVE boom in the gaming industry. Every few months now great games are hitting high street and filling up shelf space. Its making things look generic.

I dont really understand what you guys want to see from battlefield games, how is bf3 that much different to bf2 other then you rank up a bit faster and squad sizes are a bit different. The core gameplay is the same, big worlds, lots of people, tons of vehicles. The only real difference is the lack of commander - which to be fair everyone ignored anyrate.
Back then the stuff they did in bf2 was revolutionary - massive worlds, tons of vehicles to drive around in. No one was doing it then but seen then there has been a MASSIVE boom in the gaming industry. Every few months now great games are hitting high street and filling up shelf space. Its making things look generic.
Now you're just talkin' nonsense. Where are all the games that have massive worlds, tons of vehicles? All I see in military shooters are on-rails SP and close quarters MP, which is what BF3 and now 4 are going to do. They would have less competition if they went with what the previous BF games did. But amount of competition is irrelevant, because they're still going to make more money by making the game the way they are now, even when it is so similar to other military shooters.

I dont really understand what you guys want to see from battlefield games
Something new, or at least something everybody else isn't doing. The fact that this game still has some big maps and vehicle combat is the only thing setting it slightly apart from CoD.
The core gameplay is the same, big worlds, lots of people, tons of vehicles.
Which they're cutting down on in BF4. (same # of maps, but more CQB infantry maps) I expect this trend to continue until the game abandons large vehicle maps entirely. And this angers me enough to feel motivated to post.
  • Battlefield 4 will stick with 64 players. Maps are larger and more detailed.
  • Three factions: US, Russia, and an unnamed “Eastern/Asian” faction.
  • 4 classes with “additional features and tweaks” compared to BF3
  • Shipping with same amount of maps as BF3, there are plans for lots of DLC.
  • DLC is already in planning stages.
  • Battlefield 4 Premium will be available on day one and include some perks.
  • Most of the guns and vehicles from BF3 will return.
  • More squad features.
  • Commander feature returns, but won’t be the same as in BF2
  • Battlefield 4 is coming out on both current and next gen systems, and PC as well.
  • Game is more of an evolution rather than revolution of the series. Both technically and gameplay wise.
  • Will ship with more game modes than BF3
  • Will ship with more close quarter infantry maps than BF3
  • Frostbite 2 engine is pushed further in BF4. Better effects, higher res textures, more detailed game worlds, etc.
  • BF3 will still be supported after Battlefield 4 launches.
  • There is plan of some sort of integration between BF3 and BF4. Could be Battlelog-only.
  • Battlelog will be updated for Battlefield 4 with more social features and more detailed stats.
  • Single-player and co-op will return, new writers involved this time.

My reaction to pretty much everything in your post.

I watched until four minutes of that video with no sound and man, i think it would be actually pretty great to play a shoosting game that was that pretty where a lot of it was being really quiet and clearing out these huge abandoned buildings. Then suddenly it's all obviously going to be voice actors and 'protect' missions and eeechh
I watched until four minutes of that video with no sound and man, i think it would be actually pretty great to play a shoosting game that was that pretty where a lot of it was being really quiet and clearing out these huge abandoned buildings. Then suddenly it's all obviously going to be voice actors and 'protect' missions and eeechh

That's a good point. So few games use silence effectively, they seem almost afraid of it but quiet is a powerful tool.
As I remember it, SP mode in the older BF games was just MP matches with bots. Did that change before Bad Company?
They've all had stories since BC1 with the exception of the Vietnam addon for BC2

As you might imagine, they're pretty forgettable.
I dunno, BC at least didn't take itself seriously and had a cast of characters that I found pretty amusing. The campaign for Battlefield 3 didn't have that, and was definitely less interesting. That said, I've never been too bothered about the campaigns to begin with, as they serve as decent tech demos and multiplayer has always been the meat of the series anyways.

I have mixed feelings about Battlefield 4. I think it looks gorgeous (excessive lens flare is a little annoying though), but I'm really disappointed that it's modern era again. I would love to see a continuation of the 2142 era on the new Frostbite engine. I doubt this will be all that different from Battlefield 3, but if they manage to really impress me with some of the features I might consider picking it up.
The feature that if implemented properly that would push me over the edge is full on naval combat. Bombing aircrafting carriers, **** yeah. Take that, chopper campers.
Bringing the best of multiplayer into single player
Battlefield 4 is a seminal moment for the series and for us at DICE. We have long been known for our award-winning multiplayer. This time around, we are bringing the best elements of our multiplayer into the single player campaign.

This means that gamers will experience huge environments, a playground of destruction, access to an arsenal of vehicles, and the ability to direct squad mates – all within the single player campaign. Battlefield 4 is our most human, dramatic, and believable game yet, powered with our proprietary Frostbite™ 3 engine. This is the engine that will let you own land, sea and air.

This probably just means you'll get to actually fly the jet in a mission.


What IF: This means you play through a bit of the story which then leads you to a conquest-like battle where you have to win in order to move on. If so then I'm pre-ordering.
Honestly the one thing that could renew my interest in the series would be if they made the guns less pinpoint accurate again. That was 90% of what made Bad Company 2 so ****ing annoying to play, and it seemed even worse in BF3. When I tried that, most of what I did was get shot by people in bushes or across the map I couldn't even see because they could just point and click to kill.
Yeah I don't even bother going on foot any more unless I have to. It's ridiculous that I can put a rifle scope and slugs on the 870 pump-action and one shot people from across the map.

I will say though that BF3 is way better about bullets actually dropping. In BC2 you could just sit anywhere with the M60 and zone people. In BF3 you at least have to compensate for distance and way more recoil.
I'm excited to see in-game MP shots of the Frostbite 3 engine operating on the next-gen console standard. The PC port will be so much better because of that bar moving up. Pretty cool that this game will be for five platforms.