Blue screen bonanza


Party Escort Bot
Sep 16, 2003
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It seems that my computer has died. While I was playing BC2 yesterday it crashed. After that I have had tons of blue screens and I am not able to boot it up anymore, not even in safe mode. It crashes before it can fully load, either with a blue screen or a message that the shacct.dll file in the system32 folder is borked. Right now I am trying to boot up with my Windows disk, but that is taking forever (going on 10 minutes now). I see a full load bar with a message above that says 'Windows is loading files ...'. I don't know how because my dvd player nor my hard disk are running at the moment. That leaves me at wits end. Is there any hope left or is it RIP computer?
If you have more than one HDD, just plug in the windows drive. Make sure it is securely plugged in.

Try to boot the computer now.

If you still get the prompt that a file is missing, you could reinstall Windows or something to fix it. That is, if you get the DVD drive working too
If you have more than one HDD, just plug in the windows drive. Make sure it is securely plugged in.

Try to boot the computer now.

If you still get the prompt that a file is missing, you could reinstall Windows or something to fix it. That is, if you get the DVD drive working too

I don't have a second hdd so I can't try it that way. And the dvd booting doesn't seem to work either. I get the loading message but after the load bar has filled up, the dvd player stops running and nothing happens. Srsly wtf.
I don't have enough information to help, really.

The DVD drive should work at first. Put the Windows disc in it and power on the computer. But once Windows crashes, you can't expect the DVD drive to continue to be responsive.

I think you may have a dead motherboard.

I would mostly suspect a corrupted Windows installation, but I would expect the DVD to boot. In your BIOS, do you have boot order options? Make it boot from DVD.
Bad Company 2 is the only game that causes my computer to crash/BSOD(happens after ~30 min usually in Windows 7, not in XP), never happens to me during another game/program, So I would be careful with concluding your hardware is dead.

I'd say, try the DVD for another Windows version or make a bootable USB drive.
I got a little bit further. As it turns out the shacct.dll error message disappears after you click it about a dozen times. I got my computer to boot up so I ran checkdisk. That made my pc run a little more stable, in the sense that the amount of blue screens got a lot less. Still, every 3D application (i.e. every game) crashes. Just with an error message now, not with a blue screen anymore (not all of the time at least). I will now attempt a system repair to see if that changes anything.
Still, every 3D application (i.e. every game) crashes.
That makes me suspect your video card, especially since you were playing a game when it first happened.
That makes me suspect your video card, especially since you were playing a game when it first happened.

Yup, that is most likely it, in combination with a borked hdd since that was giving me trouble as well. Time for an upgrade I guess ...