Best map?

Best map?

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Gravelpit, Dustbowl and Badwater are all top tier for me - I ended up voting for Gravelpit.
There isn't a "best" map as they all have their pros and cons. I do love Badwater and Gravelpit though.

That's because Steel, for me, is probably my current favourite. Behind that, I like Badlands a lot. And I'm also one of the hardcore aryan elite who will always happily seig heil to 2Fort. UNTERMENSCHEN NEED NOT APPLY.
Dustbowl will always keep me playing.

I want pl_avanti...
I still love dustbowl.

Followed closely by gravelpit.
1. Badwater
2. Goldrush
3. Hydro
4. Dustbowl/Gravel Pit
I heart gravel pit.

Yeah, me too.

Arena gets no love I see.

1) Badwater
2) Gravelpit
3) Ravine
4) Goldrush
They're all good, there is no best in my opinion. But the one I enjoy playing is Badwater, then there's Goldrush which is pretty good (especially with the sniping tower)
2fort sucks, I have no idea why people keep playing it.

Sorry that I left out some of the maps, but there's a ten option limit on the polls, as you certainly know.

That's because Steel, for me, is probably my current favourite. Behind that, I like Badlands a lot. And I'm also one of the hardcore aryan elite who will always happily seig heil to 2Fort. UNTERMENSCHEN NEED NOT APPLY.
It has 'Other', and there is a limit to the number of vote options so I think the list given is more than fair.

I voted Badlands because it's very solid. I also like how it's not always over when you're pushed back to the last point. I've had some complete turnarounds from defending the last cap to pulling off momentous victories, and it's not overplayed like most of the other maps. I also like Well but I think Badlands is less chokey and therefore is more balanced for all the classes (chokey maps make Engies, Soldiers, Demomen and Heavies stronger and the Spy a lot weaker). Spies on Badlands really have a lot of room to manouvre and really shine.

P.S. If everyone likes Badwater so much why does it only have 1 vote!!!!1111????////
I was just joshing with the options thing. Every poll thread has someone complaining about their option not being up there, so I thought I'd get that obligatory thing out of the way.

lol ofcourse not.

Good ole dustbowl
pl_badwater ftw

Love your avvie Mocho.
Voted hydro because I think tc is the best concept out there. Only downside is the constant stalemates.

It's not my favourite, though
Hydro's much better on a decent server.

I've had some really good Hydro games on Doomy's lately.
I, erm, got Badwater and Badlands mixed up. I'll shut up now!

Heh, I do too. Today I saw "cp_Badwater" and was very intrigued, only to be dissapointed upon further investigation.
I like turbine actually, it's got a TFC feel to it.
Voted Other. At the moment, at least, I'm liking arena_ravine. Wouldn't mind seeing it expanded into ctf_ravine or cp_ravine.
I've been playing a lot of cp_steel, and it is magnificent for playing engi.
Not sure I think it's the best, but I spend 90% of my time on 2fort.
Steel, every class has it's place, on offense and defense.

Closely followed by Badwater, Badlands, and Goldrush, dustbowl too I guess.

Favorite CTF map is Mach4, small and to the point.

Best arena map is Lumberyard, strictly for the visuals, arena gameplay is not my cup of tea.
Gravelpit and Badwater Basin, mostly because of the open space.

And they're both demo friendly.
There are maps which aren't demo friendly?
2fort's my favorite, but I generally really enjoy all of the pl and cp maps as well. CTF_turbine is also pretty good albeit it stalemates almost as bad as 2fort does.
I personally like 2Fort, the best, mostly because it was the MAIN TF2 map, sure there were Hydro, Gravelpit, and Dustbowl, but i still think of 2Fort as the main... also CTF rules.