Catch2--released (new 'fun' hl2dm map)


Jul 25, 2004
Reaction score
Greetings, yes….this is, the sequel to my other map "Catch".

Basically what you do is toss barrels a volleyball game, only its a little more....spicy.

"Containing 4 separate sides now, the sequel to Catch takes the thrilling, non-stop explosive action to a whole new level with the concept of 'catch or die' reemphasized. Careful where you step - one wrong move could send you plummeting to your doom below. And watch out, slain enemies have a 1 in 4 chance of spawning on your very platform.

Now the heat is really on!"


Download it here:

And, incase you're interested, catch1 is this:

Download it here:

The styles of play are completely different...although catch2 is definitely alot more tense.

Also, the barrels of course, respawn.

Oh, and...please post some feedback, as the next Catch is coming down the pipe...soon.
hey hey...
that looks quite fun indeed :D
the second on looks like a dangerouse version of vollyballl ;)

time to go try it out...

this could be really cool with a bunch of people. maybe somebody will put it on their server
DoctorGordon said:
Basically what you do is toss barrels a volleyball game, only its a little more....spicy.
Containing 4 separate sides now, the sequel to Catch takes the thrilling, non-stop explosive action to a whole new level with the concept of 'catch or die' reemphasized. Careful where you step - one wrong move could send you plummeting to your doom below. And watch out, slain enemies have a 1 in 4 chance of spawning on your very platform.

Now the heat is really on!
shut the hell up man.
Two things.

1. There's no reason to flame him for making a map that YOU dont like.
2. Dr. Gordon you really should just post ur map and say play it. Giving it a description with all those promising words that definately don't live up when your playing the map isnt the best way to go about presenting your work.
itd be cool to have a 1v1 version. not sure how that would work though
DoctorGordon said:
Up yours adolf.

sorry was cranky this mornin...anyow havnt played ur map, cuz of the way u wrote ur description,

ur map maybe good, ok fair enough, but why r u trying to sell it to us, if its shit its shit, no matter how much u hype it up
insertcoins said:
sorry was cranky this mornin...anyow havnt played ur map, cuz of the way u wrote ur description,

ur map maybe good, ok fair enough, but why r u trying to sell it to us, if its shit its shit, no matter how much u hype it up

Yes, you can decide that for yourself. Now, the description is not a personal message directed to each of you, its the general PR statement that i post on every site i announce this map at.

My personal message to you is "Basically what you do is toss barrels a volleyball game, only its a little more....spicy. "
nah thats mi puttin effort intae it, ya big jessie, awo and go n eat a pie.
Let him say whatever the hell he wants about his map.
Geez, it's like some people live for starting random arguments on message boards.
IonizeMyAtoms said:
Let him say whatever the hell he wants about his map.
Geez, it's like some people live for starting random arguments on message boards.
or b it, me waking up to see the same dribble on these boards?
Doctor Gordon,... i liked your little description, probably no consolation for what has been said about it :), as you said its a fun map and i didnt see anything wrong with trying to write a fun description using the words you did, i found it quite refreshing (sorry its 1:30 and im tired can't think of big words ;)) anyways,

Looks like a fun map, keep up the good work, gonna d/l it and play it with housemates :)
it would be a awesome map, but i dont like how you describe your maps
Dasparov said:
it would be a awesome map, but i dont like how you describe your maps

Should I say "well’s my ordinary map, I don’t think it’s very good; I’m not very supportive of my own work"

And no, "just play it" doesnt work for me either. Every random bonehead says that....and thats not the approach i distribute my work with.

I do 'do' laying out the premise and some basic expectations of the map. Keep in mind its just a description, like you might find on the back of a movie case...just something to spark some interest, but ultimately you will either like it or hate description will change that.


"What is your suggestion...master jedi?"
"Here's my map. Hope you like it, cause I did. ;) Post comments then, okay? :D "
DoctorGordon's Ego is inverse proportional to the quality of the maps he releases.
DoctorGordon said:
Should I say "well’s my ordinary map, I don’t think it’s very good; I’m not very supportive of my own work"

And no, "just play it" doesnt work for me either. Every random bonehead says that....and thats not the approach i distribute my work with.

I do 'do' laying out the premise and some basic expectations of the map. Keep in mind its just a description, like you might find on the back of a movie case...just something to spark some interest, but ultimately you will either like it or hate description will change that.


"What is your suggestion...master jedi?"

You could just explain the point of your map, give some tips, wait for someone else to say something good about your map then quote it, but you choose to rate and review and quote yourself with your own work. Why not upload it to halflife2, wait for someone to review it and say something good about it and quote em', instead of sounding like a egotisticle wanker?

oh, thanks for the compliment! :borg:
Dasparov said:
You could just explain the point of your map, give some tips, wait for someone else to say something good about your map then quote it, but you choose to rate and review and quote yourself with your own work. Why not upload it to halflife2, wait for someone to review it and say something good about it and quote em', instead of sounding like a egotisticle wanker?

oh, thanks for the compliment! :borg:

what an insightful post. but what are you talking about?

i didnt "rate and review and quote" myself, in fact i didnt even compliment this map yet. I didnt say "this is the best map ever"... i said:

"Containing 4 separate sides now, the sequel to Catch takes the thrilling, non-stop explosive action to a whole new level with the concept of 'catch or die' reemphasized. Careful where you step - one wrong move could send you plummeting to your doom below. And watch out, slain enemies have a 1 in 4 chance of spawning on your very platform.

