Bush giving the finger.


Aug 18, 2004
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How come I've never seen this, until now? Hilarious.

Does this reinforce the negative image of Bush? Ie. uber-fratboy-cum-leader-of-the-free-world? Discuss. Or just laugh.
look, i hate what bush has done in the white house, but i will never stop believing that he would be the COOLEST person to sit around and get drunk with.
rkef said:
How come I've never seen this, until now? Hilarious.

Does this reinforce the negative image of Bush? Ie. uber-fratboy-cum-leader-of-the-free-world? Discuss. Or just laugh.

Why did you throw 'cum' in there?
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
look, i hate what bush has done in the white house, but i will never stop believing that he would be the COOLEST person to sit around and get drunk with.

daaammmnn riiight :D
haha people are probley gonna think that "OO ITS SO IMMATURE..PFFT WHAT A PRESIDENT!" hes only human lol I think that is funnnny.
For some reason this makes me think about how much of a deuche Kerry is, he is trying to be the every-man. He is just like the average American-joe, working class kind of guy. He has a typical job(married into a lot of money, sometimes does some political stuff), plays football just like you!(have you seen him throw a football, my god...he looks like this gay kid I know...I think his name is Rainbow or somthing...I don't care to know).
Bush is cool...but sucks ass at being a president.
Bush is a total moron, period. Who the heck thought of electing a comedian into the whitehouse instead of an intellect? Anyone who voted him needs to be rail-drived straight into the sun.
DoctorGordon said:
Bush is a total moron, period. Who the heck thought of electing a comedian into the whitehouse instead of an intellect? Anyone who voted him needs to be rail-drived straight into the sun.
Bush has a higher IQ than Kerry...
This man is a man of GOD. Check out his book, while he flips you the bird next time.
sublidieminal said:
This man is a man of GOD. Check out his book, while he flips you the bird next time.

Oh gimme a break will ya... :LOL:
DoctorGordon said:
Doubtful, Bush cant even talk right and is highly illogical
illogical? who are you, ****in' Mr. Spock?
DoctorGordon said:
Doubtful, Bush cant even talk right and is highly illogical

Yes becuase we all know people who have speech problems CANNOT possibly be smart right :rolleyes: moron.
KidRock said:
Yes becuase we all know people who have speech problems CANNOT possibly be smart right :rolleyes: moron.
yeah, dude...ever heard of a little man by the name of Stephen Hawking?
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
yeah, dude...ever heard of a little man by the name of Stephen Hawking?
HAHA...I had to quote this for truth.
What do we have here, two more stupid people.

He_Who_Is_Steve said:
illogical? who are you, ****in' Mr. Spock?

"Spock" is some stupid character and has nothing to do with this

KidRock said:
Yes becuase we all know people who have speech problems CANNOT possibly be smart right :rolleyes: moron.

Its not like hes mispronoucing words; he says stuff like "internets" or "our agendas are our faith"...i mean come on, this guy cant even construct a basic sentence. The words just scramble his feeble mind.

He_Who_Is_Steve said:
yeah, dude...ever heard of a little man by the name of Stephen Hawking?

Hawkin's a bonehead.
DoctorGordon said:
he says stuff like "internets" or "our agendas are our faith
ACTUALLY, it was "our prosperities is our faith". get your facts straight, punk.
DoctorGordon said:
What do we have here, two more stupid people.

"Spock" is some stupid character and has nothing to do with this

Its not like hes mispronoucing words; he says stuff like "internets" or "our agendas are our faith"...i mean come on, this guy cant even construct a basic sentence. The words just scramble his feeble mind.

Hawkin's a bonehead.

You call us stupid and Hawkin's a bonehead.. who are you? albert ****in einstein? I doubt it.. I think you are the biggest idiot in this thread..and that post just proved it.
Please go away, Doctor Gordon; I've yet to see a post of yours that is good in some, even remote, way.

Really, your arrogance makes me laugh. :p
Erestheux said:
Please go away, Doctor Gordon; I've yet to see a post of yours that is good in some, even remote, way.

Really, your arrogance makes me laugh. :p
Well, he is from California you have to cut him some slack. His parents are probably both transvestite crack heads.
Calm down boys.

Hawking, i mean come on, hes got a bunch of these theories, but they arent logical and follow stupid principles.

Based on my understanding and research, they're all wrong.

Erestheux said:
Please go away, Doctor Gordon; I've yet to see a post of yours that is good in some, even remote, way.

Really, your arrogance makes me laugh. :p

Define "good". You mean some nice little-good-2-shoes post praising someone? No cause that wont do any good, in most cases.

Oh and, not arrogance....confidence
KidRock said:
You call us stupid and Hawkin's a bonehead.. who are you? albert ****in einstein? I doubt it.. I think you are the biggest idiot in this thread..and that post just proved it.

No, he thinks ablert einstein is an idiot too :E
This makes me want to vote for Bush. I don't know why.
DoctorGordon said:
Some of his work is useful, but his theory of relativity? 'please'.
What exactly was wrong with it? It still holds up pretty well...
You liberals are funny. If they posted a video of him smoking weed, he'd have ALL your votes I bet. :p
Foxtrot said:
What exactly was wrong with it? It still holds up pretty well...

I have found that time is not relative, it is absolute. Which makes much more sense than it being relative.

Raziaar said:
You liberals are funny. If they posted a video of him smoking weed, he'd have ALL your votes I bet.

I'm not a dang "liberal", and drugs are for weak people.
DoctorGordon said:
I have found that time is not relative, it is absolute. Which makes much more sense than it being relative.

I'm not a dang "liberal", and drugs are for weak people.

I agree about the drugs part.
I smell reaktor4 in here soon. He loves da druggies. :p
Also, a human's perception of time is not time. Many people seem to get this confused.