Canadian conservatives try to block same sex marriage bill

You all reference the bible over and over, but correct me if i'm wrong, but it was common practice in biblical times, and up to just a few centuries ago, for men much much older, to have sex/marry very young women, sometimes just barely in their teens! If that was to happen today, you would call them pedophiles, which is correct, it would be statatory rape, which is correct.

And just how long do you guys think homosexuality has been around? It didn't just crop up in the nineties, I can tell you that much.... Its been around for about as long as us.

Do you consider incest to be wrong? What about Adam and Eve, in essence and if you believe this story, then we are all brothers and sisters right? You guys need to sit down and seriously think about the world around you. It doesn't center around you, it doesn't center around your family, or your country, there is an entire world out there. Your just one grain of salt in this salt shaker.

And the argument, "what if everyone was homosexual, the species would be doomed" thats the dumbest thing i've heard, well, what if everyone was impotent, and everyone had low sperm count, should these people not be allowed to marry, or have intercourse? Because if everyone was like them we would be doomed. That type of thinking is very nazi-esque superior race sort of thinking. I'm not calling anyone here that, but think about it for a second.
pentagon said:
what if everyone was homosexual? the human race would be doomed

That's how it's not normal.
Well the whole human race ain' that statement is invalid.

It ain't like the whole damn world is gonna turn gay all of a sudden and the human population is gonna stop growing.
Tr0n said:
Well the whole human race ain' that statement is invalid.

It ain't like the whole damn world is gonna turn gay all of a sudden and the human population is gonna stop growing.

your missing the point, everyone says homosexuallity is normal, yet if everyone was "normal" humans would no longer exist
Define normal?

Back in the 50's it wasn't normal to wear baggy clothes, but hey people wear baggy clothes now'n days...times change dude.It is normal and if you don't like it then go kill yourself.

Being gay and gays themselves have been around since the dawn of man.Also yes humans will exist because the world won't turn gay...
pentagon said:
your missing the point, everyone says homosexuallity is normal, yet if everyone was "normal" humans would no longer exist
Even if it isn't normal who says its such a bad thing? It certainly didn't used to be normal to play video games about 15 years ago and people certainly didn't like it. Now look at us.

Not being normal certainly doesn't translate to being bad.

It sure as hell isn't the norm for people to give large sums of money to charities but you don't see people saying thats a bad thing.
Tr0n said:
Define normal?

Back in the 50's it wasn't normal to wear baggy clothes, but hey people wear baggy clothes now'n days...times change dude.It is normal and if you don't like it then go kill yourself.

Being gay and gays themselves have been around since the dawn of man.Also yes humans will exist because the world won't turn gay...

Normal - Functioning or occurring in a natural way; lacking observable abnormalities or deficiencies

I don't think clothing falls into this category. I realize gays have been around and will continue to be around, but this doesn't mean they don't have some kind of chemical imbalance, disorder, whatever you want to call it. You're either willfully ignorant or gay yourself if you think homosexuality is normal.
The Mullinator said:
Even if it isn't normal who says its such a bad thing? It certainly didn't used to be normal to play video games about 15 years ago and people certainly didn't like it. Now look at us.

Not being normal certainly doesn't translate to being bad.

It sure as hell isn't the norm for people to give large sums of money to charities but you don't see people saying thats a bad thing.

They can do as they please, i'm just tired of people spreading around this BS of how homosexuality is normal.

as donating to charities...if someone has alot of money and wants to help out those less fortunate i don't see that as being abnormal at all...
pentagon said:
Normal - Functioning or occurring in a natural way; lacking observable abnormalities or deficiencies

I don't think clothing falls into this category. I realize gays have been around and will continue to be around, but this doesn't mean they don't have some kind of chemical imbalance, disorder, whatever you want to call it. You're either willfully ignorant or gay yourself if you think homosexuality is normal.

So what you're saying is that people who don't agree with you are gay? :LOL: Yeah, they just have to be!! I mean, how could they not? :hmph:

Is it normal for humans to be gay? Yes, considering homosexuality has been around since the dawn of man. I'd call it a normal occurance.
sigh...i'll quit wasting my time, you guy's are stuck on your views and so am I. Just don't go preaching this stuff around my kids ;)
pentagon said:
personally, I don't think homosexuals choose to be gay. I do relate homosexuality to pedophila though, for example, pedophiles have a lust for something that never goes away. Society finds pedophila sickning (as do i) but homosexuality is fine? Granted, pedophiles prey on children without mutual consent..but they really aren't to far off, both are sinful and immoral. I bet if this was the 1950's you'd all be against homosexuality, unless of course you were homosexual. Over time people just become more and more desensitzed and demoralized to things, what's next on the list?

