
I'm so torn about this. On the one hand, it'll be slightly cheaper on PC and I won't have to pay for XBL. But on the other hand, I owe Willie my life vicariously through Bad Company for blowing up snipers.

I'm so poor :(
Don't forget the PC version has the nifty feature of saving weapons you find as an informational card in the form of a .jpg.
Also don't forget that your money is always more important than Willie, that ******.
I... love him, though. BUT STILL!
Anyone know if there'll be any indoor dungeons like mines, factories, etc. and indoor shops? (similar to Fo3)
Or is it all going to be mostly outside like the GTA series?

Also, the lack of character customization doesn't necessarily have me worried, but it would be nice if playable characters had a variety of different outfits/skins to choose from.
Anyone know if there'll be any indoor dungeons like mines, factories, etc. and indoor shops? (similar to Fo3)
Or is it all going to be mostly outside like the GTA series?

There will be outdoor areas, caves/mines and dungeons/instances called dog legs.
I'm so poor :(

Don't take this the wrong way, but I laughed really hard at this for some reason.


I'll probably buy this for PC at some point when there's a price dive.
Dog legs? Could you elaborate a bit more please if you hadn't already?

Doglegs are basically what dungeons in WoW are. They are areas that are separate from the gaming world where the enemies are harder and the bosses drop better loot. It will be quite hard to solo them since they are made specifically for groups. More on doglegs in this thread on the (quite unfriendly) GBX forums.
Doglegs are basically what dungeons in WoW are. They are areas that are separate from the gaming world where the enemies are harder and the bosses drop better loot. It will be quite hard to solo them since they are made specifically for groups. More on doglegs in this thread on the (quite unfriendly) GBX forums.
Uh oh, I don't like the sound of this.

Will the scaling be different for SP campaigns or is it going to be like one of those MP/MMO centric games like L4D that gives you the option to play SP, but nigh impossible?
Uh oh, I don't like the sound of this.

Will the scaling be different for SP campaigns or is it going to be like one of those MP/MMO centric games like L4D that gives you the option to play SP, but nigh impossible?

Most of the game will be soloable but a couple of previews (Shacknews for example) mentioned that it might be more fun in coop.

EDIT I take it you made this thread? ;)
Most of the game will be soloable but a couple of previews (Shacknews for example) mentioned that it might be more fun in coop.

EDIT I take it you made this thread? ;)
Nope. Very observant though, seeing as how that guy compared L4D to other MP/MMO games and possibly Borderlands. Not to mention he was also a new member asking the VERY same question.

Also, I don't make a habit of posting run-on sentences. ;)
I found out that there are more environments than just this desert setting that we've seen, such as a snowy area, a rusty area, and a forest area.
Uh oh, I don't like the sound of this.

Will the scaling be different for SP campaigns or is it going to be like one of those MP/MMO centric games like L4D that gives you the option to play SP, but nigh impossible?

Supposedly the difficulty scales depending on the number of players.
The quality of loot also scales - if you want the phat guns you'll likely need to take down huge beasties with a bunch of friends.
The quality of loot also scales - if you want the phat guns you'll likely need to take down huge beasties with a bunch of friends.

Correct. If you want to go for a lvl 50 legendary sniper rifle, you'll prolly have to have a full group and down an elite (badass in BL jargon) mob that is level 52.
I think I'll go with Borderlands instead of L4D2 (or at the end, I'll buy both).
Does anyone know if this game will be moddable, or have loot updates from Gearbox?
I am liking these new vids. This AI seems to do its proper job. Shame the people playing are running and gunning.

Does anyone know if this game will be moddable, or have loot updates from Gearbox?

Gearbox has made very clear they want to do a lot of DLC packs. The first one is already in the works. The packs will very likely be new areas and even more guns.

Pitchfork hinted that they might release the SDK but there is no clear confirmation that BL will be moddable.
lol, Pitchfork is momentarily spamming his own forums to announce that Borderlands has gone gold. Four threads already; the place is going berserk.
Stop calling him Pitchfork. :p
Reading those forums makes me think the average age of a borderlands player will be around 14-15.
I am wondering why TWO of them have Hancock shirts on? What an awful movie.
First review is in, 8.5

Looks like OXM.

So there aren't any difficulty levels? That seems dumb. Even if it auto-scales the difficulty, how am I supposed to purposefully challenge myself, or force the game into a ridiculous level of difficulty just because I can?
If you want to ridiculously challenge yourself, I'd imagine you could just go to a high level dungeon with a low level character. Did Diablo have difficulty settings? I honestly don't remember. I'm guessing the PC version will have save anywhere capability, too.
Diablo definitely had difficulty settings. You should have at least remembered the difference between Nightmare and Hell Baal runs :p
8.5/10 kind of sounds like the sort of score I'd expect Borderlands to be getting. Strong, but not mind blowing.
Diablo definitely had difficulty settings. You should have at least remembered the difference between Nightmare and Hell Baal runs :p

Yeah, well I never owned Diablo myself, just played it at a friend house some :(.

Anyway, 8.5 sounds like what I expected, especially when you take into account that a game's review score is usually proportionate to the amount of hype it has. And the PC version is reportedly the superior version. Right now, it's Risen vs. Borderlands for my money this month.