

Dec 14, 2006
Reaction score
So what do you guys think? It's just been enabled, it seems. Currently I have almost a billion notifications - for example

Sep 27rG. Vegeta now owns Dedicated Server, Codename Gordon, Source Dedicated Server, Half-Life 2: Demo, Team Fortress 2 Dedicated Server, Portal: The First Slice, Spacewar, Zombie Movie, Day of Defeat: Prelude to Victory, Dangerous Waters Trailer, Darwinia Trailer, Half-Life 2 Trailer, Half-Life 2: Episode One Trailer, Rag Doll Kung Fu Trailer, Red Orchestra Trailer, Shadowgrounds Trailer, Sin Episodes: Emergence Trailer, Half-Life 2: Episode One Launch Teaser 1, Half-Life 2: Episode One Launch Teaser 2, Half-Life 2: Episode One Launch Teaser 3, Half-Life 2: Episode One Launch Teaser 4, Half-Life 2: Episode Two Trailer, Day of Defeat: Jagd Trailer, Day of Defeat: Colmar Trailer, Dark Messiah: Warrior, Dark Messiah: Assassin, Dark Messiah: Wizard, Portal Trailer, Team Fortress 2 Trailer, Red Orchestra Infantry Tutorial, Red Orchestra Vehicle Tutorial, Red Orchestra Lyes Krovy Trailer, GTI Racing Trailer, SourceForts Trailer, Uplink Trailer, Half-Life 2: Episode Two Trailer 2, Team Fortress 2 Trailer 2, Half-Life 2: Episode Two Gameplay Movie 1, Half-Life 2: Episode Two Gameplay Movie 2, Half-Life 2: Episode Two Gameplay Movie 3, Dark Messiah Gameplay Trailer, Half-Life 2: Episode Two Gameplay Movie 4, Half-Life 2: Episode Two Gameplay Movie 5, City Life Trailer, X3: Reunion Trailer, Dark Messiah Launch Trailer, Red Orchestra Fall Update Trailer, Heroes of Annihilated Empires Trailer, Prey Trailer, Left4Dead Teaser, X3: Reunion 2.0 Trailer, Gumboy Crazy Adventures Trailer, Eets Trailer, Silverfall Trailer, Joint Task Force Trailer, Hitman: Blood Money Trailer, Just Cause Trailer, TrackMania United Trailer, Runaway, The Dream of The Turtle Trailer, Battlestations: Midway Trailer, Project: Snowblind Trailer, Tomb Raider: Legend Trailer, Infernal Trailer, Infernal Trailer 1, Team Fortress 2: Meet the Heavy, Red Orchestra June 07 New Content Trailer, Tomb Raider: Anniversary Trailer, TrackMania United Webisode 1: Coppers, TrackMania United Webisode 2: Manialinks, TrackMania United Webisode 3: Maniazones, TrackMania United Webisode 4: Singleplayer, TrackMania United Webisode 5: Multiplayer, Sam and Max: Episode 1 Trailer, Sam and Max: Episode 2 Trailer, Sam and Max: Episode 3 Trailer, Sam and Max: Episode 4 Trailer, Sam and Max: Episode 5 Trailer, Sam and Max: Episode 6 Trailer, Lost Planet: Extreme Condition Trailer, Kane and Lynch Trailer 2, Kane and Lynch Trailer, ThreadSpace: Hyperbol Trailer, Titan Quest: Immortal Throne Trailer, STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl Trailer, SpaceForce: Rogue Universe Trailer, Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword Trailer, Gish Trailer, Call of Juarez Trailer, Bioshock Trailer, Team Fortress 2: Meet The Soldier, Race07 Trailer, Team Fortress 2: Meet The Engineer, Kane and Lynch Trailer 3, Juiced 2 - Hot Import Nights Trailer, Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars Trailer, Loki Trailer, Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts, Team Fortress 2: Meet the Heavy (Russian), The Orange Box Commercial, Two Worlds Trailer, Team Fortress 2: Meet the Demoman, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Trailer, Painkiller Overdose Trailer, Rag Doll Kung Fu Demo, Darwinia Demo, Defcon Demo, Multiwinia Demo, Arx Fatalis Demo, Dark Messiah Singleplayer Demo, Dark Messiah Might and Magic Dedicated Server, The Ship Dedicated Server, Shadowgrounds Demo, Gumboy Demo, RIP 3 - The Last Hero Demo, Vigil - Blood Bitterness Demo, ThreadSpace: Hyperbol Demo, Painkiller Demo, Painkiller Overdose Demo, Bejeweled 2 Deluxe Demo, Chuzzle Deluxe Demo, Insaniquarium Deluxe Demo, Zuma Deluxe Demo, AstroPop Deluxe Demo, Bejeweled Deluxe Demo, Big