**before i get flamed let me state i am not a homophobe nor do I hate homosexuals, I do believe they have some type of disorder though.**

You're a bigot and your comparison of pedophilia to homosexuality is utter bullshit.

Go away.
Innervision961 said:
You all reference the bible over and over, but correct me if i'm wrong, but it was common practice in biblical times, and up to just a few centuries ago, for men much much older, to have sex/marry very young women, sometimes just barely in their teens! If that was to happen today, you would call them pedophiles, which is correct, it would be statatory rape, which is correct.

And just how long do you guys think homosexuality has been around? It didn't just crop up in the nineties, I can tell you that much.... Its been around for about as long as us.

Do you consider incest to be wrong? What about Adam and Eve, in essence and if you believe this story, then we are all brothers and sisters right? You guys need to sit down and seriously think about the world around you. It doesn't center around you, it doesn't center around your family, or your country, there is an entire world out there. Your just one grain of salt in this salt shaker.

And the argument, "what if everyone was homosexual, the species would be doomed" thats the dumbest thing i've heard, well, what if everyone was impotent, and everyone had low sperm count, should these people not be allowed to marry, or have intercourse? Because if everyone was like them we would be doomed. That type of thinking is very nazi-esque superior race sort of thinking. I'm not calling anyone here that, but think about it for a second.

I like this post. It kinda conveys how I feel about the matter (although a little more harsh than I would havee said it ;) ).

Blacks were treated unfairly because of colour, but now we accept them.
Women were labelled inferior or evil (WITCH!! :flame: ), but now they are being treated equally.
Homosexuals are the next thing on the list. I have a feeling they will also be accepted in time.
pentagon said:
* pentagon gives Absinthe a tissue :smoking:

What the hell is your problem??

Your attitude needs sorting out.

Banned. (See also: Your "homosexuals are like pedophiles, are immoral and have a disorder" theory)
I would say pwned but I might get banned...

Pwned. :D
pentagon said:
sigh...i'll quit wasting my time, you guy's are stuck on your views and so am I. Just don't go preaching this stuff around my kids ;)

Debating this issue for me was an attempt to at least bring about some sort of tolerance. I see that you aren't willing to accept that though. Just know that intolerance has been the basis for much of the violence that we've seen in the past.

Heaven forbid if your children actually grow up accepting people for who they are! You children will pick up on your dislike for certain groups of people and eventually share the same kind of beliefs. Don't force these kinds of ideas on kids, its unhealthy for them and society.
dear god!! banning was too good for him. Hopefully he'll never have offspring cuz that sorta hate is criminal
Stone him and eat his flesh at thy alter.

Fortunity I missed these posting as I was tucked up in bed.Unbelievable, trully.
Hey, you're the "nice" people that always act so shocked when I suggest the culling of people like that. Although I'll admit that mere sterilisation might do the trick.

The Adam and Eve thing has long been a point of debate- it's generally accepted that God made more humans after that attempt, rather than letting us all develop through incest. Points of interest- Cain and Abel were A&E's only directly-implied offspring. Where the hell would the rest of us come from with no woman?

Homosexuality can be thought of either as a life choice and/or a genetic factor. Personally I don't give a flying f**k what consenting adults do in the privacy of their own homes, and thus I don't give an aerial or ground-dwelling f**k if two men or two women want to bond with a ceremony that's been laughable since its inception.

Although, consent wise, I'm still uneasy over that voluntary cannibalism thing. I can't help but back down from my usual stance over that one.
Edcrab said:
Hey, you're the "nice" people that always act so shocked when I suggest the culling of people like that. Although I'll admit that mere sterilisation might do the trick.

not I ..I'd wholeheartedly support a rabid right-wing culling ...I'm not too keen on sterilization cuz that doesnt immediately solve the problem ....maybe somehow we can instill a lemming mentality on them ...maybe they'll just cull themselves, which would in turn pacify the "nice people" and get the job done with little to no effort .......ya I know it's a pipe dream but you gotta have dreams

oh and you should probably keep the cannibalism to yourself ...mums the word and all that. Flesh tends to be softer if you whack them unexpectedly. If they're expecting it they tend to stiffen up
Amazing, baxter, stern, and edcrab can get away with wishing death to someone, or in stern and edcrab's case the deaths of millions, just because of a difference in opinion, and pentagon gets banned for a bad attitude?

Why am I not surprised?
It's easy to forget how "nice" you are when confronted with such drivel.
I agree totally what two consenting adults do in the privacy of there own home is their business.
Everybody is entitled to their opinions regarding homosexuality, what really bugs me is idiots that try to justify their intolerance by quoting the bible or like this idiot likening homosexuality to paedophilia.
Agree, disagree we are entitled to our opinions but either way it does not mean that we have to show intolerance.
Nothing is more intolerant than intolerance
Amazing, baxter, stern, and edcrab can get away with wishing death to someone, or in stern and edcrab's case the deaths of millions, just because of a difference in opinion, and pentagon gets banned for a bad attitude?

