Bioshock demo on Live

Good demo. I was dissapointed with the water effects, they seemed to be no better than half life 2.
I was dissapointed with the water effects, they seemed to be no better than half life 2.

Was seriously? Some of it was really good. The part that got was near the elevator, if dont go in and wait a bit something falls on the glass above you and water starts pouring through. Unlike most games where it would just be the water splashing onto the floor and thats about it, it created a big puddle and the puddle started to fill the room a bit, until it was atleast an inch high >_> I thought that was neat.
This is stupid, that they released a 360 demo and not a PC demo. Why is it that PC gamers are always getting the crap end of the stick? (well I already know the answer to that question, they don't give a shit about the PC fanbase because it's not going to generate as much MONEY as the console market will) And what they did was also a stupid business decision as well, because I (along with many others I'm sure) will not be dropping $50 on a game without trying it first. Especially now that they've proven that console gamers are their main concern, I want to try it first to make sure it's not some Deus Ex Invisible War style console-ized piece of crap.
Theres a process to this.

1. Stare at shiny decor.
2. Wonder what the heck is going on.
3. Smash the kill button about as fast as you can.

This is stupid, that they released a 360 demo and not a PC demo. Why is it that PC gamers are always getting the crap end of the stick? (well I already know the answer to that question, they don't give a shit about the PC fanbase because it's not going to generate as much MONEY as the console market will) And what they did was also a stupid business decision as well, because I (along with many others I'm sure) will not be dropping $50 on a game without trying it first. Especially now that they've proven that console gamers are their main concern, I want to try it first to make sure it's not some Deus Ex Invisible War style console-ized piece of crap.

You sir are a moron. PCs are fundamentally harder to develop for and the dev process takes longer. Get over yourself buddy, you realize for example they had two groups working on the UI? (More than the UI more like the whole damn thing I'm told) Bioshock for PC is not a port. Think about it how many times do console gamers need support or have issues with their graphics or some other problem? Hardly ever but in the PC world it's oh so common.

Did you miss the part where there will still be a PC demo and you can still try before you buy or are you just ignorant?

Good demo. I was dissapointed with the water effects, they seemed to be no better than half life 2.

Uh what? HL2 water did not move and if it did it moved on one axis. Bioshock water is many times superior.
ya i don't know what the big deal is
there WILL be a PC demo eventually... can't people wait?
stop whining!
i will not make a promise i cannot keep. i will not promise you that you will receive the demo on a day if i am not sure we can hit that day.

please understand. this is NOT at all a move to try and get more people to buy a 360 version and is actually helping the PC users. we know you want to test out your specs, that you want to see how it runs on your machine. so we need to make sure the demo runs on all machines and all drivers, just like the regular, full game does. it takes a lot of time and a lot of testing. and everyone is working on that right now.

thanks for understanding.

So apparently some Toys R Us's here in NJ and NYC (and some other places) got their bioshock shipments yesterday but with no actual literature on when to put it on the shelves. Some guy posted this before on another forum :

So yeah im going to a Toys R us near me tommorow to see if this is all true >_>

Apparently no PC versions in sight.
You sir are a moron. PCs are fundamentally harder to develop for and the dev process takes longer. Get over yourself buddy, you realize for example they had two groups working on the UI? Bioshock for PC is not a port. Think about it how many times do console gamers need support or have issues with their graphics or some other problem? Hardly ever but in the PC world it's oh so common.

Did you miss the part where there will still be a PC demo and you can still try before you buy or are you just ignorant?

Wait I got a question for you too..who do you think you are by calling me a moron? I'm a person who enjoys playing PC games in my spare time and I'm annoyed that they didn't release a PC demo yet(I don't have a 360 to try bioshock). Yet you act like I don't have a right to say anything about it.
Wait I got a question for you too..who do you think you are by calling me a moron?

I called you one because I'm bloody sick and tired of people complaining about one thing or another and pushing the "consoles make monies" argument. You can say whatever you want just don't expect to not get flamed when you say something stupid. I'm annoyed too trust me on that one mate.
from the 2k website it will be a couple of days before the demo is out for pc. it will be released before the full game though. cant wait :D
I shall now admit I was wrong. I had not gotten to that part yet. Damn good water effects.

I probably wont get it until christmas.

Im so broke.
I have to say I'm somewhat worried about the apparent lack of any sort of news regarding the PC version.
Either that or I'm going a little bit nutty waiting for this - it's a breath of fresh air that myself, and the gaming community needs.
Only just got my 360 back from repairs today, and went straight to downloading the demo, which was done surprisingly fast.

Dayumn. Is all I have to say.

