Birthday teller or somethin?


Companion Cube
Oct 6, 2003
Reaction score
Well, i suggest there should be a some kind of thing that says whos birthday it is, and maybe a section for it, to allow people to congradulate, and such!
Happy birthday, Idanew (27), fragglerox (26), 3L_GRINGO (24), BlackBeltBob (22), TheViperOne (17)!
Suicide42, you do not have permission to access this page.


happens when I select it at the top bar, as well! I used to be able to see it... :O
Ahh, there'll be a problem with your permissions then. Shouldn't be a problem, just speak to Hot Soup about it on IRC and he'll fix it for you.
meh, I'm not bothered :p It's only a calender ;)
Howcome I as a regular member has access, but not a content writer?
Yeh i know i do :p

RAWR!!! i am godly

[SARCASM] I am infact god but not your god i am a goa'uld aka false god:)[/SARCASM]
The_Monkey said:
Howcome I as a regular member has access, but not a content writer?
The content writer isn't a default usergroup in vBulletin. Those default ones are mainly Registered, Moderator, Super Moderator and Administrator (and of course Banned etc.). Obviously all the default usergroups automatically have the correct permissions there.

New usergroups have to be made from scratch by giving it a name and then manually selecting Yes / No to each individual permission (such as posting, moving threads, editing threads, access to calendar etc. etc.). All it means is whenever the Content Writer usergroup is created, somebody clicked No instead of Yes for the Calendar permissions.
Could we have a seprate calender for HL centred events, as mentioned in "State of the Site." Like mod releases, game dates, etc...

So have a 'Public' and an 'Events' calender.
But i can't...

On the real side, how hard would a 'HL2 Events' calender be to do, with only some able to add events, but all to view...