Cant wait fot the athlon 64

Read that a while ago :D, did it say how much it will cost ?, I forgot
aye... thats gonna be my next upgrade along with a 9700/9800 aiw for HL2, STALKER, XIII etc.

oh god... whoever wrote that article doesn't have a clue......

The Athlon64 3700+, 3400+ and 3100+ chips will initially come with 1MB of such cache memory. According to AMD's plans however, in Q4 the clock speed will substantially increase, while at the same time the cache will be reduced to 256KB.

the A64 will get a new "Duron" core called the Paris which is a budget line for when the AXP ends its production.... the Paris will be like an A64 but with 256kb cache isntead of the 1mb....... the A64's will still carry the 1mb.

The A64 will get a new "Duron" core called the Paris which is a budget line for when the AXP ends its production.... the Paris will be like an A64 but with 256kb cache isntead of the 1mb....... the A64's will still carry the 1mb.

The Athlon XP is already at the end of the line...and so is the P4...
Can someone briefly explain the whole greatness of a 64bit processor?