Now the heat is really on!"

if you even bothered to play this map with a few ppl, you'd find that it is "thrilling, non-stop explosive action". and how else would you describe explosive barrels flying from every-which direction as you race to catch them all? its explosive, has action, and its most likely ‘thrilling’ unless this isnt your style of play. i think your insecurity here is that im making my map sound pleasant and exhilarating before allowing you to decide for yourself…and you’re interpreting that as arrogance on my part….but its not, its just me laying out the features of the map in the form of an attractive statement. try reading a little deeper into what im saying. you are being close-minded.

my maps aren’t the best in the world im sure….and this one doesn’t look fancy…in fact it looks like an undetailed pile of trash….but stick to the concept of the map and it will be enjoyable to play.
Dasparov said:
actually i was reading your site reviews when i posted that

Stay on topic next time then.

FYI...Those ratings on our site are a rating of how happy we are personally when we release the map...they are not a measure of quality.
Dasporov...i hope you bite your tounge on this one..i found the map to have excellent gameplay and lived up to its time dont act like every other 13 year old on this forum and have a compliment or dont say anything at are unconstructive and give this place a bad name...
DoctorGordon..good work and keep up the good work...oh and Dasporov id like to see any of your great maps...;)
Whoa guys you have some issues here.

If Doctor Gordon wants to describe his map and get into it, let him do it! I mean if you can't understand how the map plays by the description, go back to english 101 and learn how to interpret things.

The map sounds neat and I'll definetely try it out :)

Oh and if you don't like it, don't be harsh, I mean obviously the guy spent time to make it and all, and you guys complaining aren't giving any valid reasons why you don't like it... oh and insertcoins, shush, do not post on forums when you are hungover :p
Man I don't like this only edit after 15 minutes thing.

Anyways I suggest against using prop_physics_mp, as with prop_physics you don't get that nasty pushback effect and all, and when you put two barrels close they don't automatically blow up.... if you use prop_physics there is almost no difference in lag according to tests done by people, if any difference...
jwilson02 said:
Dasporov...i hope you bite your tounge on this one..i found the map to have excellent gameplay and lived up to its time dont act like every other 13 year old on this forum and have a compliment or dont say anything at are unconstructive and give this place a bad name...
DoctorGordon..good work and keep up the good work...oh and Dasporov id like to see any of your great maps...;)

1st i said the map looks awesome, i just dont like the way he describes it......did i say the map was crap?
2nd, yes i suck balls at making maps thanks for confirming that with me
3rdly, 'next time dont act like every other 13 year old on this forum and have a compliment or dont say anything at all' did you mean that or is there a typo? it sounds like your saying all the 13yr olds are the ones complimenting the map, which would make you a 13yr old....
Iced_Eagle said:
Man I don't like this only edit after 15 minutes thing.

Anyways I suggest against using prop_physics_mp, as with prop_physics you don't get that nasty pushback effect and all, and when you put two barrels close they don't automatically blow up.... if you use prop_physics there is almost no difference in lag according to tests done by people, if any difference...

Hmm, are we on the same 'page' here? :| All the barrels are prob_physics_respawnable. And based on my experiences of play, you dont bounce back when bumping into them.

Although i am aware that is a side effect of using the prop_physics_mp....i avoid that like the plague.

As for the barrels not chain-reacting...thats a standing issue (seperate from prop_physics_mp) that im aware of...and will be corrected with the latest Catch. See, when i made these 2 maps, i didnt know how to correct that, but since then i have learned.

Thanks for the feedback.
jwilson02 said:
Dasporov...i hope you bite your tounge on this one..i found the map to have excellent gameplay and lived up to its time dont act like every other 13 year old on this forum and have a compliment or dont say anything at are unconstructive and give this place a bad name...
DoctorGordon..good work and keep up the good work...oh and Dasporov id like to see any of your great maps...;)

Theres the only pic i have of it with lighting, ive got to fix some errors and compile before ill post some more
also, my nic was above your post, spell it right that wasnt a typo...i said dont act like every other 13 year old on this forum....and have a compliment or dont say anything at all....those are seperate phrases...and sorry but im not saying anything about ur map cuz i dont have any compliments:)
anyways i think you really should just chill out with the bashing thats all...peace
jwilson02 said: that wasnt a typo...i said dont act like every other 13 year old on this forum....and have a compliment or dont say anything at all....those are seperate phrases...and sorry but im not saying anything about ur map cuz i dont have any compliments:)
anyways i think you really should just chill out with the bashing thats all...peace
ARGH, read my first post, then read his please
I think it's funny how a single statement can drive someone crazy, causing a chain reaction of inverse opinions/flames/suggestions. If DoctorGordon had never replied, it would have stopped at the first insult. Then again, on the flip side, this argument does seem to be publicizing your map more than it should.
If I ever release a map (which I won't) you can all be damn certain I'm going to give my own description without a though of whether or not it lives up to your standards.
DoctorGordon said:
Greetings, yes….this is, the sequel to my other map "Catch".

Basically what you do is toss barrels a volleyball game, only its a little more....spicy.

All you ever needed to say.
Dasparov said:
ARGH, read my first post, then read his please
im just sick of u guys bashing maps on the premise of a the professional world you will find that even your resume should be expounded upon in a similar manner....
ComradeBadger said:
All you ever needed to say.
and where are the rules that define this???