Choose the (possible) second community project

What kind of 2nd community would you like?

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  • Poll closed .
Damn, anyone that knows how to draw and would like to help ?
I think it's time to do something different, the number of FPS, adventure, shoot 'em up, action mods that are planned is staggering. Surely the HL2 engine gives you the opportunity to do something new and original or something really off the wall?
Matthias said:
I think it's time to do something different, the number of FPS, adventure, shoot 'em up, action mods that are planned is staggering. Surely the HL2 engine gives you the opportunity to do something new and original or something really off the wall?

You also have to be realist. We can't make something like Vampires : the Masquerade - Bloodlines.
Sci-Fi is in the lead! Woo!

I have a nice sci-fi story ;)
well, this idea was brought up by someone here as a joke
"why not throw stones"

personally i think its brilliant.

heres a random story im just making up:
500 years from now.. the world was destroyed by the "Liquazitator" the mass destruction bomb. once gone fused, it caused all the metal in the world to melt. since most of the things at that time were made of metal. everything collapsed.
what remained was a big plane - ruins of cities, all covered with parts of metal, lots of shreds, basicly a whole lot to grab and throw.
people wandering about on the planes become mad, they are possessed. they start throwing the remains on each other.

kinda weird but could be changed.

now, that world scenery could be used with the new source engine. imagine half broken metallic remains breaking and falling physically smashing players, shreds being thrown realisticlly, weight being applied to every bit of trash.
every player can grab whatever he finds and throw it on others.
the more the stone weighs, the harder it hits.

to add interest, youll be able to throw things on couple of ways, say, up-down, or down-up - swing the hands differently. this might allow more skillful players to gain an advantage.

if anyone likes this idea feel free to add or change. might become something after all
here attached a damage system for instance.
the red parts represent places you receive more damage upon impact.

also lets say youre being hit in the holding hand, you might drop whatever you were holding and not being able to pick up anything for 2 seconds. or if you were hit on the leg, youll be slown down for 2 seconds.

if youre being hit too much, you die and respawn.
Dang, what happens if oyu get hit in the groin area? ;)

Anyway, I HAVE A POSSIBLE STORY!! *Throws hardcopy of story at dark Elf* See?! Oh, and excuse the claret stains, i've been showing a lot of others my story, too! :p
heh, youll probably be slown down for 2 seconds
Since the poll is closed and sci-fi won, could we get a new thread for submiting sci-fi game concepts?
I know I'm kinda late, the poll being closed and all... But I'm really more interested in doing machinima with the community!

There was a guy (and thread) about that recently, but I missed that thread too! :(

We already have Sourceworld for a mod me thinks..
I have to agree with Sorze, i think that seeing as there are loads of mods already going a machinima project would be an amasing idea!

The poll wouldn't have to be changed as you could do a sci-fi based story and it would give people a chance to try something different and not just clone one of the other ideas already being done.
why dont you create a multiplayer mod where the only weapon you can have is a manipulator gun and you have to use objects scattered around the map (barrels,bits of metal,radiators e.t.c ) to kill people. You could have teams as well and random zombies to kill in the map. Also you could implement traps like in the traptown hl2 vid. The story behind it could be that the world has fallen into disarray because of a nuclear war and bands of humans have to fight for food and places to live. Conventional weapons have been hard to come by so the people have to use manipulator guns normally used in construction of buildings. The zombies called be humans effected by the nuclear radiation
Sorze said:
I know I'm kinda late, the poll being closed and all... But I'm really more interested in doing machinima with the community!

There was a guy (and thread) about that recently, but I missed that thread too! :(

We already have Sourceworld for a mod me thinks..
That's me, the thread is here:

I set up a forum on my site so that we can get somewhat organized while I wait for Munro to get back to us on if the community wants to support it; the forums (it's shoddy, just temporary until we know if we can be a community project or not) are here:

Support for this would be great, we need a lot of talented people to pull this off and I think it lends itself greatly to being a community project.
I'd like to see a GTA style mod. A full city/neighborhood with NPC's strolling about, cops, hoodlums, businesspeople... Maybe incorporate a good/evil meter (ala True Crime) which makes you more good or evil depending on what exactly you do in the city. There can be missions from different sources, depending on your aliance with good or evil. Cops either hunt you or help you, the same with the hoodlums.

GTA with Source physics would be pretty rockin'. I doubt the map could be quite as large though (hence maybe just a neighborhood)

For multiplayer, maybe you could choose to be a cop, a hoodlum, or neutral and choose your aliance later. Cops can go corrupt, and hoodlums help out? Cops and robbers is an endless battle, so it would be a good premise for a multiplayer game for people to join anytime. Cops have to stop the criminals and criminals have to pull heists(sp?). Cops could also save hostages and defuse bombs, like CS but maybe not played "per round" rather it would be ongoing with point accumulation. Spend points at the weapon store (cop shop for cops, back alley for criminals?)

I'm sure other people could expand on this idea add some creative, fun, addictive sides to it.
Whatever happened to HL2: SlumberParty? Lots of pillows, Gordon, Alx, and the G-Man in their undies... Pillowfight!

Ok, maybe not. :)
the machinima project I proposed a while ago has decided to become independent of - we're now called Prospekt Films. If there was more than marginal interest in it being the next community project we would probably agree to it, but we're eager to get started working so thats the only way we'd be's next big thing.

If you want us to be a community thing, PM Dark Elf and Munro and whoever else you need to about it; they won't consider it unless we get a lot of support from you all.
good i'll be in a sci-fi mod no problem.

Stargate, Starwars, Star Trek, they are all inspiration...
*Starts to think of another community project*


I doubt anything I come up with again will have an impact like SW.
I am still waiting for someone to make a Capture The Flag MOD worthy of the title.

Remember in the Quake 1 days when Threewave CTF and Thunderwalker CTF were the most popular MODS.

You had the grappling hooks and the RUNES

Earth Magic - Resistance
Black Magic - Strength
Hell Magic - Haste
Elder Magic - Regeneration

The maps were so perfect for CTF type gameplay. I have played every CTF version to be released since then and it doesn't compare. Someone should recreate the original and port the maps over as well. The speed and power of Quake 1, the exciting gameplay which was Threewave CTF/Thunderwalker CTF and the power of the Source Engine. :rolling: I am dizzy with the possibility :)

If not then a true post-apoc MOD is definately needed. Noone has corner this genre yet since Wasteland LOL