Call of Juarez: The Cartel

I enjoyed the previous game, but this looks like absolute garbage. The decision to bring it to the present day was stupid.

EDIT: Oh and throw in some more DOF, bloom and motion blur why don't you. *facepalm*
CoD comparisons notwithstanding, that looks ****ing terrible. It seems like they completely trashed the neat shooting mechanics from the previous game, which was its entire appeal to me. I can barely even stand to look at it thanks to that soft, vaseline-filter, ultra-bloomy lighting. Ugh.

I thought maybe that was an early build but then I remembered this is coming out next week. Madre de Dios.
Yeah, looks garbage. Ubisoft's attempt to pull an EA likely and get their studios trying to create a CoD beater. Wonder how long it'll be before Assassins Creed becomes a modern military FPS.
You guys have a point..ok, graphics wise, id say their engine still holds strong, look at the outdoor environments, they still support huge enviroments with high quality textures. Story wise, you could say it is a little more relavent to modern times, with the whole mexican drug war going on now. So we have had games In conflict zones, africa(far cry 2) nk (crysis and homefront) middle east (where do i even begin) and now mexico? None so far except this..i just hope they dont stupidly blow it out of proportion into some cod gunfest and instead focus more on character dev like in the previous game..
So we have had games In conflict zones, africa(far cry 2) nk (crysis and homefront) middle east (where do i even begin) and now mexico?

Personally, I'd like to see some shit go down in Greenland.
What the **** did they do to Call of Juarez? :flame:

It was the last glimmer of hope for old West FPSes!
The dialogue is atrocious in that video. Is there any modern game out there that doesn't have the characters swearing after every word they utter? It gets repetitive quite quickly.
Guy shoots off lock on the gate.

1 minute later
I enjoyed the previous game, but this looks like absolute garbage. The decision to bring it to the present day was stupid.

EDIT: Oh and throw in some more DOF, bloom and motion blur why don't you. *facepalm*


I loved the first two, but this looks like trash
The first game was ok but i loved the sequel. This just looks ****ing terrible. Poor production values doesn't even begin to describe it. I couldn't even finish watching the video.