It was a joke, lighten up mate.
How do you know pentagon wasn't joking around? Now he is banned and you, so far, get away with wishing people to die, all for an opinion.

Yah, real funny.
Bodacious said:
Amazing, baxter, stern, and edcrab can get away with wishing death to someone, or in stern and edcrab's case the deaths of millions, just because of a difference in opinion, and pentagon gets banned for a bad attitude?

Why am I not surprised?
Bodacious, please leave us with a reported post containing more details and proof of this. I can't actually see what you're referring to.


1. A literary work in which human vice or folly is attacked through irony, derision, or wit.
2. The branch of literature constituting such works. See Synonyms at caricature.

Irony, sarcasm, or caustic wit used to attack or expose folly, vice, or stupidity.

Its been a UK tradition for a while. So and British people get used to it. :p But Pentagon wasn't using Satire.
Venmoch said:


1. A literary work in which human vice or folly is attacked through irony, derision, or wit.
2. The branch of literature constituting such works. See Synonyms at caricature.

Irony, sarcasm, or caustic wit used to attack or expose folly, vice, or stupidity.

Its been a UK tradition for a while. So and British people get used to it. :p But Pentagon wasn't using Satire.
I agree he wasn't using satire as he made several posts after that backing up his downright offensive views against homosexuals.
Chris_D said:
Bodacious, please leave us with a reported post containing more details and proof of this. I can't actually see what you're referring to.

I don't care that pentagon was banned, but to wish death upon someone, and then as stern and edcrab did to wish death up anyone with a right of center opinion, is sickening.

I bet if I said Martin Luther King should have been hanged people would get all up in arms about it. I bet if I said all the dead Jews in germany got what they desereved and the rest should have been killed, too, people wouldn't think I was joking. But if I come back and say, oh, well I was jking, i didn't mean it, it was all satire, there isn't anything anyone can do?
Bodacious said:
I don't care that pentagon was banned, but to wish death upon someone, and then as stern and edcrab did to wish death up anyone with a right of center opinion, is sickening.

You missed the entire facetious aspect of their posts.

Your following examples, however, are in the utmost bad taste by social standards.
What the hell are you talking about?

Myself and it appears Stern and Edcrab made a light hearted comment on a seriously offensive post and you bringfore a heap drivel on killing jews and hanging people.

I will not debate this with you. The comments were made in jest. End of conversation.
Hey, my comments were made in jest, too.

Double standards. Its sick.
Bodacious said:
Hey, my comments were made in jest, too.

Double standards. Its sick.

You missed the second part of my post.
Absinthe said:
You missed the second part of my post.


As far as I ma concerned wishing death to anyone right of center is in the utmost bad taste by my social standards.
If you can't see the difference between "Stone him and eat his flesh at thy alter" (which BTW was the only post that could be considered wishing death upon somebody) and "Ha! Those dirty kikes deserved every bit of gas they inhaled!", then I don't know what to say. Even if the former is borderline, the latter goes way over what is acceptable.

And your social standards are not what govern this forum.
Absinthe said:
If you can't see the difference between "Stone him and eat his flesh at thy alter" (which BTW was the only post that could be considered wishing death upon somebody) and "Ha! Those dirty kikes deserved every bit of gas they inhaled!", then I don't know what to say. Even if the former is borderline, the latter goes way over what is acceptable.

It is all death is it not?

And your social standards are not what govern this forum.

Neither are yours.
Bodacious said:
It is all death is it not?

There are certainly levels of severity. The occasional homosexual innuendo or joke is okay, but the forum's not exactly going to start allowing graphic depictions of anal sex. Likewise, saying "I hope you get hit by a truck" (if meant seriously) is nowhere near the same level as "I'm going to torture you, kill you, and then rape your family, ******".

And considering the fairly ridiculous content of baxter's post, it's obvious that there was no serious intent behind it.

Neither are yours.

Fortunately, mine fall in line with those that do. At least on this matter.
And considering the fairly ridiculous content of baxter's post, it's obvious that there was no serious intent behind it.

That's one way of putting it. :LOL:

Bodacious Is there some part of "it was a joke "you don't understand.
Ok ladies, stop bickering or this thread is getting locked.

Can't you guys just have a reasonable, mature debate?
wow talk about having a knee-jerk reaction to what was obviously said in jest if a person could become a lemming, my my where's the logic in that?

anyways, this thread is interesting as it's a view on how it's possible for things like "same sex marriage" to remain an issue in this day and age ...I thought we left bigotry behind but I guess that was more wishful thinking than anything based on reality