Buying a new PC....Where? OT i know


Jul 2, 2003
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Buying a new PC... Where?

I'm buying a new pc @ the end of July and i need to know where i should buy one @.

Money is option for me and im debating between Alienware and Hypersonic. I think these are the best so far IMO.

Anyone have any goods links to other PC Systems that are popular and bettr than avg?

I know this is the wrong place to post but the Hardware forums suck.

I'm buying a new pc @ the end of July and i need to know where i should buy one @.

Money is option for me and im debating between Alienware and Hypersonic. I think these are the best so far IMO.

Anyone have any goods links to other PC Systems that are popular and bettr than avg?

Thanks in Adv. :bounce: :cheers:
Every single topic on the first page of the Hardware forum has been replied to in the last 24 hours. Please depart and take the thread with you.

Hint: Edit, Delte Post? Yes plzkthx
And because I'm a nice guy, I'll go and vist the new thread you'll make and reply in it :P
From which country will you purchase the new system?
"everyone is in this forum"

thats really not valid excuse to burp all offtopic-non-related bullshit in here.

Do you happen to rob local bank "because they had money and I need it"?
Alienware haters are going to come in here , saying the are a rip off. They arent. Unless you want to build your own and even then you might save very little.

I just got an Alienware , and im loving it. Is that money is NOT an issue for you? Just check out internet sites and custom build it from their options.

Dell Dimension XPS
Falcon Northwest (Dont buy , outrageously expensive and lame cases unless you get the REALLY expensive custom painted)
Voodoo(More expensive , but not too much so , cool cases)

thats all the CustomGamign PCs i can think of right now , plan it out , but dont be afraid to commit and spend money. Explore your options. I probably did 3 weeks of looking optioning , and reoptioning and shopping around.
The only reason everyone is in this forum posting about things that are not on topic is because no one is posting anything new in the hardware forum. That could change if everyone with hardware questions posted their threads there instead of here.
I'm trying to do it.

Rambo, your queries have been answered in the post you made on the HW Forum. Delete this thread plz.
damn guys com urselves. I have been posting in the HW forums and havnt gotten the feedback i wanted for some of my other posts. Go ahead and delete the thread.
No you delete it. We've replied to your thread in the HW forum. We're not being deliberately horrible mate. We do it to everyone.
I'll be buying in the USA. Forgot to mention it has to be under 5k.

Dell Dimention XPS only offers 128 mb Rad 9800 pro and a weak sound card.
Alienware looks good
Falcon NW is too exp.
Voodoo is to broad.
sry I wasn't getting upset. I guess we have been neglecting the hardware forum, you can delete the thread yourself if you want.

click on your first post in this thread (the thread starter) and then hit delete. It will delete the whole thread.
umm build your own, cheaper and built entirly with your choice of components.
well **** me....i wish I had 3 grand / $5000 to spend on a new pc, i'de be landed.
I would go with Alienware and Voodoo. I own a Dell, I don't regret it but I would have preffered getting an Alienware or Voodoo.
I used to go to pricewatch, but i found that is a better pick. They have really consistantly cheap pricing, free shipping on a lot of their products, their products are all good quality, and you know they're trustable. On pricewatch, you could find products from lots of shoddy companies, since they didn't filter the companies who listed products. You had to do a lot of annoying research on the company before making the purchase. Check out newegg, it's a really good site.

And yeah, building your own system is definitely the way to go. You can get the same system as from alienware for half the price sometimes, all that's different is the case. And if you really really wanted an alienware case, you could just order your case from them instead.
oh, and also, i don't know where you're from, but there's a computer fair going on in LA tomorrow and the next day, so if you're anywhere near there or know someone who is, you could check that out as well. They have really cheap stuff there too.
why would you ever spend $5000 on a computer, that's uber-lame. that's way too much. why not get a new plasma TV. That'll last you a lot longer than a comp.
If you dont want to build your own I would suggest a dell.
I used to go to pricewatch, but i found that is a better pick....

Agreed slick601, newegg is where I get 70% of my products, but I do check pricewatch first to make sure its reasonable. I find they jack up prices on video cards, but most of the other components are well priced. I can also vouch for their RMA service having returned a ECS motherboard that malfunctioned and a dead cpu, both with out hassel.
Under 5k

UNDER , plz read ahead.

Yeah Rambo , I didnt get the XPS for exactally that reason.
Yah newegg if you plan on building yourself they are the best.
Dell XPS

All like i said in hardware. The components are cheaper when you build it yourself , you pay WAY more in shipping and handling and possibly taxes.
yeah i guess but i dont wanna do all the work ordering all the parts and crap. Ill prolly just get the alienware.
I didnt wanna do all that crap either lol, and I didnt want to put up with me messing up and my sysemt crashing sometime later , I dont trust myself.

Rambo , remember to research it as much as your 5 grand is worth , dont make the decision too lightly. And good luck.

I just got my Alienware , and its been great so far , but ive only had it 3 days.
How much did u pay? BTW, doz it come w/ free upgrades?
oh no you the same moron fromt he dod forums that was braggnig about his alienware he was going to get like a month ago...must be cause there aint many with your name
Rambo, ill biuld you one if you give me 5k
hahaha. wow i guess just because "you dont want to order all the parts." means you want to waste tons of money. there are like only 9-12 things you have to order, and im building an amazing pc for about $1,110 (USD) and it can outperform every alien ware , voodoo, and anthing other brand name gaming pc ou throw at it. the only way you could beat my system is to order all the same parts except for the mobo, i have a personal mobo choice, yet there are betters ones than i got. if your willing to pay $2000-$5000(?) for a computer that my $1,110 custom pc can outperform in everything is your rather not waste money, but if your one of those peeps who likes to waste money on useless labels....whatever...
Originally posted by deepers
why would you ever spend $5000 on a computer, that's uber-lame. that's way too much. why not get a new plasma TV. That'll last you a lot longer than a comp.

actually plasma sucks, and burns in easily, so it might very well die quicker than a $5000 computer.
heh, you see, this would be a perfect reason to add more mods who could move and delete threads (especially when the OP refuses to do it themselves)