Absolutely stunned at how detailed and rich the environments are. Technically it's great, obviously, but the art direction has me totally gobsmacked. Love it.

Oh, and it seems pretty fun to play, too :)

If you're getting the LE version say aye!


Aye. Big daddy figurine FTW

*imagines if it would look good next to my evangelion models next to my comp*
Me too. 2k have been very cever in setting the scene so well and making what happened in Rapture a mystery. Intrigue and curiosity - rare things in a video game.

I thought 2k was the publisher, not the developer? I heard the developer was a new team made up from people who worked on SS2?
Irrational developed the game, as well as people from Looking Glass Studios and some guys who worked on Thief 3. Irrational are now known as 2K Boston.
Objectivism, the philosophy that the team used as inspiration for Rapture, was created by Ayn Rand, which they make a 'play-on-words' with in the game with the creator of Rapture being called Andrew Ryan, it's a very interesting philosophy imo, based on "Let it go capitalism", i.e. every person has the full right to do whatever he wants with his own 'property'.
Irrational developed the game, as well as people from Looking Glass Studios and some guys who worked on Thief 3. Irrational are now known as 2K Boston.

Wow way to paint half the story there. Irrational became 2K Boston and 2K Australia. Check out the art book it lists employees from both countries.
I'm so sorry I forgot 2K Australia. I'm so so so so so sorry, Kyorisu.
I'm afraid this game may make wet my pants ...are there any "OMG! I SCARED!! MY HEART!!!" moments in the game?

playing stalker the other night in my new house all alone 1 am when I hear a loud bang coming from a closet right behind me followed by the sound of tons of liquid hitting the floor ..I jumped out of my seat (almost ripping my headphones off) ..I open the closet door and I see water dripping from the door jamb and the ceiling's dark, I just smoked one and it kinda looks like blood ..needless to say I screamed like a little girl till I put two and two together ...a contractor working on my kitchen above left a full pail of murkey cement water which tipped over leaking into the floor below (construction, the floor is exposed) ..anyways it scared the shit out of me had that happened while playing Bioshock I truely would have made poopy in my pants!!!
There really isnt anything scary in the demo....the water effect are decent, yet i think they need work at parts....Guns are ok (you only get 1 and a wrench) the plasmids are pretty cool, you get an electricity one as well as the ability to set people on fire, and sometimes they dive into the water to put it out, kinda cool....

ALl in all, id give it an 8.5/10...but thats just the demo, the actual game is probably much better overall
The only part that was a bit freaky was right at the beginning of the demo when the splicer tries to get into the Bathyosphere. Holy shit I was looking all directions thinking that bitch was gonna come in D: So yeah I played it a second time through and theres alot of shit I missed. Like news papers with info about Rapture. Also in one of the Audio Diaries you can clearly here "Long live Atlas" in the backround. Interesting :O


Anyone else "reserved" the demo on fileplanet? not too sure about estimated date :|

I just played the demo yesterday at my friend's house. He had a 47-inch Sony Bravia with 1080p and an hdmi port on his 360.

It was the most beautiful and exciting video game demo I have ever played. It is probably the best 15-20 minutes of video gaming I have ever experienced since the City 17 train station. This game makes me proud of video games and can be included in the list of "Video Games as Art", joining the ranks of Super Mario 64, Grim Fandango, and Half-Life 2. And not to be too "fanboy-ish", this has shamed every game the PS3 has either released or demo'ed thus far (I'm looking at you Heavenly Sword).
Here's a walkthrough of the demo:

Click "more from this user" to get the rest of it.
my hypometer just exploded.

heh, mine to.

'It's a game all about being observant and experimenting - and when it all comes together, it offers possibly the most thrilling combat in any FPS you've ever experienced. The scope to do things your way is simply mind boggling, in such a way it makes regular shooters look pathetically dated and uninspired by comparison.'
Too bad I'm only playing this game around christmas, when I get my new computer. Looks so fantastic, I read the reviews and I'm really impressed. This is the first I'm going to install when I get my new PC.
Where's the PC demo? I don't understand the delay, why couldn't they just have released the demo's together? Not that I can play the demo until tomorrow, possibly the day after, anyhow since my current PC won't run it. 10/10
Game Informer: 10/10
Games Radar: 10/10
OXM UK: 10/10
PC Zone: 96%
PC Gamer UK: 95%

I don't understand the delay, but whatever, I'm always annoyed when they delay a release of a game because of problems with ONE of the platforms.
Release day can't come soon enough. I think I'm going to spend the next week doing all my coursework so that when it releases I can focus on playing Bioshock as much as I want without having to think about work.


Gonna get the demo tomorrow. Forget AS exam results, this demo has me excited for tomorrow!