Cameron's Reality TV Conference


Oct 2, 2003
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BBC News Online

In a phrase that will set alarm bells ringing among Tory traditionalists, David Cameron says he wants this year's Conservative conference to be "different".


And there will even be regular votes on the conference floor, which is a novel idea for a Tory conference, on a series of "hot topics".

Subjects to be tackled include "should marketing to children be banned?" and "alcohol does more harm than drugs".

Votes will be cast, X Factor-style, with electronic handsets, although what happens to the results once they are in is less clear.

There will also be sessions based around Dragon's Den, the hit BBC2 show in which budding entrepreneurs pitch their business ideas to a panel of venture capitalists.

What a bunch of ****ing vote hunting gimmicky bastards. I'm voting Labour, I can't vote for that kind of arse, who foresakes actual policy and the genuine speeches and discussions found at the Labour & Lib Dem party conferences for cheap, lowest common denominator gimmicks.

The trouble is that kind of crap will probably appeal to the majority of the population.

Talk about dumbing down politics. And dumbing down all of life as we know it.
Vote-grabbing is what politicians do. If the voting population had an ounce of common sense, Labour would not have been elected three times in a row. Blair sounds good - and does absolutely nothing whatsoever that is positive for the nation. In fact, he's done more damage than any politician in recent history. Possibly all of history.
Cameron cannot be worse than Blair.

Cheap, lowest-common denominator gimmicks are what Labour is famous for. Except their gimmicks actually affect our lives.
Hilarious. They should just turn it into a gameshow and have done with it.

repiV said:
Cameron cannot be worse than Blair.
( I hope D: )
See, everything Solaris doesn't like is conservative.

"Eat your peas, Solaris. They'll make you tall and strong."
"But Mooooom, peas are for capitalists!"
"Fine then, no ice cream for dessert."
"But Mooooooooooom! Ice cream is the after-dinner treat of the proletariat!"

Speaking of absolutely retarded, I can't see any purpose to this event. It's seemingly designed to give the illusion of an objective poll and and being "in touch" with the people, but the limited scope of a convention allows for neither.
Wow. I wouldn't put that past one of the major American parties, but British? Frankly, I'm surprised.
In any event, Cameron is about as conservative as a feminist hooker who campaigns for gay marriage by day and higher taxes by night (when she's not working, of course).
In any event, Cameron is about as conservative as a feminist hooker who campaigns for gay marriage by day and higher taxes by night (when she's not working, of course).
You forgot the word "lesbian" in there somewhere. And "satanist" too, probably more than once.
Shit, so I did.
The guy is clearly a leftie. Not necessarily a bad thing, but if our conservative party is left-wing in this age of politically correct madness, we're a bit screwed.
Blair, on the other hand, can't seem to decide WTF he is. Neocon imperialist, socialist looney, nanny state overlord, supporter of big business - just what is he exactly?
Not to mention his schizophrenic stance on terror - backing George Bush every step of the way in his horrendously counter-productive and exploitative foreign policies yet being a Neville Chamberlain and letting Islam lay waste to the state of the nation back home. A mistake we will all pay for with our way of life unless someone with a hell of a lot more common sense than Cameron reverses the trend asap.
Cameron's populist bullshit pisses me off, and he isn't fit to tackle the problems Britain faces in this troubled age, but he beats the other two parties any day.
I'm sorry, but can you explain how he's liberal? I'm not being sarcastic, I just live in the States, and thus have no idea of the majority of British politics.
He takes a soft-line approach to crime. He gave a now infamous speech, known as the "hug a hoodie" speech in which he said we should try to understand and comfort delinquent youths.
In other words, more wishy-washy bullshit that so typifies the left that sounds/feels good but accomplishes nothing or worsens the problem. Similar to this "reality TV conference" and his refusal to tackle the immigration problem, and many other issues.

In fact, Google can explain it better than I can: check out how many hits there are for "David Cameron liberal":

Check the Guardian article - if the liberal mouthpiece for the UK says the Conservative leader is liberal, they're probably right.

Ultimately, conservatives are the best leaders. We need tough leadership right now. Leadership that won't appease, surrender or give way. Cameron will not be such a person. We need a PM like Churchill or Thatcher, to guide us right now.
Hell, I'm no conservative. But modern liberalism has no common sense. All talk, no results. Pussyfoot around the problem enough and hold enough "community relations meetings" and the problem will go away by itself, right?
Erm, didn't John Reid basically give a speech that said he'd focus on being a rock, and actually back it up with substance? I don't see how Cameron has said anything like this at all. Look at him, he's a wolf dressed in sheep's clothing. We'll be back to the complete mediocrity of the Tory years in no time, just this time, the Conservatives will have a stupid "New Tory" spin on them.
My mum has met Cameron.

Apparently, he is an utter wanker.
Erm, didn't John Reid basically give a speech that said he'd focus on being a rock, and actually back it up with substance? I don't see how Cameron has said anything like this at all. Look at him, he's a wolf dressed in sheep's clothing. We'll be back to the complete mediocrity of the Tory years in no time, just this time, the Conservatives will have a stupid "New Tory" spin on them.