Money Deluxe Demo, BookWorm Deluxe Demo, Dynomite Deluxe Demo, Feeding Frenzy 2 Deluxe Demo, Hammer Heads Deluxe Demo, Heavy Weapon Deluxe Demo, Iggle Pop Deluxe Demo, Pizza Frenzy Demo, Rocket Mania Deluxe Demo, Typer Shark Deluxe Demo, Talismania Deluxe Demo, Bookworm Adventures Deluxe Demo, Peggle Deluxe Demo, Venice Demo, Mystery P.I. - The Lottery Ticket Demo, Amazing Adventures: The Lost Tomb Demo, Mystery PI: The Vegas Heist Demo, Psychonauts Demo, BloodRayne 2 Demo, Poker Superstars II Demo, RACE 07 Demo, RACE 07 Demo Dedicated Server, RoboBlitz Demo, Silverfall Demo, Titan Quest Demo, Full Pipe Demo, Medieval II: Total War Demo, Heroes of Annihilated Empires Demo, Heroes of Annihilated Empires Multiplayer Demo, Zen of Sudoku Demo, Painkiller Overdose Teaser, Overlord Trailer, Clive Barker's Jericho Trailer, Shadowgrounds Survivor Trailer, Alpha Prime Trailer 2, Alpha Prime: Weapons, Alpha Prime: Hacking, Alpha Prime: Bullet Time, Alpha Prime Trailer, Speedball 2 - Tournament Trailer, Universe at War: Earth Assault Trailer, Insurgency Mod Trailer, Speedball 2 - Tournament Tutorial, The Golden Compass Trailer, Frontline: Fuels of War Trailer, Team Fortress 2: Meet the Heavy (German), Team Fortress 2: Meet the Heavy (French), EVE Online: Coming Soon, The Club Trailer, Dawn of War: Soulstorm Trailer, Turning Point: Fall of Liberty Trailer, Overlord: Raising Hell Trailer, Frontlines: Fuel of War Multiplayer Trailer, Rainbox Six: Vegas 2 Trailer, Rainbox Six: Vegas Trailer, Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 Trailer, Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter Trailer, Unreal Tournament 3 Trailer, Assassin's Creed Trailer, TrackMania Nations Forever Trailer, Team Fortress 2: Meet the Scout, Team Fortress 2: Meet the Scout (French), Team Fortress 2: Meet the Scout (German), Team Fortress 2: Meet the Scout (Russian), Team Fortress 2: Meet the Scout (Spanish), STALKER: Clear Sky Tech Demo, Sam and Max 201 Trailer, Sam and Max 202 Trailer, Sam and Max 203 Trailer, Sam and Max 204 Trailer, Sam and Max 205 Trailer, Trials 2: Second Edition Trailer, Trials 2: Second Edition: Bumps' N Bruises, Trials 2: Second Edition: Rollin and Tumblin, Trials 2: Second Edition: Throttle to the Max, TrackMania United Forever Trailer, GRID Trailer, On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness - Episode One Trailer, Tom Clancy's HAWX Trailer, Team Fortress 2: Meet the Sniper, Far Cry 2 Trailer, Crazy Machines 2 Trailer, Brothers in Arms: Hells Highway Trailer 1, Brothers in Arms: Hells Highway Trailer 2, Team Fortress 2: Meet the Sniper (French), Team Fortress 2: Meet the Sniper (German), Team Fortress 2: Meet the Soldier (French), Team Fortress 2: Meet the Soldier (German), STALKER: Clear Sky Atmosphere Trailer, EVE Online - Empyrean Age Trailer, Team Fortress 2: Meet the Sniper (Russian), Team Fortress 2: Meet the Sniper (Spanish), FlatOut Ultimate Carnage Trailer, Pro Cycling Manager 2008 Trailer, Space Siege Trailer, Multiwinia: Domination Trailer, Dawn of War II: Trailer, Dawn of War II: E3 Gameplay, Dawn of War II: Teaser, Team Fortress 2: Meet the Sandvich, Dawn of War II: Leipzig Trailer, Dawn of War II: The Tyranids, Far Cry 2: E3 Gameplay, Far Cry 2: Enemies, Far Cry 2 GamePlay Movie, Velvet Assassin Trailer, GTR Evolution Trailer, Multiwinia: King of the Hill Trailer, Multiwinia: Capture the Statue Trailer, Crysis Warhead Trailer, X3: Terran Conflict Teaser, Crysis Trailer, Crysis Wars Trailer, Multiwinia: Rocket Riot, Multiwinia: Blitzkrieg, The Witcher: Enhanced Trailer, Team Fortress 2: Meet the Solider (Russian), Team Fortress 2: Meet the Demoman (Russian), Multiwinia: Assault Trailer, Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Colonization Trailer, Prince of Persia Trailer, STCC - The Game Teaser, City Life 2008 Trailer, STCC - The Game Trailer, Shaun White Debut Trailer, Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures Trailer, Project Aftermath Trailer, Pyroblazer Trailer, Xpand Rally Xtreme Trailer, Pyroblazer Trailer 2, Spectraball Trailer, Pyroblazer Intro, Eets Demo, FlatOut Demo, Making History: The Calm and The Storm Demo, The Longest Journey Demo, Joint Task Force Demo, Lost Planet: Extreme Conditions Demo, Lost Planet: Extreme Conditions DX10 Demo, Lost Planet: Extreme Condition Trial, Lost Planet: Extreme Condition DirectX10 Trial, Just Cause Demo, Battlestations: Midway Multiplayer Demo, Hitman: Blood Money Demo, Tomb Raider: Legend Demo, Project: Snowblind Demo, Infernal Demo, Runaway, The Dream of the Turtle Demo, Loki Egyptian Demo, Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened Demo, Ricochet Lost Worlds Demo, Wik Demo, Sid Meier's Railroads Demo, Bioshock Demo, Stubbs The Zombie Demo, The Movies Demo, Tomb Raider: Anniversary Demo, Championship Manager 2008 Demo, Conflict: Denied Ops Demo, Sam and Max Episode 4, EVE Online Demo, Attack on Pearl Harbor Demo, RACE 07 - Andy Priaulx Crowne Plaza Expansion, RACE 07 Demo - Crowne Plaza Raceway edition, RACE 07 Demo - Crowne Plaza Edition Dedicated Server, STCC - The Game - Demo, STCC Demo Dedicated Server, Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword - Final Frontier Demo, Quake 3 Arena Demo, Quake 3 Team Arena Demo, Doom 3 Demo, Hexen II Demo, Quake II Demo, Company of Heroes Singleplayer Demo, Dawn of War Demo, Dawn of War Winter Assault Demo, Dawn of War: Soulstorm Demo, Gish Demo, Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars Demo, Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars Demo 2.0, Loki Norse Demo, TrackMania Nations Forever, Sherlock Holmes: Nemesis Demo, Dracula: Origin Demo, Alpha Prime Demo, Shadowgrounds Survivor Demo, Clive Barker's Jericho Demo, Overlord Demo, Counter-Strike Online, Lumines Demo, Audiosurf Demo, Ninja Reflex: Steamworks Edition Demo, The Wonderful End of the World Demo, Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus Demo, Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee Demo, Planet Busters Demo, 7 Wonders 2 Demo, Luxor AR Demo, Luxor 2 Demo, Luxor 3 Demo, The Office Demo, Reaxxion Demo, Little Farm Demo, Luxor Demo, Elf Bowling: Hawaiian Vacation Demo, Discovery! A Seek and Find Adventure Demo, Virtual Villagers: A New Home Demo, Virtual Villagers 2: The Lost Children Demo, Plant Tycoon Demo, Fish Tycoon Demo, Virtual Villagers 3: The Secret City Demo, Chaos Theory Demo, Trials 2: Second Edition Demo, Children of the Nile Demo, Zombie Panic Source Dedicated Server, Age of Chivalry Dedicated Server, Synergy Dedicated Server, D.I.P.R.I.P. Dedicated Server, Insurgency Dedicated Server, Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness, Episode One Demo, Tank Universal Demo, Eternity's Child Demo, Gravitron 2 - Demo, Project Aftermath Demo.
which is a bit silly.

An interesting feature, I'd say.
It seems like Facebook's notification feature, tbh. I suppose if you configure it properly, it could be useful. A full "disable" checkbox might be useful.
Yeah, I agree. Some of the information seems useful, as it instantly shows you upcoming events or announcements without having to navigate to the specific group.
However, I'm not really sure if some of those options are necessary. Would it be better to be able to select notifications for specific people? I have around thirty friends, so someone with 150 friends automatically getting notified of every game, demo and trailer their friends own would be swamped.
I guess for some people they'd appreciate them.

I particularly disapprove of the fact it's on the home page. I miss the instant click to chat.

A new interface is hard to master under the influence of alcohol.,
Wtf lol. I own all that?
