Better than Steam.


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
Reaction score
Yea I said it!

I just came across this site earlier while trying to find a good deal (rather than a full $40) for Dark Souls. I got the game for $16 on Steam. This site has some GREAT deals. Looks kind of sketchy, but it's completely legit, that key worked like a charm and I played Dark Souls and it was great. You can use paypal there too.

Just thought I'd share it with you guys. They got some fantastic deals, best I've seen. Bioshock 2 for $12, XCOM: Enemy Unknown for $25, Mass Effect 3 for $25. Pretty good. Hell, even Dead Space 3 is only $40. It just came out a week ago.

If this is against some advertising rules or something, take it down, but I'm not trying to advertise. I just want you guys to see it, because less money on each game means more money for other games :)
An advert bot has taken over Dog--. Let's put him down before he infects us with his rabies.
Not a bad wee site actually. Had a quick look round the steam offers. There are a few bargains to be had.
I didn't auction when I bought my game. I don't think you have to.

EDIT: Just checked the site. I don't know why it says "bid, download, and play". Every single offer there, when you click on them, you can just buy it.
sounds like communism but whatever you liberal european socialist hippies think I guess this site I like better. I get 90% of my used games there. All you gotta do is sign up for their email offers and ass games. I got Deus Ex used there about 3 months after the game came out for $8 and there were no scratches on it. Some of the deals feel like you're stealing the game. The usually do buy 2 used get one for free or $1. Just gotta read the fine print, and movies are very cheap on there as well. Got some newer release movies a few months after release with bluray/dvd/digital copy for $2.
Man, I just bought 4 books at the book store, and found them all on that site for half price. Shit.
I hate to be that guy
Don't ever hate being the proper English guy. Even if it makes you feel bad, keep doing it irregardless.
