CIA torture of Abu Zubaida Produced False Leads, Officials Say


May 5, 2004
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Detainee's Harsh Treatment Foiled No Plots
Waterboarding, Rough Interrogation of Abu Zubaida Produced False Leads, Officials Say

When CIA officials subjected their first high-value captive, Abu Zubaida, to waterboarding and other harsh interrogation methods, they were convinced that they had in their custody an al-Qaeda leader who knew details of operations yet to be unleashed, and they were facing increasing pressure from the White House to get those secrets out of him.

The methods succeeded in breaking him, and the stories he told of al-Qaeda terrorism plots sent CIA officers around the globe chasing leads.

In the end, though, not a single significant plot was foiled as a result of Abu Zubaida's tortured confessions, according to former senior government officials who closely followed the interrogations. Nearly all of the leads attained through the harsh measures quickly evaporated, while most of the useful information from Abu Zubaida -- chiefly names of al-Qaeda members and associates -- was obtained before waterboarding was introduced, they said.

Moreover, within weeks of his capture, U.S. officials had gained evidence that made clear they had misjudged Abu Zubaida. President George W. Bush had publicly described him as "al-Qaeda's chief of operations," and other top officials called him a "trusted associate" of al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden and a major figure in the planning of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. None of that was accurate, the new evidence showed.

Abu Zubaida was not even an official member of al-Qaeda,

a real slap in the face to all those that justified torturing Zubaida because he was a key figure vital to al quada and as a tool for the war on terror
It further turned out that he not just an unoffical member, he was actually Osama's nannie.
wasnt this the reason you were temp banned recently?
Its funny how this always surfaces long after the dust settles... : /

Religious extremists are almost impossible to interrogate because if they die, it's in the name of the god they worship and they will gladly take any torture they might receive while not spilling any intel.

I heard one story that some military leaders during the Gulf-War dug holes and filled them with pig guts threatening to shoot them and throw them in the hole unless they divulged everything they know. Islamists believe that pigs are unclean animals and if they die while having anything to do with pigs, they won't get their Allah and 75 virgins and will go to hell.

Two words, psychological warfare.

Its funny how this always surfaces long after the dust settles... : /


Shit happens to me all the time around here over things I posted a year ago. :/
I heard one story that some military leaders during the Gulf-War dug holes and filled them with pig guts threatening to shoot them and throw them in the hole unless they divulged everything they know. Islamists believe that pigs are unclean animals and if they die while having anything to do with pigs, they won't get their Allah and 75 virgins and will go to hell.

Two words, psychological warfare.

except this didnt happen and it wasnt iraq

Forced to dig their own graves, the terrorists were all tied to posts, execution style. The U.S. soldiers then brought in pigs and slaughtered them, rubbing their bullets in the blood and fat. Thus, the terrorists were terrorized; they saw that they would be contaminated with hogs' blood. This would mean that they could not enter Heaven, even if they died as terrorist martyrs.

All but one was shot, their bodies dumped into the grave, and the hog guts dumped atop the bodies. The lone survivor was allowed to escape back to the terrorist camp and tell his brethren what happened to the others.

Status: False

according to Raeed Tayeh of the American Muslim Association in North America, the notion that a Muslim would be denied entrance to heaven for touching a pig is "ridiculous." A statement from the Anti-Defamation League characterizes the claim as an "offensive caricature of Muslim beliefs."

please stop spreading disinformation
Well, that's what I heard, I never said it was true or I supported it. :p

The part about religious extremists being whacko I do believe though.
Well, that's what I heard, I never said it was true or I supported it. :p

ok, what you heard was false and most likely made up by someone who is a few nails short of a full box

The part about religious extremists being whacko I do believe though.

which is why they're called "religious extremists" ...come on, really
ok, what you heard was false and most likely made up by someone who is a few nails short of a full box
Well, the guy I heard it from is called "The Truth", smokes alot of pot, owns a bunch of guns, and has a tin-foil hat. :p

which is why they're called "religious extremists" ...come on, really
Surely there are other types of extremists that don't ram 747s into the sides of buildings in the name of Allah? Just a gander.
Well, the guy I heard it from is called "The Truth", smokes alot of pot, owns a bunch of guns, and has a tin-foil hat. :p

is it this guy?

for the philistines in our community: that's Strawberry from Cheech and Chongs Up in smoke. you've all seen Up in Smoke right?

Surely there are other types of extremists that don't ram 747s into the sides of buildings in the name of Allah? Just a gander.

the whole idea behind "extremism" is that they do "extreme" things to get their point across
Can't we just torture him and not ask questions? Wouldn't that solve this problem?
Numbers you realise Islamic militants are generally anti-communist? Just thought I should check.
Numbers you realise Islamic militants are generally anti-communist? Just thought I should check.

Communism and Islam never really clicked because of the strong atheistic tendencies of the former. Socialism as an economical system isn't frowned upon though afaik. Plus anti-communist doesn't mean pro-capitalist.