John Reid is a scumbag who wants to ban airsoft guns.
John Reid scares the living shit out of me.

Cameron looks like a tosser. And wtf he's not even promising to reduce taxes.
John Reid scares the living shit out of me.

Cameron looks like a tosser. And wtf he's not even promising to reduce taxes.

but you love taxes, being a communist.

Cameron is trying to appeal to everyone, but I don't think it's working, fortunately for him, he has Rupert Murdoch's backing.
but you love taxes, being a communist.

Cameron is trying to appeal to everyone, but I don't think it's working, fortunately for him, he has Rupert Murdoch's backing.
A communist society wouldn't have taxes.
Actually - and I am not very surprised that I have to tell you this - communism is 100% taxation in exchange for maximum (standardized and thus relatively limited) social services.

The only reason communist societies eliminate capital is that the government takes everything, thus making the personal exchange of goods and services next to impossible and currency basically obsolete as a result.

So, as a "communist", you should be supporting unreasonable amounts of taxation. Not less.

Actually - and I am not very surprised that I have to tell you this - communism is 100% taxation in exchange for maximum (standardized and thus relatively limited) social services.

The only reason communist societies eliminate capital is that the government takes everything, thus making the personal exchange of goods and services next to impossible and currency basically obsolete as a result.

So, as a "communist", you should be supporting unreasonable amounts of taxation. Not less.


Makes complete sense. I was just thinking this before I saw your post, telling myself, "Wait a second... in communism you don't get paid to do the job you're assigned/forced to do. So essentially you're paying the government to do their jobs for them... as well as donating your time."
Actually - and I am not very surprised that I have to tell you this - communism is 100% taxation in exchange for maximum (standardized and thus relatively limited) social services.

The only reason communist societies eliminate capital is that the government takes everything, thus making the personal exchange of goods and services next to impossible and currency basically obsolete as a result.

So, as a "communist", you should be supporting unreasonable amounts of taxation. Not less.


The state would own the buissiness, and pay you in state vouchers that can be exchanged in state stores. So no-one would be taxed, just everyone would be paid the same.
"Paying" everyone the same is a form of taxation.

Whatever you produce is taken by the state, as tax.
Then the state gives you, basically, welfare.

A communist who hates taxation...?

lol, failure.
"Paying" everyone the same is a form of taxation.

Whatever you produce is taken by the state, as tax.
Then the state gives you, basically, welfare.

A communist who hates taxation...?

A boss in a factory takes everything the workers make and pays them money. Under communism the state just does the same, but pays you a bit more.
A boss in a factory takes everything the workers make and pays them money. Under communism the state just does the same, but pays you a bit more.

...and what do we call the government taking what you make, in exchange for government services?

I'll give you hint:

It starts with a "T" and ends with "he word is taxation, stupid."

A: The word is taxation, stupid.
...and what do we call the the government taking what you make, in exchange for government services?

I'll give you hint:

It starts with a "T" and ends with "he word is taxation, stupid."

A: The word is taxation, stupid.
No. Taxe's are where the government take away a portion of your money.
They won't take your money, they would just be a boss.

It's not like undercapitalism after a hard days work down t'pit you get to take home all the coal you've dug up.
No. Taxe's are where the government take away a portion of your money.
They won't take your money, they would just be a boss.

It's not like undercapitalism after a hard days work down t'pit you get to take home all the coal you've dug up.

Money is made of paper.
However, it represents the relative value of objects you produce, exactly so that you don't have to carry the coal with you.
You carry papers that represent the value of the coal.

A tax takes part of the value of the objects you produce.
A communist tax simply takes the objects you produce. The money is excluded as a middleman, but the effect is identical.
Money is made of paper.
However, it represents the relative value of objects you produce, exactly so that you don't have to carry the coal with you.
False. You are not paid the worth of your produce. If you make 200pounds worth of crap for you boss, and your boss pays you 200pounds, how does he make any money? Money is a way of tricking people from their labour.
A tax thus takes part of the value of the objects you produce.
A communist tax simply takes the objects you produce. The money is excluded as a middleman, but the effect is identical.
Yes. You are true. The imlications are highly different however.
False. You are not paid the worth of your produce. If you make 200pounds worth of crap for you boss, and your boss pays you 200pounds, how does he make any money? Money is a way of tricking people from their labour.

That's false because you aren't paid less than the couch is costs to produce. You're usually paid almost exactly how much it costs to produce.
The customer then pays more than it cost, and each person in the company gets a fraction of that bonus.

Thus, a CD costs maybe a dollar to make, and sells for 20. The extra 19 are divided up between the recording artist, the recording staff, the cd manufacturers, the shipping company and the retail outlet. This is only a few cents per CD, but it adds up when you sell several thousand of them.
A small amount also goes to the government, as TAX.

The imlications are highly different however.

The IMLICATIONS aren't different at all. Tax is tax.