Codename Gordon - Released!

Chris D

Staff member
Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
The time you've all been waiting for has arrived everybody.

Codename: Gordon has finally been released. You will need to restart your Steam clients before you can load it up. Once in to Steam, doube click on the Codename Gordon icon and it will decrypt the files you have already downloaded. Once this is done you can launch the games.

Seems like a very well made game so far and I've only seen the menus. If you give me a few hours I'll post back here with a full review!

You can find out about Codename Gordon here.
I've already stumbled across some bugs. My body and those of my enemy are invisible is several screens (3 so far) and it's really freaking annoying when you're getting carved up or are ment to be making a jump somewhere and can't.
wormstrangler said:
I've already stumbled across some bugs. My body and those of my enemy are invisible is several screens (3 so far) and it's really freaking annoying when you're getting carved up or are ment to be making a jump somewhere and can't.
Sounds like a problem with your graphics card. Make sure your graphics card settings don't have FSAA and filtering enabled.

Thanks Totalkrusher.
my score: 26071 but I practically just breezed through, wasnt taking my time.

cool lil game though, congrats to the devs.
wormstrangler said:
I've already stumbled across some bugs. My body and those of my enemy are invisible is several screens (3 so far) and it's really freaking annoying when you're getting carved up or are ment to be making a jump somewhere and can't.


Looks like someone thought they were too good for the training room eh? :p
"Looks like someone thought they were too good for the training room eh?"

Yeah, why waste my time? Maybe if those sections actually looked like they needed a light instead of just having a pitch black background that makes it look like the game has had a spaz...hrmm :)
hmm i'm on a 2ghz cpu, g4mx440 64mb vid card, 512 mb ram (just took out some ram to get my dads comp up and running), and to be frank i can't even run this game, its practically unplayable, even on lowest graphics settings
I've noticed some slowdown at times as well and have a g4 mx440 64, but its not unplayable. 1.67 Ghz AMD 2000+ and 1GB of RAM. Get newest drivers or something...
Damn!! I just died fighting the strider, i had all these gernades but didnt know how to use them lol, found out it was Q, gonna try to beat it, bbl. Also nicely made game, props to the everyone involved in making it. :thumbs:

Bah, got stuck on the first boss. It became a bit too 'fps slow' for me to shoot accurately. Its still a wonderful game though!
that was nice, I made it to right after the buggy race (boss1) then I stopped because I got a bit bored. Still nice game! I might play again soon. I like the humoristic tone of the game.
This is how you kill it...

Hide underneath those column things then come out to shoot, jump to dodge the shots... usual controls aren't available! the numpad is pretty-much null, and the whole asdf thing is just pretty anoying and too awkward for me to bother learning - i hope they fix that, cause it does look like phun otherwise...
madFive said: usual controls aren't available! the numpad is pretty-much null, and the whole asdf thing is just pretty anoying and too awkward for me to bother learning - i hope they fix that, cause it does look like phun otherwise...

Aye, it is quite annoying for the arrow key user. Not sure what's up with not being able to use the num pad or the insert/del/home keys etc. Annoyingly I had to resort to mastering the wasd keys. Not to hard to use 'em after a bit of practice though. Completed the game with wasd. *proud*
Quite a fun game. Took me two tries to beat it. Well worth the time to beat. Fun little diversion.
I barely got hurt at the strider, and I was on my last life :)
Fun game, but a bit too short for the wait IMO

Still, better than I can do (currently), kudos to the makers
mm, it was a lot of fun

it ran mega smooth on an
AMD athXP 2800+
9600xt HIS

good jon x-tender and warbeast
This should NOT of been built flash/director. The input is lagged so bad on buggy/strider/screens with like >4 enemies.
This is a Flash game, remember. Flash's graphics are not hardware powered, but software powered. It's a good technology all around. Did you honestly expect them to build it using C++/home-made graphics engine?? You've got to be kidding me!
Well I gotta say that game is quite a bit of fun and well done, its pretty sure but a fun challenge and the Manipulator is just cool :D I love the voices too haha classic. It's also interesting to see their interpretation of HL2 without any idea what actually happens. Mixed with some funny two dimensional humor :p

I thought it was pretty cool. Now just waiting for HL2 again.

And yeah a few of us were wrong and had come to believe it would never come out. Atleast this time the released it the same month they said they would :)

... Course say it every month and you can't fail to do that ;)
I expected a playable game. Did they even test it? there's so many bugs :<
kaMIKazE said:
I expected a playable game. Did they even test it? there's so many bugs :<
It's not that bad, its a flash game so would never be great. It's fun though. Using the manipulator on manhacks and firing them at enemies is great, hope you can do that in the real game lol.
like, whohoo, some other stupid 2d (!!!) game got out. when i want to, i would go play abe's oddesey if i need some old-skool 2d action. but haven't you guys noticed this time around a game is about to come out stating the name 'Half Life 2'? yeah, i didn't know too, but wait when you check out the cool gameplay of the future's gaming industry!.... what...? never heard of it...? figures......
Why ISN'T it on my steam games list?!?!?! WHY!?
Have you restarted Steam yet Maxi?
Delete clientregistry.blob, then it ought to show up.

I found the best way to kill the strider was to save up grenades throughout the game, then launch them all at the damn thing. Fourty of them will kill it.