Can't change thread titles anymore?

You never could. IIRC.

You can just change the OP post title.
Vegeta is right. If you need a thread title changed feel free to PM a mod, most of us are only too happy to go doing moderator things at your beck and call.
I was able to in the past change my thread titles. But after like 15 minutes or whatever it was passed, I no longer could.

I would just double click besides the text of the thread name out on the forum, and it'd open up an edit box for me, and it'd change it when I changed the text.
I think it's a permission problem... I'll fix it tonight.
I would just double click besides the text of the thread name out on the forum, and it'd open up an edit box for me, and it'd change it when I changed the text.

This. I'm pretty sure you could, as I was capable of doing it myself.
Sadly this feature doesn't exist anymore... if you want a title edited contact a moderator.
You say it as if you've never done it before...

What the ****? All I was saying is how I use to double click a thread to change the title, because someone else said you couldn't.

**** off.
What the ****? All I was saying is how I use to double click a thread to change the title, because someone else said you couldn't.

**** off.

Now you're being surprisingly defensive. You're even managing to raise your voice... somehow.

I might understand your reaction had my post been offensive. But quite the contrary, it was little more than a jest. If that.

If I were you, I'd seriously reconsider how you react to people. It's things like this which cause certain members of this board to um... "harass" you. Seriously, dude... chill!
