Breene, dead or alive?


Dec 31, 2007
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Hello everybody, my first post on this interesting forum.

I was just wondering, is breene dead or not? You hear him talking in the final fight in HL2, but ive never seen him.
Is he dead or not?
he got exploded!
he dead and you would be if it wasnt for thr GMan
Breen lives on in my heart.

Welcome to the forum.
Do you have the chance to see him in the final endbattle in HL2?
Thanx for the answers btw.
He's dead and alive!

For in this ever quantum world in which we live in, where there are no truths or lies, he lives and yet dies.
Aside from all the sillyness, is he dead or alive?
And is it possible to see him in the HL2 final fight?
Someone please post the robot Breen picture.
Aside from all the sillyness, is he dead or alive?
And is it possible to see him in the HL2 final fight?
WE. DO. NOT. KNOW. A little searching would have probably given you that impression.

The Advisor suggests a host body to survive in the otherworld environment. As he appeared to be in his usual human form inside an energy bubble when attempting to teleport, the obvious statement is he never got that host body, and that had he teleported he may have received one on the other side. He can be seen falling all the way back down to the base of the chamber inside his bubble until the reactor explodes, which with no intervention would have almost certainly killed him.

So, from what we have observed, there is no reason to believe he is alive in any form. However this does not mean that there is not the slim possibility that he may still be alive. You can believe it if it brings you comfort. Just remember that under no circumstances does that alone make it true.
Aside from all the sillyness, is he dead or alive?

He's most likely dead, although some people think he's still alive, it hasn't been confirmed or denied but considering the circumstances of the final fight, the general consensus is that he's dead.

And is it possible to see him in the HL2 final fight?

Yes. If you hadn't noticed he was in that huge bubble-thing you were trying to stop during the whole fight.
I hope he isn't dead. He is such a brilliant character.

But if that means him bieng an advisor - please stay dead. Part of his charm is in his appearance and his voice. A giant slug that speaks with its mind just doesn't cut it the same way he does in his human form.
It remains unknown. I believe he is dead, others believe he is alive and others believe that his mind has been transfered into a Combine Advisor's body.
Regardless of whether Breen is dead or alive, I don't want to see him in anything containing the words "Xtreme Beach Voleyball".

On a more serious note... I find it hard to believe he would survive the portal explosion. On the other hand, maybe the Advisors already had a copy/another body of him by the time HL2 ends?
You also see the Black Mesa lobby. Doesn't mean either of the two still exist.
I personally believe he's alive and I hope he is not a ****ing slug.
Breen is currently alive and well, living beneath the comparatively untouched new york city, he lives with Will Smith, and he is destined to have a crisis of confidence, realise his mistakes and the value of free will, and help Smith upload a virus into the mother ship, but as Smith insists on reminding him, 'He aint seen no fat lady!'
He lives on as an advisor. Or, he got teleportered, we don't know exactly when Breen was killed, maybe he got to the top and escaped as we blew him up, or maybe he was half-way up the teleportation device when we killed him. Everyone played the game at a different pace. For me, hes alive and kicking ass as always.
Breen is currently alive and well, living beneath the comparatively untouched new york city, he lives with Will Smith, and he is destined to have a crisis of confidence, realise his mistakes and the value of free will, and help Smith upload a virus into the mother ship, but as Smith insists on reminding him, 'He aint seen no fat lady!'

Come join me at the Table of Awesome. You have earned yourself a spot.
I think it is quite possible that Breen's bubble protected him from the drop. After all it would have protected him from the dangers of inter-dimensional travel. Not to mention that quite a few Combine soldiers and stalkers survived the initial explosion of the dark fusion reactor as well.
I don't believe there is any definitive evidence that Breen is either alive or dead. Especially considering how when Breen talks about "Gordon's contract being up for the highest bidder", which shows Breen definitely knows the G-Man. And as we all know, the G-Man has the ability to save people at the very moment of their demise and take them into the void much like he did to Gordon on a couple occasions, rescued Alyx from Black Mesa, etc.

I personally believe he died before the singularity collapsed when he was trying to get sent off to some combine world and live in a host body.

Only time will tell.
Can we please just conclude that this is all pointless speculation? We've gone through every bit of evidence and speculation that we can and there is clearly no way we are going to be able to predict what might happen in this case. Let us lay the Breen theories to rest until new evidence actually arrives.
^ I agree, this is absolutely pointless until we get some new info, as nothing so far has even suggested he's alive (or dead, for that matter).
I believe that Breen is still alive but not in a body of an advisor. Perhaps he is now recovering from some injuries received from the citadel explosion and waiting for the moment to reveal himself as MechaBreen.

It doesn't matter as long as everyone agrees that Breen is f**king awesome!:E
Well if you believe Breen to be a "naysayer" an unable to be quelled, maybe the G-man did save him.
However silly the "Breen is an Advisor" theory is, just thinking about it now, it would be ironic if Breen were living in an Advisor body. Because in HL2 in Breen's office, Breen has Alyx and Gordon trapped just floating in pods, along with Eli hanging out too It's ironic because there is
a similar moment
in Episode 2. He could be that Advisor!

I doubt it though
I agree with Avoidist, we just don't know.

I think, however, that he most likely is dead. Even if he had managed to teleport to some other world/dimension, I doubt that the Combine would had actually given him an advisor host body, since this far I have more or less perceived the Combine as a species that look down on "lesser" or "not as developed" life-forms, and also they don't appear to have any traces of honor, or "humanity", so I don't see how they'd give a less developed one the opportunity to become equal to them, if that were even possible.

Breen was serving a purpose on Earth, he was of use to the Combine then. Now, he is useful no more, and thus, should Breen have survived, I see no reason why the Combine would have rewarded him for his sacrifices, as they don't seem like the "do what's right" kind. I think they'd just rather turn him into a somewhat-mindless synth at best, at worst, they'd just allow him to die as they rejoyce in his suffering.
Oh, God, a thread raised from the dead for little reason but for someone to add their own miserable opinion to it.