Cake Anyone


Jul 30, 2006
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In case you didn't see the latest Steam news update, Valve is celebrating its 11th birthday this week. The last part is what caught my attention: "Feel free to sing along and EAT CAKE." Anybody else think there's a connection?
Hmmm seems very likely there would be a connection, keep an eye out for any changes to the site or other variations in videos etc. Time for a sweep!
Why is this posted in the portal section? Does "Eat cake," Have some connection to Portal? D:

lol, I can imagine it now.

Portal narrator:
"If you don't succeed, you fail, and will be terminated, If you do succeed, YOU GET TO EAT CAKE!
Check the Portal site... then yee shall know.
Cake is very linked into Portal. One of the symbols that lights up at the start of a level to give you a rough idea of what is to come is a piece of cake. The announcer in one of the videos says something like
"When the test is completed, you will be baked, and there will be cake". has THECAKEISALIE as a password to unlock a message from an Aperture employee and a video feed from the Aperture Science Enrichment Centre.
It seems to me that Valve should release some information on that day. That would be very nice and would be something I'd call a "PARTY FAVOR" for all the Portal fans out there. This thread has given me some Ideas....
take away the letter 'i's in THECAKEISALIE and you get 'THECAKESALE'
lol don't think that THECAKESALE is some clue, just a strange coincidence.
pretty strange thing valve is doing here :O